I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1846 - Chapter 1846: Chapter 1915: Seer’s New Law (middle)

Chapter 1846: Chapter 1915: Seer’s New Law (middle)

Translator: 549690339

As soon as the new email was sent, the entire Mars base was instantly in an uproar. The players who were originally extremely busy every day stopped what they were doing and started discussing it one by one.

Some of them called out to their friends. For a time, many restaurants opened in many cities were filled with players. They were all discussing the contents of the new email in groups.

Wang Ye and his comrades also gathered at the dog egg restaurant after receiving the news early in the morning. Each of them generously ordered a lot of expensive meat and a pile of wine… …

The Sun was bright and clear, and even under the barrier, the sun was scorching. Wang Ye and his teammates picked up the cold beer brewed from high-grade food and took a sip. Instantly, they felt so comfortable that they started moaning!

“BURP… “one of the Tall Green Titans could not help but Burp, with a look of enjoyment, he sighed, “Aiya, I remember when I first came here, I came to exchange a bottle of cold beer for some points. Now, I haven’t drunk it for almost a year…”

Wang Ye was stunned when he heard that. He suddenly sighed. In the past, this group of brothers would gather together when they had nothing to do, but ever since they came here, it seemed that they had not gathered for a year. Occasionally, when they met on the streets, they would hurriedly greet each other and go to do their own things. If it wasn’t for the new law being introduced this time, perhaps they wouldn’t even know when they would gather together… .

Speaking of which… . ! It was still because the pace of life here was too fast!

Many people outside who did not come in thought that this place was paradise, where they could live a carefree life like cabbages. However, the pace here was actually different from what many internet celebrities described, the rhythm here far surpassed the 996 lives in the first-tier cities of d-ball!

Everyone was busy with work, missions, study, and exercise every day. There was almost no spare time. Even the most enjoyable delicacies slowly became popular for fast food in the fast-paced pace, this caused the business of the dog egg restaurant chain to drop drastically, and they had no choice but to switch to making fast food!

This was not forced. In fact, in the few major cities, other than the fifth city, many city lords were discussing the law of compulsory rest. It was really because the players themselves were too introverted.

The desires of humans were endless. Originally, the quality of life here had already completely surpassed that of Earth. It was a place that was very suitable for leisurely enjoyment. However, everyone wanted to surpass the others and head to a wider world, everyone was crazily making use of every minute and second to improve themselves and increase their competitiveness. It was as if they would fall into the abyss if they fell behind!

However, that was not the case because the policy regarding players going out had not been perfected yet. Many old players who were already qualified were stuck. In fact, most of them had nothing to do and could completely relax.

However, this group of old players was still using every moment to improve themselves, especially the spirit-type players. With the guidance of a master teacher, they could not wait to immerse themselves in the Sea of knowledge in their professional field every second.

Clearly, everyone realized that those who could leave… … Were probably the minority… ..

Just like the first batch of players, there were only a dozen or so spots. There were also many great lord players who could not go together. The reason why they could not go was because they were not outstanding enough. And because of that small gap.., they were stuck on the spot for a year!

No one knew what the next policy would be. However, everyone was fully prepared. If they were slow, they would always be slow. and the atmosphere of the old players quickly attracted the newcomers.., many people were crazily moving in this inexplicable and pressing atmosphere. Even Wang Ye and the others had inexplicably begun to enter this rhythm!

Not to mention Wang Ye, who had always wanted to catch up to Li Goudan’s rhythm. Li Goudan had already left for more than a year. In that universe-level high school, his growth was likely to be rapid every day. If he could not catch up in a short time.., it would not be long before he would never see the shadow of Li Goudan again.

“He’s coming, he’s coming! “A Green Titan beside him, who was playing with a skewer, suddenly became excited. He slapped his thigh crazily. It was obvious that he had received the notification in the email… .

Wang Ye and the others also looked over excitedly!

They were born in the special forces. Whether it was willpower or combat quality, they were far from what ordinary players could compare to. After entering the system, they were like fish in water. Their levels rose rapidly. In just a short year, most of them had already reached level 4, although they were still some distance away from the first batch of players, they were definitely in the lead among the new batch of players.

The rumored second batch of players who could leave needed what conditions and how many spots there were. This was related to the future. It would depend on how the new law was arranged!

Therefore, they all opened their emails and read them carefully… . .

[ dear people, after careful discussion and comparison between myself and the high-level team, I have synthesized all of my current resource channels in the universe. Now, I have preliminarily drawn up three routes and their respective plans. In the future, they may be modified, but the basic routes will not be changed for at least ten years… )

[ first of all, there are three basic channels. They are the Emerald Star Field, the Abyss World, and the Purgatory world. Each channel has different conditions, and the risks and benefits are also very different. Players with conditions can choose carefully according to their own conditions. Please note that once you sign up, you will not be able to change your choice, so please be careful! ]

[ the first is the Emerald Starfield. The Emerald Starfield is a newly developed primitive starfield in the new territories. It has a vast territory and is rich in resources. Due to the support of the elders, the risks are relatively small, but the rewards are relatively unstable… ]

[ the current work of the Emerald Starfield is to collect specimens. Currently, the Starfield has developed a total of more than 30 life planets. The initial estimation of their levels is between level 6 and level 5. Players are responsible for on-the-spot investigation, collecting animal specimens, plant specimens, mineral specimens, water quality, and a series of other resource specimens.

Those who find high-quality specimens will receive a high number of points.

Moreover, the various resources on high-level planets can be enjoyed first! ]

[ requirements: players must be at least level 5. Ranger, Flower Spirit, and other professions are preferred. Players who have specialized in gathering and other lifestyle professions are preferred. They will be guaranteed a daily allowance of 1,000 points. If any new species is discovered, the rewards will be evaluated based on the value of the specimens collected. The mission will have a non-capped reward system. Moreover, there is a huge demand for players.

Players who have the conditions must not miss it! ]

After reading this, Wang Ye and the others took a deep breath. It was indeed a resource channel. With this price, their basic salary could guarantee 1,000 points per day. The few of them who worked as security guards in the city only got 100 points per day.

After all, Huaxia City had sufficient financial resources, far surpassing the other five big cities. The salary of civil servants had always been the highest in all of the cities. It was said that the fifth city was only 31 days away from the fanatical white players, the gap between them was not small.

In the end, the quest was increased tenfold, and that was not even the reward salary!

It was indeed a resource channel! !

The group of men was instantly moved, but Wang ye frowned slightly. The treatment was not bad, but the higher-ups also said that Rangers, flower spirits, and players who specialized in the gathering profession were priority!

The above requirements were not very friendly to the Green Titan players, especially since he placed too much importance on his own combat ability and had never studied the life gathering profession. This thing.., was more suitable for the players in the third city?

He did not think that he could compete under circumstances where his attributes did not match. Now that Mars was full of talents and the competition was big, he did not think that he could obtain a spot if he did not have the advantage of his profession… …

Thinking of this, he did not think about it anymore and looked back….

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