I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1608

1608 Chapter 1,677: completely unfamiliar with the same species!

The same species?

This word immediately caused the originally delighted Rona’s expression to stiffen. The gaze she used to look at Leng Xing became a little strange… …


“Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Rona was a very cautious person. Even if the system had guaranteed that even Sylvanas wouldn’t be able to hear the system’s conversation in her mind, when there was a powerful senior in front of her.., she would subconsciously avoid the communication system.

But this time… she couldn’t help it!

System: “I noticed that the host had a history of contact with the other party. Two days ago, the system was in the midst of maintenance and upgrading, so I wasn’t able to judge in time. I’m very sorry…”

Lorna couldn’t help but ask, “You still need to maintain and upgrade?”

System: “Of course… does the host think that the system calls itself the system for fun?”


“Then let me ask you, if you continue to maintain and upgrade the system on an irregular basis like last time and miss out on key information, what would you do if something happens to me?”

The system replied, “It’s impossible to avoid the situation that the host mentioned. In order to make it easier for the host to be more alert, the system will notify the host of the system’s maintenance and upgrade in the future…”

Upon hearing this mechanical reply, Lorna suddenly began to doubt this thing.

This… … Was It really a support system?

She had always thought that this was a hyperdimensional intelligence left behind by some ancient civilization. In some pure spiritual civilization era, such as the era of the developers, that legendary hyperdimensional intelligence!

The techniques of various families and even some techniques that had been lost in the ancient times had come from the collection of this hyperdimensional intelligence. This was possible. After all, according to some experts who had studied history, the top intelligence of the developer era possessed an extremely powerful ability to crack data.

It had almost reached the level of an intelligence replacing an artificial one. No matter how complex a Warlock’s defense was, this intelligence would be able to crack it. This also meant that the top families of the Federation would be able to use whatever means they had to protect their family’s secret arts.., this intelligence could break through the defense, steal information, and collect the things they wanted!

This wasn’t impossible. After all, the gap between civilizations could represent many things.

As for the weapons that could be materialized, it could also be explained. The hyperdimension intelligence had the most advanced alchemy algorithm. As long as the materials collected were sufficient, it could materialize any object!

Although what the experts said was a bit like science fiction, Lorna felt that what she had encountered might be what the experts said!

But now, with just a single sentence about upgrading and maintenance, she had some doubts… …

After all… … Upgrading required manual patches. If this system came from the developer civilization, how would the already extinct developer patch it?

Where did it get the data to maintain and upgrade?

Could it be that there was someone behind this system?

Thinking of this, Lorna’s heart trembled…

“Please rest assured, host…”

Just as Lorna’s thoughts were complicated.., the system’s cold mechanical voice replied numbly, “All your guesses about this system are wrong. The existence of this system is far beyond your imagination. It’s not something that your knowledge can understand. Please don’t make wild guesses…”

Lorna, whose thoughts had been dug out by herself, suddenly had an unsettled expression on her face.

It was the first time she realized that… the other party could actually read her mind! !

It could actually know what she was thinking? ?

But that wasn’t right. Anyone who had taken a spiritual lesson would know that… … ! There was no such thing as mind reading in this world!

To be able to know what the other party was thinking, this kind of technology shouldn’t exist either…

Did the other party guess what she was thinking just now… ? Or did he really know what she was thinking?

If he was guessing… … Then it proved that this so-called system… … Was not the kind of emotionless intelligence that she thought it was, but if it could directly know what she was thinking, it seemed to be a very terrifying thing… …

But in the end, Rona calmed down. Now that she was bound by this strange system, rather than worrying about this and that, it was better to make good use of it first and try to slowly understand what the other party was like in the future… …

After a moment of silence, she asked again, “You said… Leng Xing has the aura of your kind on him. Does that mean that he might have a system like yours?”

The system replied, “Not necessarily, but he has a high-level protection unique to our race. It can prevent him from reading some basic information. This is something that only my kind can do…”

“High-level defense system? Can it hide it from everyone?”Lorna asked curiously.

The system replied, “In theory, yes. Even the ten great lords are unable to read what we’re trying to hide…”

Lorna’s heart skipped a beat as she continued to ask, “Are there many of you? The Black Dragon from last time, you also said that she has information on her kind…”

System: “Not much, but there is…”

Rona: are your people as good as you? Do they have your people? Does that mean they get everything they want as long as they complete the mission and get points

System: “No!”

Lorna: Huh

System: “Please Rest assured, my kind although have, but are incomplete, you do not need to worry about their threat, because you have the system, is the most perfect sample of the universe! !”

———— —

“Complete strangers?”

Far away in the Martian night after receiving intelligent hints slightly stunned, puzzled up: “What do you mean?”

Just intelligence prompt, from Cold Star and Wang Goudan body, all transmitted the same kind of sensing aura… . .

The reason why the first batch of players dare to enter the universe, in addition to the protection of Ysera, the real reason is from the high-level protection of intelligence!

It was a magical protection that could completely cover up the basic information of the players. According to the AI’s guarantee, even the ten great lords would not be able to see through their protection… …

After Ysera’s many experiments, Seer finally dared to release the first batch of players to enter a top-tier high school!

The reason was simple. These players were extremely talented. If they entered a high school, they would easily attract the attention of big shots. If they could not cover up some basic information, it would be very dangerous for their entire base…

Of course, the AI had also said that even though this protection could not be broken by a third party, in the universe, if they met other players of the same species, they would be able to detect that the players had this protection… …

However, the probability of this happening was very small. After all, there were very few Yimo. In the vast universe, the probability of meeting them was extremely small… …

However, it was a pity that this extremely small possibility was met by two unlucky players… …

And it was not an ordinary situation…

“What do you mean by a complete stranger?”Seer asked again.

Ai: “We Yimo entered the physical universe at the same time. After being destroyed, we will regenerate. This is our basic talent after corroding the laws here. However, no matter how we regenerate, we will still be the same person from before. Even if we meet the same person, we will still be able to recognize the other party’s background with just one look… :. But this one… .

“I can’t recognize him! !”

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