I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1817 - Chapter 1817: Chapter 1,886: Perhaps there is…

Chapter 1817: Chapter 1,886: Perhaps there is…

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Where did this group of people come from?

Helan Nana had wanted to ask this question for a long time…

In her memory, the elder ancestor had long treated Zi Yue as the true successor of the clan and was grooming her. It was clear that he was determined to let an outsider inherit the clan while she… … As a true direct descendant, she could only become a spy… …

Yes… A Spy…

Everyone knew that she inherited the talent of a magical beast master and didn’t have the talent of the black priest. Thus, Zi Yue replaced her and became the successor…

Was that the truth?

Of course not…

But she had to disguise herself as the old ancestor wanted, a genius magical beast master. Thus, she really had to master the secret technique of a magical beast master. In order to prevent others from suspecting her, she even became the most talented magical beast master in history… .

However, no matter how talented a magical beast master was, they were only magical beast masters. The inheritance of the family would never be handed over to a magical beast master. However, the truth was that she clearly had the excellent bloodline of the black priestess, and it was not only her mother’s talent inheritance… …

However, in order to make way for that outsider, all of her outstanding things had been frozen!

Her noble direct bloodline and excellent dual bloodline talent did not prevent her from becoming a spy because… … He Lan Zi Yue:. .. ! That guy who was picked up from God knows where had the talent to make way for him!

Ever since the ancestor had nurtured her, the most he had said was, “This kid is unique! “!

However, it seemed that the ancestor had made a mistake. There were many treasures that were unique in his eyes…

Moreover, they had all become his puppets!

(‘I also have a question for you… “Feng Doudou avoided the question and asked back, “I remember… cabbage has a very sensitive ability to recognize evil intentions. Since you have evil intentions, even if you try to curry favor with her, she shouldn’t trust you… ”

“Well… “nana smiled. “Of course, it’s because… When I approached her, I didn’t have any evil intentions… ”

“Are you kidding me?”Feng Doudou sneered. “Do you really want to get close to her?”

Ysera had once said that a pure flower spirit was the best at recognizing good and evil. It didn’t mean that it could recognize good and evil itself, but that it could recognize the good and evil of others. This was because the flower spirit itself was a divine medicine. In ancient times.., it had to know in advance if the beasts that approached it had good intentions that wanted to grow together or if they had evil intentions that wanted to devour it!

After countless years of identification, the flower spirit had already fully developed the ability to sense people. Therefore, it could not approach the flower spirit with malicious intentions from the very beginning.. ..

This was also the reason why Bai Cai treated everyone around her very well. It was because she knew that the people around her liked her from the bottom of their hearts. That was why they were together with her… …

“At that time, I was indeed sincere… “Nana said with a smile.

(‘I see… “Feng Doudou nodded. “Did you change your memory?”

“Oh?” Nana looked at Feng Doudou in surprise. “You actually know about this!”

Indeed, when Nana approached Bai Cai, she relied on changing her memory!

It’s common knowledge that a malevolent spirit can not be approached by a high-born flower spirit, so either drop the malevolent thought or… <per_0> . Completely cover up, but how to cover up the sensitive consciousness of the flower spirit? Of course it is to deceive oneself first!

So, his memory changes, seven true and three false will become a, to cabbage heart yearning people… . .

(‘I see… <per_0> . “nana smiled. “Is it the experiment brother and sister? They were the only ones who could change their memories during this mission. You Didn’t fall for it. Did you rely on scheming to identify them? “As he spoke, he shook his head first. “You don’t have that kind of scheming. Those two guys have received professional training. Although they can’t be compared to a certain existence, they can be considered to be flawless. You can tell that it’s because of your bloodline, right?”

Feng Doudou: “Bloodline?”

“Don’t you know?”Nana smiled. “The memory-changing secret technique of the fairy race is useless against pure-blooded wood elves… ”

Feng Doudou: ” … ”

“I know from your expression… “nana smiled even more happily. “As expected, I wasn’t wrong. Be it you or Bai Cai, they are all true wood elves and not some so-called natives! ”

Everyone:” ! !

After hearing these words, everyone looked at Feng Doudou in shock. The ones who were most shocked were the starry elves…

Pure-blooded Wood Elves?

How could there still be pure-blooded wood elves in this world?

Is this guy crazy? What is she talking about?

Almost subconsciously, the starry elves here all thought that the other party was talking crazy.

However, only Arthas and Tura looked at each other in shock!

“So… “amidst everyone’s shock, Nana looked at the other party with a smile.

“Can you answer me? Where did you guys come from?”

“You have nothing to do with rainy! “Feng Doudou sneered and suddenly retreated!

Just as Feng Doudou retreated, everyone also retreated quickly. In an instant,

the group disappeared in front of Helan Nana’s eyes!

“Run?”Nana’s smile disappeared, and her brows furrowed slightly. She looked at the escaping group of people with some confusion… Oh, it couldn’t be said that it was the group of people, because in reality, she only had Feng Doudou in her eyes… …

The others… Really didn’t pose much of a threat… .

What was that Feng Doudou Thinking?

He didn’t use his last bit of strength to fight for a wave of escape? Could he run away?

An agile lifeform didn’t kill the mage when he was close, but chose to run away. Perhaps even the stupidest gnome thief wouldn’t do such a thing. Everyone knew that under the same level, assassins… … ! In the hands of an arcanist, he couldn’t run away!

(‘I don’t know… “Arthas also shook his head, but that guy called Feng Doudou was telling them to run… …

He was just subconsciously running. He didn’t really know why he was running… .

After all, this nightmare boundary clearly couldn’t just run out. If they didn ‘t get rid of the nightmare medium, they would sooner or later die inside.

Although the other party had controlled the phoenix with terrifying spiritual power, it did not mean that they had no chance at all, because most of their devices had already been activated. They did not have no chance at all to fight to the death… …

But if they ran away, once their physical strength was exhausted, they would really have no chance at all…

“You don’t Know? I don’t know why you ran away?”Tura could not help but Roar!

“She ran away. Do you think… without her as the vanguard, we would be qualified to fight with the device on our own?”Arthas replied coldly.

“Uh… “Tura choked for a moment when he heard that. Clearly, he also understood how big the gap was between the strength of his group and those guys. Even if they activated the device, they had to have that Feng Doudou to hold them back. .

“But… We can’t run away without a purpose…”

“It’s not without a purpose… “Arthas said faintly. “I asked her telepathically the moment she ran away. I asked her if she ran away because she had a card to turn the tables! ”

“What did she say?”Tura’s eyes immediately lit up when he heard that… .

“She said… maybe there is…”

Tura: ” …. “

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