I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1483

1483 Chapter 1,552: variables!

“Xi Ye! !”

An old and panicked voice stopped Xi Ye, but the strange atmosphere did not stop. All the juniors looked at the audience in a daze.


Everyone saw that this guy who was treated as an honored guest by Old Master Long Jue seemed to be… … Feel like he was being suppressed under Seer’s overbearing aura… …

Including the old master who had shouted.

He could see it the most clearly. That Fellow from the Nye family just… Seemed to.. … Under Seer’s interrogation, he took a step back… …

His movements were very subtle, so subtle that it was impossible to see it without careful observation. However, Long Jue, who had been observing the situation all along, could still see it clearly, so he almost subconsciously stopped seer. However, after he stopped, he was also a little dumbfounded. In the face of his grandson who had turned his head around, the words that he had originally reprimanded were stuck in his throat for a moment… …

Yes… … An unfathomable guard, an imposing manner that could make the noble of the Nanye family retreat. This child..? … was he still the same child that he used to know?

Everyone’s eyes were looking at him because of his stop. For a moment, the situation made long jue feel as if he was riding a tiger and could not back down… …

“What’s wrong with the Old Master?”Xi Ye’s gentle voice rang out, instantly making long jue heave a sigh of relief… …

“Ahem… that… I mean, it’s getting late. Let’s hurry up and enter the transfer station. It Won’t be good if we delay the registration time…”

“Oh…”XI ye immediately responded with a tone of realization. “The old master is right, it’s my fault…”as she spoke, she turned her head to look at fan di. “Senior, Please Go Ahead First?”

Fan Di took a deep breath and nodded slightly, “You’re too polite, it’s better for the main family to go first…”

Just now… that feeling wouldn’t be wrong…

Just as he turned his gaze towards ye Na, that Guard’s aura was like a monstrous interstellar storm, engulfing him who was like a fallen leaf, as if he could tear himself into pieces if he made even the slightest movement, moreover, he was very sure that as long as the young lord before him dared to nod, the other party would dare to do so. He would not care at all about his identity as a night demon noble!

That person… . . What was his background? What exactly was the situation with this young lord?

“In that case, it’s better for the old master to go first…”Xi ye said to Long Jue with a smile.

Long Jue nodded and did not continue to pester him. Firstly, he did not want this strange situation to continue. Secondly, he really could not delay the registration time. The development time of the teleportation array in the tedarhill galaxy was limited. Once fell twelve star time will be closed to the outside, including the time in line, in fact, is not free quite tense… . .

“Then let’s go…”long jue coughed lightly and took the lead to walk in front. He said to the juniors, “Keep up, don’t get separated…”

Only then did the juniors come to their senses and quickly followed, but they looked at seer with even more curiosity, and among the juniors, the Great Elder’s son, Burnos, had a confused and complicated look in his eyes… . .


“Hello Sir, Please Show Me Your Registration Certificate!”

The entrance to the station was extremely crowded, and it was almost eleven weeks since the old man and his party had queued up at the registration office. As they had expected, the situation was indeed extremely tense.

Long Jue didn’t dare to delay, and quickly showed the invitation letter.

The tedarhill system is so heavily vetted, you have to have a good reason to get in and out, and if you’re just traveling, you have to pay an extremely expensive deposit to apply for a passport, which is not only expensive, it’s extremely complicated. An ordinary person would not be able to enter at all…

“So it’s a VIP invited by the Starry Sky Academy!”The cold expression of the starry sky elf at the registration counter suddenly became gentle. “VIP guests, please register one by one according to the name of the invitation card. There will be a special staff to arrange a special passage and accommodation for the VIP guests at night!”

When the people in the queue at the back heard that it was an invitation from the Starry Sky Academy, they started discussing animatedly. An invitation from the academy, it should be to attend the opening ceremony of the priesthood, right?

“Needless to say, being invited at this time, what else could it be for? TSK TSK, the royal priesthood, the blessing of the highest priesthood, I’ve never enjoyed it in my entire life…”

“That’s right, I wonder if that little brat at home will have the chance to get a spot for me in the future…”

“Aiyo, this academy isn’t easy to pass. Even the external level 1 star field only has a dozen or so spots, and our level 2 or 3 star field only has about one or two spots. I don’t expect that Little Brat at home to have such a promising future…”

The chattering crowd made the hearts of the children of the Ardia family more complicated.

They knew how precious the blessing of the priest was, but when they arrived at the scene and saw the envy of such a huge crowd, they still felt very different…

They had a feeling that… … It was really so precious… …

This made most people feel proud, but at the same time, they also had a strange feeling in their hearts. This was because this thing that made people drool with envy was won over by that guy who had been despised by them since he was young… …

“Uh… I’m sorry, Distinguished Guest…”the person in charge of the teleportation station suddenly frowned. “There seem to be only twenty slots in your invitation. May I ask if these two are together?”

The other party was naturally referring to the two guards behind Xi Ye… …

The people of the Eldia family around them silently looked at Xi Ye, and Xi ye calmly walked forward. “They are my Lord’s guards…”

These words caused the person in charge to furrow his brows even deeper. “My Lord God, this starfield does not have any special privileges for gods. If they are not on the list, they will have to show other protective shields. If they are not, then I can only ask you to arrange other guards for them!”

His tone was very polite, but the unique arrogance of the space elves was unmistakable.

In fact, in the face of these so-called invited guests, they appeared to be gentle and respectful on the surface, but in reality, they did not think much of it. This was because they had to rely on the academy’s invitation to enter the star field, it was very obvious that they had relied on the benefits that their family members received when they entered the academy. To put it bluntly, it was like a phoenix rising from the ground. A group of country bumpkins had also benefited from it, and most of them were not worth mentioning.

