I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1783 - Chapter 1783: Chapter 1,851: More Than One!

Chapter 1783: Chapter 1,851: More Than One!

Translator: 549690339

Who was that?

When Tyree Fassen heard this name, he was stunned for a moment. It seemed like the captain had specifically mentioned it during the previous meeting… …

Lu Luo was the first to react and said, “I remember now. Captain, you said before that it might be a dark horse?”

“Yes… … Yao Feng nodded and said patiently, “At that time, I had already said some information. That Genius Magical Beast Master from the Royal Family of the nether night, the He Lan family, originally wanted to give the new students of the starry sky academy a big embarrassment on the first day, but he didn’t expect to be resolved by another new student. The Nether Night Clan didn’t provide us with any specific information, but I could roughly guess that it should be that little cabbage… ”

“That makes sense… “.       “greedy wolf added, “There are only two new members in the starry sky team this time. Helana’s recruitment is in line with our expectations. After all, her talent is there, and the other one is not famous at all. She is only the stepdaughter of an elder of the moon god family. There is very little information about her. The one who was selected is probably the one who stopped Helana when the new students were recruited…”. ”

“But… “the equipment user, Simon, was puzzled. “Don’t we need to find a doctor in this situation? What’s the use of finding a Magic Beast Master?”

Everyone nodded in puzzlement. Yes, this little wind demon clearly needed someone who could restrain its injuries. What was the use of finding a magic beast master?

“Perhaps it’s useful… “at this moment, the medical doctor, Missy, spoke.

group of people immediately looked over.

Missy explained, “For her injury, if she were to use surgical methods, she would need to be at the level of a great doctor as well as first-class surgical equipment. Moreover, the success rate isn’t very high. However, you must know that the medical methods in this world are far from just biological surgery! ”

That’s right… the others nodded upon hearing this.

Most of the instructors in Tirifson Academy were undead without any faith. The medical methods they advocated were purely biological treatment. As for priests, priests, and some other supernatural treatment methods, the kind that relied on the laws of the world.., the undead instructors from the dead world were not very interested.

That was why there had never been a priest department academy in Tirifson Academy.

Just as Misi had said, in the current situation of the wind demon, it was very troublesome to use surgical methods, but there was still a chance to use other methods. For example, the healing method of Magic Potions, the purification method of priests, and the blessing method of priests were all useful. Even if it was not completely cured, it could at least be alleviated… …

“I remember that little cabbage is a flower spirit, right? “Lu Luo rubbed her chin and said, “But it is a magic beast master profession after all. If it is a magic plant master or a priest type, it is still better to think about it…” Hearing this, Darden also looked a little hesitant.

Most magical plant masters were proficient in medicine and were good at making potions. Priests could even use some blessings to dispel the undead power in Jiayi’s body.

But the other party’s profession was a magical beast master…

To medicine, this was probably the most useless profession… …

“Could it be that the little cabbage has a high-level healing magic beast? “Greed guessed.

Everyone’s eyes lit up when they heard this. It was possible!

There were many types of magical beasts. Other than the dangerous dark-type magical beasts in the demon Abyss, there were also many support-type magical beasts. For example, the spirit frog seed from the ancient forest was a species with strong healing abilities.

If the other party had a healing-type magical beast, in addition to the flower spirit’s already friendly elemental energy, there was indeed a chance to alleviate Li Jiayi’s symptoms.

“But how did Jiayi Know?”Dutton was puzzled for a moment…

“Didn’t you realize… “Yao Feng narrowed his eyes and said, “That they are in cahoots?”

“Ah? “Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

“Didn’t you realize that these newcomers have something in common recently? “Yao Feng said in a low voice, “Wang Xiaojia in our team, Li Jiayi in your team, and that little cabbage, including that Little Wood Elf who was able to exchange blows with the ace of the Divine Arcana Academy in the Bronze Hall of judgment a few days ago, all have the same characteristics?”

Hearing this, everyone’s expression changed, and they immediately remembered.

That’s right, now that they thought about it, it was indeed a coincidence. They were all new students… ”            . They were all wood elves!

“Most of them know each other… and most of them are from the same place! “Yao Feng said faintly

Everyone: ” ..

“What place is so fierce?”Lu Luo gulped. “Could it be that it can produce such a top-tier native genius? That’s impossible. The ones that are most unlikely to be mass-produced are native geniuses!”

Everyone nodded. If ancient bloodlines could mass-produce geniuses, those genes would be on fire…

(‘I didn’t say mass production… “Yao Feng hesitated for a while. “But it’s very possible that they knew each other and came from the same place, and… “he paused here and finally stopped talking.

From the current performance, these aborigines, especially Wang Xiaojia and the wind demon, are too good, even feel that they are not inferior ancient genes, as if… . . It was as if the ancient race had come to life in the past… …

This guess was somewhat frightening. He didn’t really believe it when he said it out loud. After thinking about it, he decided to suppress it in his heart. Everything… … Wait until he met that little cabbage.

“No matter what, let’s do as this girl says first. Find the starry sky academy and find that little cabbage! ”

“Aren’t we waiting for Little Jia and the others?”Lu Luo asked in surprise.

“No!”Yao Feng shook his head. “The situation is urgent. Just now, Dutton also said that there are still a group of undead chasing after them. It’s very dangerous to stay in the same place. Let’s go to the center of the city first. Lu Luo, pay attention to the spiritual link at all times. If Yao Xing and the others send a message, contact them immediately. Pay attention to distinguish the spiritual fluctuation. If it’s Mi Jia’s, don’t pick it up! ”

“Uh..”Lu Luo was stunned for a moment before frowning. “This… isn’t good, right? How are we going to explain this to him later?”

Yao Feng replied, “Just say that the situation is urgent and that we have temporarily shifted our position. Furthermore, in order not to be tracked down, we don’t dare to casually connect to the spiritual link…”

“Let’s Go! ”

The group of people immediately packed up their equipment upon hearing Yao Feng’s words. Meanwhile, Darden was in charge of cleaning up the traces left behind by the group of people.

Seeing this scene, the people of Tirefarson immediately felt much better. Although the other party had brought trouble, they had also brought warning information. Moreover, the addition of an excellent windwalker scout was very useful to the current situation… …

“Captain Dutton… “on the way, Yao Feng asked, “Don’t the other members of your team try to regroup?”

Hearing that, Dutton shook his head. “The original plan was to break them into pieces. Now, we don’t dare to let them regroup. As you know, our overall combat strength is weak. If we separate, our chances of survival are even greater… ”

“That’s true… “Yao Feng nodded. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly looked forward.

They saw a figure coming towards them quickly. Everyone instantly became vigilant.

“It’s Mi Jia! ! “Lu Luo said with a frown.

“Captain?” In the distance, Mi Jia came closer with a face full of surprise. “I’ve finally found you guys. Why aren’t You Waiting for me at the same place?”

“There’s a situation… “Yao Feng said with a smile. “Let’s talk while we walk…”

That smile on his face didn’t have the slightest hint of doubt. Darden, who was watching from the side, secretly curled his lips. Because just now, he could clearly feel that Yao Feng was very guarded against this member called Mi Jia. Just as he was thinking about this, a voice transmission suddenly came from

Darden’s heart… …

“Captain Darden, be careful.. In our team, MI JIA is not the only one who has problems!”

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