I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1863 - Chapter 1863: Chapter 1932: invite…

Chapter 1863: Chapter 1932: invite…

Translator: 549690339

Give some advice?

Chen Shanshan was stunned. You Act Like You’re familiar with us, let’s…

Weren’t they the first batch of people to cross the river by feeling for a rock?

However, since the other party had said so, she couldn’t not give him face. She smiled gently and said, “Then, uncle, please give me some advice…”

This “Uncle”made Yang Rui’s smile freeze for a moment. He knew that the other party was a university student who seemed to still be studying. Compared to him, he was indeed considered to be of average age. However, wasn’t calling him “Uncle”a little too much?

“Ahem…”Yang Rui coughed lightly and said in a low voice, “The pros and cons of the various Legion races are written very clearly on this. Therefore, it’s very easy for us to be confused at first glance…”

Chen Shanshan nodded. The other party’s “We”had unknowingly brought their relationship closer. At the very least, it proved that the other party was not teaching her with the attitude of a moralist. Instead, it was a discussion between people who were also choosing.

“But as long as we can be clear about what we want, it’s not hard to choose… <per_o> . “Yang Rui grinned. “You chose to come here for a reason, didn’t you? Most people, if they weren’t military-born, wouldn’t take the battlefield route. Missions like exploring planets in the emerald quadrant are fun and not too dangerous for most people. You’re here to prove that you have your own ideas, aren’t you?”

Shanshan was stunned when she heard that. She immediately reacted. That’s right, what was her original purpose in coming here? How could she be confused by these advantages?

The main reason she chose a battlefield was to maximize her advantages and quickly obtain resources!

Thinking about it, many options seemed to be eliminated instantly… …

First, there was the ninth legion of the fallen evils. Although there was a high chance of obtaining resources there, it did not meet her requirements and could not use her advantages. The fallen evils were a typical physical evolution-type life-form player, even if they were priestesses.., they also needed a strong body to support the projection of an evil god from outer space. They did not have a fusion rate with elemental elves like her.

Moreover, Chen Shanshan was not interested in this priestess mode at all.

Although there were many opportunities to earn money, it was too unstable. Moreover, it was not very good for her future development. What was the difference between this and the Emerald Starfield?

The emerald star also had the opportunity to make a fortune when exploring new places. Moreover, there was no need to take risks. After all, there were all kinds of problems in this place when it came to embezzling resources. For example, whether the boss would be with them.., for example, if you discovered the resources, would your teammates have evil intentions towards you and directly kill you.

If the emerald star field discovered anything, it would be counted as your performance. Many plots of land could be directly rewarded to you. wasn’t it more cost-effective than the Emerald Star Field?

Seeing that Chen Shanshan had immediately closed the information of the Ninth Legion, Yang Rui smiled and said, “Look, doesn’t this make things easier?”

“Thank you, Uncle!”Chen Shanshan grinned and said.

“Don’t call me uncle! “Yang Rui couldn’t help but emphasize, then he continued, “After eliminating the ninth legion, the rest can be divided into three major categories. First, the first category is the elemental demon category. This type of Legion is normal. The chances are average. The demon genes are also average. Everything is average, but nothing is outstanding.”

“That’s not right, right?”Chen Shanshan smiled. “That’s for you, uncle, right? I am very compatible with the elemental demons. How can I say that my genes are average?”

“I already said that you shouldn’t call me uncle. How much younger than Me Are You?”Yang Rui could not help but protest, he sighed and said, “You are a sea priestess, so you subconsciously think that you are very compatible with the elemental demons. However, in reality, you are not. Sea priestesses are close to the water element, but they are also very compatible with the wind element. After choosing the Elemental Demons, your attributes will become single. Either the wind element or the water element. The two genes will affect each other, so you will most likely choose the water element that is most compatible with you. However, this way, the other talent will be considered to have been given up…”.

“A priestess is different from a single elemental envoy. A priestess is more knowledgeable than a priestess…”

“Uncle, you’re right…”Chen Shanshan nodded. “Then what do you think is the most advantageous gene?”

“The fallen angel, of course!”Yang Rui was too lazy to correct her, he sighed and said, “The fallen angel gene is very comprehensive. It’s a life form that grows in both directions, just like the elves. Furthermore, it’s very flexible. I’ve read the information. This life form can specialize in martial arts, strengthen the body, or focus on the spiritual core, becoming an elemental angel. Of course, it can also dual-cultivate. Furthermore, its quality and attributes are extremely high. For future development, it’s an excellent booster gene!”

As he spoke, he looked at the other party seriously and said, “Leaving aside the option of an elemental demon, the rest is actually quite easy to consider. If you only want to develop in the abyssal passage for a short period of time, and you only want to use this place as a springboard, if you want to gain benefits in the short term, then decisively choose the blood demon army. With our own people as the commander of the army, there’s almost no need to worry about the mission arrangements. You’ll definitely be able to obtain a very good opportunity to profit in the short term. As for after leaving this place, you can use your own wood elf gene as the main gene. The blood demon gene can only be used as a support gene for special situations. It’s actually not bad. After all, this race has very strong regenerative abilities and is very good at tracking. It can also be used many times…”. “… l’

“And if you want to develop here for a long time, if you want to make use of this force to achieve your own success, such as becoming a high-ranking military official and making long-term profits, then the fallen angel army is very suitable. Even if you are recommended to be promoted to a higher education institution later, you can still return to work. After all, most of the students who graduate from higher education institutions also go to various places to work for the god Lord.”

“Since it’s a part-time job, we might as well choose a faction that we’re more familiar with. Since this faction can accommodate us to go to the novice trial, it naturally can also accommodate us to develop in there. With cooperation, the difficulty of promotion might be a little lower, right?”

Chen Shanshan was stunned when she heard that. After she heard it, she was stunned for a few seconds before she reacted. She immediately smiled and said, “Uncle, you can do it! l”

Yang Rui pursed his lips. This girl was such a cute little girl when they worked together in the past. She was quiet and gentle. Why did it feel like she was jumping around when they were slightly familiar with each other… …

“What did Uncle Choose?”Chen Shanshan asked curiously.

The other party had a set of theories. She was very curious about the other party’s choice.

“I haven’t thought about it…”Yang Rui said straightforwardly.

Chen Shanshan:”…

She was the one who had been struggling for a long time, and she still had the nerve to talk about her?

“How about… We Go to the First Army Corps together?”Chen Shanshan smiled.

“Oh?”Yang Rui was stunned. “Why the First Army Corps?”

“You’re right, the future is more secure!”Chen Shanshan smiled and said,

“Killing the goose that lays the golden eggs is still not good. Although the Blood Demon Army’s profits may be very high in the short term, it is exchanged with our future potential. But I think that our future potential is not worth exchanging for some current resources!”

“You are quite confident in your future, little girl!”Yang Rui grinned.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have the confidence! “Chen Shanshan stretched out her slender and fair hands and imitated Yang Rui’s smile. “Want to join us?”

Yang Rui was stunned for a moment before he grinned. “Alright, you will be bullied if you go out like this. Uncle will take care of you!”

“Tsk… it’s not certain who will protect who!”

For some reason, the usually quiet Shanshan was strangely jumpy today.

Thus, under Ysera’s smiling eyes, the jade-like elf girl and the Mighty Titan of the Sun stood above the brilliant starry sky. With a longing for the future, they chose to travel together!

What a wonderful time of youth…

The corners of Ysera’s mouth curled up slightly, as if recalling the time when he first flew out of the dragon’s nest. He was also like this, full of confidence and fear for the future… …

At that time, even the solitary dragons liked to travel together like this….

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