I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1748 - Chapter 1748: Chapter 1816: Who Is This?

Chapter 1748: Chapter 1816: Who Is This?

Translator: 549690339

“Captain… we… What should we do now?”


After Yunji Mu and the others left, the entire team stood rooted to the ground for a long time before someone cautiously approached Barth and asked.

Bang! !

As soon as he finished speaking, the rookie was sent flying by Barth’s slap. The immense force caused the rookie to slam heavily into a huge metal pillar at the side, producing a loud bang!

The entire team instantly looked at Barth nervously…

Barth closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and looked at the newbie who was sent flying. “Snow, quickly inject him with recovery medicine… ”

The person called Snow was stunned for a few seconds before he came back to his senses and hurriedly ran towards the newbie.

Barth looked at the team, he smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I was too nervous. But in this situation, it’s better for everyone not to suddenly get too close to me. It’s easy to cause accidents. If there’s anything, just say it from a distance or use the telepathic link channel to say it…”

Everyone was silent. The Captain’s excuse was simply impossible to see. With his skills, how could he be so frightened by the newcomer’s sudden approach that he reflexively reacted?

The pharmacist, Snow, approached the newbie and adjusted the potion. He silently glanced at the twitching newbie. At this moment, the newbie’s face had directly caved in from the gravity strike. One of the eyeballs on the left side of his face was hanging out. It looked extremely tragic… …

This made him suddenly somewhat envious of his teammates who had been called away. In such a dangerous situation, it was really not a reassuring thing to be by the side of such a temperamental captain… …

“I thought about it… “Barth adjusted his emotions, his voice became gentle. “We still can’t just sit around and wait for death. We should also go to the center of the city. After that, it will definitely be a large group gathering, and there is only one route that we choose to leave. It might not necessarily be to return to the west city gate. We can’t take this risk…”

These words immediately made everyone nod. Indeed, when the vice captain said that he would return before he left, the smart ones knew that it was not reliable. If it was to return to the west city gate, then they would believe that he would bring his group along and leave. However, if they decided to go to the other city gates, there was a high probability that they would not spend too much time waiting for them to gather. They would first rush to the center of the city. No matter which city gate the large group headed to, they would have a better chance of catching up…

Just as everyone gathered under the command of Barth and was about to leave,

two voices were transmitted to each other trom a hidden corner ot the group…

“It’s an idiot captain, sister… ”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect that the trump card of a famous school would be this kind of trash. What a waste of time, brother…”

“But that woman just now was very powerful, sister… ”

“She was very powerful. In terms of speed, Pm afraid only Captain Foyego could have that kind of skill… ”

“We have to tell them…”

“What about these people?”

“Kill it? It Won’t do any good anyway… ”

“Then kill him… ”

“Captain Matt… ”

After Cloud Herder’s team left for about half a star, Mia, the Arcanist, suddenly changed his expression and said cautiously, “The soul connection seems to be broken… ”

“Well… “Matt nodded slightly, but didn’t say anything. Even Gunn, the equipment master, was busy with his journey, and didn’t want to continue this topic.

Matt had said that after finding enough arcanists, he would contact the team members and go out together.

In such a big dungeon, if they wanted to contact each other immediately, they had to rely on the soul connection. Everyone in the team, including the captain, must know this, no matter if they were angry that their team had left with someone else, they would probably not lose their connection due to anger.

In their impression, the team leader was definitely not a person with such backbone.

Then there was only one possibility…

The team… had an accident!

What kind of accident could cause the spiritual link to be broken?

Either… The Spiritual Master who was in charge of the spiritual link had an accident, or the entire team had an accident. In order to ensure their own safety, the spiritual master in the team had broken the link to avoid being tracked. .

But no matter what the situation was, Matt and the others had no intention of turning back…

On the other side, Wang Chengbo and Yunji mu naturally didn’t know that Matt and the others had cut off the spiritual connection, but even if they knew, they wouldn’t care too much. They weren’t related, so naturally, they wouldn’t take the risk to save someone, that strange thing that could change memories, they wouldn’t want to touch it if they could avoid it.

“Chengbo, where do you think Feng Doudou went?”Yunji asked her teammates.

Wang Chengbo shook his head. “I don’t know… In theory, they should have gathered with the main team before us. After all, they didn’t stay behind to wait for us. They probably received a distress call from the team…”

Yunji turned to look at Matt and the others. “Can you still contact that… Reina?’ ,

Matt and the others were stunned, then, they shook their heads. “We can’t contact her. The spiritual link we used before was the spiritual channel of the team’s first assistant, Paris. After her accident, the spiritual link broke. When we re-opened the new channel, Reina wasn’t at the scene, so we can’t contact her now…”. “.

Actually, it wasn’t impossible to contact her. At least, he could confirm that Reina was most likely going to the place where Paris died. However, he didn’t want to say it at all. He didn’t want to face that strange baby monster a second time…

“In that case… “cloud-herder said no more words, Wang Chengbo saw the situation quickly comforted: “Don’t worry, she should be fine…”

“1 think it should also be… “Yunji mu smiled. “After all… is our first on the Heaven List… ”

“Sir… is the portal working?”

After Cloud Herder and the others left for about two weeks, Feng Doudou and Reina arrived at the west gate. Looking at Reina, who had been fiddling with the portal for half a day, Feng Doudou felt that something was wrong.

“It should work… Rayna nodded. “I’m not very good at space runes, but I know some basic principles. The space teleportation array is activated and can be activated at any time, but there is no one outside to support it. It requires a professional arcanist to activate it

“A professional arcanist?”Doudou suddenly had a bad feeling. “Does that mean that a professional arcanist can get out?”

“It should be… “Reina nodded.

“Then, senior, do you think… The captain will lead the team and run away?” Reina suddenly fell silent. It was not something that Baars couldn’t do…

“Someone…”just as Reina was in a depressed mood, Feng Doudou suddenly looked at a place in the distance… …

Reina was stunned and quickly looked over. With her excellent eyesight, she instantly saw who it was. Her face immediately lit up with joy. “Yu MO?”

“Senior Reina! “On the other side, Yu MO, who was responsible for the second spiritual link, immediately revealed an ecstatic expression and quickly walked over.

Reina also wanted to welcome him, but she was stopped by Feng Doudou… .

“Doudou?”Reina looked at Feng Doudou in confusion.

Feng Doudou looked at her in confusion. “Senior, who… is this person?”

Reina was stunned. She looked at Feng Doudou in amusement. “He’s a substitute spiritual master in our team. We’ve been in contact for a few days, and you still can ‘t remember him? I think you can remember the robots that gave you money so clearly… ”

Feng Doudou’s expression became even more strange when he heard this. He looked straight at Reina. “Senior, are you sure you remember him correctly? Isn’t senior Paris the only psionic master in our team? Where did the substitute come from?”

Reina: ” …. “

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