As for the sky gods. Hehe, in this world, there was no lack of sky gods. Who knew how many Sky Gods died outside every year… …

The people from the Ardia family looked towards Xi Ye. The group of people led by the first elder immediately sneered, especially gunsh. Did this arrogant kid really think that everyone would give in to him just because he had the title of Sky God?

In his heart, the distinguished guest from the Night Demon just now did not turn hostile, and it was just that it was not convenient for him to be rough with a god on the spot. Did he really think that he was a big shot when he came to the entrance of the TEDAR Hill to pretend to be a big shot?

He really wanted to see how this kid would end up. The old man’s stance had clearly been loosened because of the results of the Morning Night’s exam. It was clear that he did not want the family to completely rely on Rennes.

With seer as the God of Heaven as the foundation, and using resources to nurture Chenye, a high-level magical beast master who graduated from the Starry Sky Academy, it was a safer route in the Old Man’s heart.

This old fart was indeed still as timid as before!

Now, he would let him see just what kind of person this grandson whom he thought could take on the great responsibility of his family was…

“Who is this idiot? He came here to show off?”The people in the queue behind him immediately began to discuss in amusement.

“I think he’s a god nurtured by a country bumpkin family. Why Don’t you take a look at what this place is? A God? Is it a rare thing these days?”

“Sigh, I say, Don’t lose face and waste time. We still have urgent matters to attend to. If you miss our Lord’s business, you can at least pay for it. A God… Why would he bring guards with him to attend a ceremony? is his brain damaged?”

The envious voice just now instantly turned into a taunt, causing Eldia and the other juniors to almost bury their heads in the ground. Immediately, most of them looked at seer with resentment… …

The Great Elder was right. It was fine if you took a spot to attend the ceremony, but why did you bring any guards? Why are you acting so pretentious in front of your own family?

In the midst of this lively atmosphere, Seer looked at the short guard behind it.

The short guard was extremely small, about the same size as a goblin. It slowly walked forward and looked at the person in charge of the teleportation station. When it raised its head, a corner of its cloak was revealed.

The person in charge was originally extremely impatient. Just as he was about to wave his hand to chase them away, he saw a corner of the cloak and was instantly shocked. “You…”

The other party immediately made a hissing gesture…

The person in charge hurriedly bit his tongue and forcefully swallowed the rest of his words…

After taking a deep breath, his expression immediately became extremely respectful. “Distinguished guests, please come in. I will inform the Starry Sky Academy to apply for a special passage for the distinguished guests as soon as possible. I hope that the distinguished guests can wait patiently inside the passage…”. “…”


A special passage? Wasn’t that something exclusive to the starry sky elven nobles? What was going on?

“Let’s go, Old Master…”seer looked at long jue and said.

“Uh… Oh Oh…”long jue quickly nodded and followed a station attendant into the passage. Zhuxing and his wife quickly followed their son, leaving a group of people from the Eldia family stunned on the spot.

“F * ck… The eye is missing…”in the crowd, after a moment of silence, someone quickly said, “If the god can afford to use the special passage, I’m afraid his background is not simple…”

“That’s right. Speaking of which, if he can afford to use the special passage, why does he need an invitation card?”

“I don’t know about that. This family is quite interesting…”

While everyone was discussing, the members of the Ardia family were dumbfounded, especially grand elder gunsh. As the person in charge of the family business, he had some experience in the outside world, he was very clear about the people who were able to use the special passage in Teldar Hill.

What did those people think… … They shouldn’t have anything to do with that kid from the second family!

“That… VIPS?”The person in charge looked at the group of people who were still standing there and asked carefully, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

The humble attitude and the arrogant attitude were completely different styles, which made the group of people from Ardia feel more complicated.

“No, no…”gunsh was the first to react and shook his head. He turned around and glared at the juniors behind him. “What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and follow me!”

“The special passage is much more restricted. If you go now, you might lose your connection. I’ll send someone to bring you in…”the person-in-charge quickly said.

“This… Sorry to trouble you…”gunsh hurriedly said with a smile.

“No trouble, no trouble…”the person-in-charge replied with a smile. After that, he hurriedly arranged a person. At this moment, the people lining up in the outer area were like a tide. It was obvious that they didn’t have enough manpower. However, because of this group of People’s Daze, he sent another person, causing the people in the outer area to curse in their hearts, “Rich Dog…”. …

Following that newly arranged space elf, a group of people from the Ardia clan followed him with excited and complicated expressions.

“Sister Mira…”at the end of the crowd, one of the juniors whispered to Mira, “Our cousin seer… seems to be quite powerful…”

Mira smiled and knocked on that big and simple-looking guy. This guy usually looked simple-looking, but he wasn’t stupid. Now, he knew how to call Seer Cousin?

However… … Mira looked ahead and thought to herself, ‘he does seem to be quite powerful…’. …

At the back of everyone, Fandy from the Yenas family heard the conversation between these two juniors. His expression was extremely strange. From the observation just now, the people from his family didn’t seem to be very clear about the situation of that little deity… …

But did he see wrongly just now?

The others didn’t see clearly just now. As a star level expert, although they were a bit far away, they could still see through their extremely good eyesight. That short man revealed a corner of his cloak, and that pair of… … Tulip-shaped pupils!

The Fairy Clan…

This little deity from the Eldia clan not only had a life sea level character to protect him, he could actually make the fairy clan work for him?

What was going on with him?

When he thought of this, a bad feeling arose in his heart. This sudden change was going to completely disrupt the family’s plans!

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