I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 509

Chapter 509: No. 538: the only experimental subject, the black bear

Translator: 549690339


“Volunteers, please come in and prepare…”ran Xiaojuan frowned and announced the next entry.

Due to the large number of disabled soldiers, there were actually quite a number of people who signed up for the experiment. However, after the announcement of the experiment the next day, many of the people who had signed up for the experiment began to refuse to come…

It was unknown who started to spread the rumors of those crazy alchemists’abnormal human experiments in the city. All kinds of horrible experiments were spread around, it made the soldiers who had gathered their courage to do the experiment cower in fear.

It was said that this rumor was spread by the mouth of an old man who was poisoned by a Bard’s biographical novel. After that, it was used by someone with good intentions and began to spread around.

According to Isabelle, the person who spread the rumor in secret should be an old faction of the former City Lord. She would be the fastest to find out who it was…

However, it was no longer important to ran Xiaojuan who was behind the spreading of the rumor. The key now was the issue of the limited number of test subjects…

Ran Xiaojuan looked at the name list. The only person who could persist in coming to the laboratory to accept the experiment after the rumor broke out was actually this person nicknamed black bear…

Looking at the big man who was being carried in with a perturbed expression, ran Xiaojuan took a slight breath. Without enough experimental subjects, the only volunteer was the only chance for her scientific research team to win the trust of the public.

Once they failed, it would be very difficult to persuade people to come in as experimental subjects. However, if they used a coercive method, it would have a great impact on Isabelle’s next political steps…

“SH * T… It’s good to have a spare one!”Ran Xiaojuan could not help but swear when she saw the black bear being carried in.

The black bear lying on the bed trembled when he heard this, and he regretted coming here even more… …

Originally… … Half of his body was paralyzed and lifeless. Although the rumors described the alchemists who experimented on human bodies as extremely evil, he still held a glimmer of hope and decided to take a gamble. At most, he would die…

However, after he was carried into the laboratory, his previous courage began to be worn down bit by bit. The laboratory’s metal facilities were filled with a cold hue. In addition to the sharp instruments he saw along the way… Immediately, every cell in his body was repelling him…

So… he was still afraid of death…

After hearing what ran Xiaojuan said just now, he suddenly lost his previous courage and stammered, “I… Can I withdraw now?”

Ran Xiaojuan: “F * ck off! !”

Then, he injected a tranquilizer into her neck! ! ! 1

Black Bear felt a chill run down his spine, and his consciousness started to blur. He knew that he was now a piece of meat on a chopping board. However, if he could die in his sleep, it would still be fine… …

He vaguely heard the conversation between that irritable woman and someone else.

“Dr. Ran, are we going to use the sixth gene sequence according to the original plan?”

Ran Xiaojuan: “No, use the fourth gene sequence!”

“But the error tolerance rate of the fourth gene sequence is very low!”

Ran Xiaojuan: “If it’s low, then so be it. Since we’re going to bet, let’s bet on a bigger one! !”

Bet on the coal!

After black bear heard this conversation, he was incomparably anxious. Although he didn’t understand what the fourth gene sequence and the sixth gene sequence meant, from the meaning of the conversation, the former’s success rate was obviously higher. This damn woman.., it’s just like those alchemists who don’t take human life seriously!

Want to struggle, but found themselves unable to move, even to speak can not do, no matter how hard can only allow the deep sleepy will cover themselves, finally fell into a deep sleep!


After some time, the black bear slowly woke up from the darkness. To be honest, he had not slept so deeply for a long time. Since the mutation, he had been dreaming almost every night, and it was not a good dream. Most of the dreams were about him becoming a wild beast and eating Jack and the rest…

At that moment, he first felt the satisfaction of a high-quality sleep. Then, a tearing pain came, and he almost jumped up with a roar!

“Slow down, take a deep breath…”

At this moment, a gentle voice came over. The voice was like gentle spring water, and the burning pain was obviously alleviated.

Black Bear looked up and saw that the person who spoke was an old man. He looked a bit like the legendary alchemist in the rumors…

The Old Man’s face was very amiable, and he emitted a kind of calm mental energy. This made black bear’s tensed nerves ease a lot, and he began to slowly adapt to the pain…

He followed the voice and slowly breathed. As time passed, the pain became smaller and smaller…

However, he realized that his breathing was very long. When he was in the army, he had also gone through deep breathing exercises and was very familiar with his lung capacity. However, he did not know if it was an illusion, but he kept feeling like he was a whale… One Breath seemed to be able to take a long, long time…

After an unknown amount of time, the old man’s gentle voice sounded again, “Try to move a little. Slow down, don’t be too intense…”

Black Bear moved his finger when he heard that. However, the moment he moved, a piercing pain immediately came. It was so painful that he could not help but break out in cold sweat. Su Yun, who was at the side, quickly comforted him, he told black bear to try to relax and encouraged him not to be afraid and to continue trying.

However, in reality, black bear was not scared by the pain at all. On the contrary, he was anxious to continue trying because the finger he moved was his left finger. Before the experiment.., the left side of his body was already numb and paralyzed. He could not feel anything at all. Therefore, although the pain was intense, it made him extremely excited!

He knew that this pain could very well mean that his symptoms had been cured!

At the thought of this, he endured the pain and continued to move his second finger as much as possible… …

“Slow down, soldier. Don’t be anxious. We have plenty of time…”

With Old Su’s cooperation, black bear gradually regained control of his body amidst the long pain. He did not know how long it took, but he felt that it was a very long time. If someone said that he spent an entire day to stand up, they would probably believe it…

But when he successfully stood up and stood in front of a mirror, he suddenly felt that the long pain was worth it… …

Looking at himself in the mirror, black bear fell into a deep obsession!

In the mirror, he no longer looked half-human and half-bear. His entire body had reverted back to a human body, but his physique was almost twice as big as before. He felt that his current height was at least 2.5 meters, and he was terrifyingly strong!

The muscles in his body were as strong as steel bars, and his muscles and bones were many times thicker than before. It gave people an explosive sense of strength and beauty!

To be honest, if he did not know that his reflection was in the mirror, he might have been mesmerized by the man in the mirror… …

Too Manly! !

“How much longer do you want to look in the mirror?”A cold voice came from behind. Black Bear was stunned. He turned around and saw ran Xiaojuan, who was wearing a white coat, looking at him with a look of disdain. He immediately smiled embarrassedly and scratched his head… …

He thought, what’s wrong with this woman? Doesn’t she feel such manly muscles. That gaze was no different from how she looked at him on the test bench before. It was as if she was looking at a lump of raw pork…

“If you’ve seen enough, go back quickly. Come back on time tomorrow to test your body’s data!”Ran Xiaojuan waved her hand impatiently.

“Er… come back tomorrow?”Black Bear looked at her in a daze. “Test… test what?”

“Of course it’s your transformation!”Ran Xiaojuan looked at him with a smile. “The transformation of your body is much bigger than you think…”

Black Bear looked at her eyes and his body suddenly shivered. For some reason, she looked so petite, as if he could turn her into minced meat with one punch, but that look in her eyes… It was as if he wanted to cut himself open before looking at him again. It made his whole body shiver…

He thought to himself, ‘sure enough, alchemists are all a bunch of crazy freaks…’. …

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