I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1431

1431 Chapter 1,500: the back door of cabbages (Part 1)

The Star Academy was a top-tier university founded by the Star Elves themselves. After a long period of operation, its current status had gone from being lofty to being only second to the federation’s Interstellar Academy in overall rankings. It was the ideal academy in the hearts of countless people.


Of course, the ideal university was not only because of its ranking, but also because of its resources and geography. The Star Academy’s Geography was considered top-tier among all the academies, this was because the planet that the academy occupied was one of the top ten superstars in the federation: The Star of Teldrasil!

The star of Teldrasil was a top-tier planet that had been nurtured since the ancient era of the great elves. It was the first planet to nurture the world tree until today. The soil of this planet had a huge value, and in many black markets.., a gram of soil could be bought for a sky-high price of ten billion!

One could imagine the energy environment inside such a planet. Ever since the end of the chaos in the Sky God Alliance, it had been occupied by the Sky Elves who had supported the sky gods. Fortunately.., the Sky Elves did not completely seal off this enviable soil from the outside world. The establishment of this place as a place of learning had greatly reduced the dissatisfaction of the other races’elves.

Of course, if one wanted to enjoy the resources and environment of this planet, one would need to be extremely talented. At this moment, in the conference hall of the campus headquarters… There was a confrontation against those who were not so outstanding who wanted to forcefully enter this place… …

“380 points? What do you think this place is, a Cesspool? What kind of nonsense are you sending here! !”

In the hall, an elven woman wearing a silver robe and a badge that looked like a moon grass on her chest roared viciously!

The woman looked like a very pure star elf at first glance, and her pretty face was even more mesmerizing. However, at this moment, this beautiful face was so twisted that it was frightening. Her vicious expression was as if she wanted to eat people.., this caused the other elven teachers to lower their heads, not daring to look at her!

The female Elf was called Dylan. She was the first elder of the moon god Clan and was ranked 41st among the sky elf elders. She was currently the Chief Magical Beast Master of the Starry Sky Academy and also the Vice Dean of the Starry Sky Academy’s Secret Law Academy!

“Instructor Dylan, calm down…”

The Elf who was sitting at the head of the table had an elegant temperament, but it was obvious that he had experienced the vicissitudes of time. He smiled bitterly.

“Calm down? “How can I calm down?”The instructor named Dylan became more and more excited. “In last year’s evaluation, our school’s Magical Beast Department’s Comprehensive Evaluation dropped by a full ten points, and our ranking dropped from seventh to eleventh. Why? “It’s all because of you, the accomplices who use the back door, constantly sending trash into our school. Once your reputation stinks, the good seedlings almost don’t come anymore!”

“Instructor Dylan’s words are a little biased…”. “…”. One of the Elven instructors on the conference table said slowly, “In this world, there are gains and losses. You only said that those families use the back door, but have you forgotten how many outstanding seedlings that those families have also sent to you?”

“Stop Bullsh * tting!”Dylan said rudely, “How many direct descendants would choose the path of a magical beast trainer? “This is nothing compared to the trash they sent in. The instructors of the other departments in your secret court have taken advantage of this. Every year, a large number of direct descendants send them to you, and the ones that send me are trash who use the back door!”

The other Vice Presidents of the Secret Court lowered their heads and drank their tea without saying a word. The shrew in front of them was quite fierce. It would be unwise for people like them, who had taken advantage of the situation, to still pretend to be obedient if they angered the other party again… …

As one of the three great courts of the Starry Sky Academy that could remain on the star of Tedar Hill, the secret court had naturally collected many young talents from top families over the years, including many members of the royal family.

After all, in the Starry Sky Elf System, the position of the flower spirit was only second to that of the priestess… …

But that also depended on the profession. Among the flower spirits, the most popular was naturally the elemental master who could directly change the planet’s environment. As an existence that could directly strengthen the elements and nurture the great elemental elves.., the elemental master flower spirit was very popular both within the elves and among the Heavenly God lords. Strictly speaking, to outsiders, especially to the Heavenly God lords, the flower spirit’s status was even higher than that of the priestess.

This was because a good flower spirit elemental master could directly improve the quality of the planet. Whether it was the mechanical civilization or the alchemy civilization, they all needed high-quality energy. Currently, in the universe, they could directly improve the planet’s origin.., only the flower spirit elementalists could optimize energy. This major also resulted in the elves’status in the entire universe being extremely high.

This major was the face of the elves, and it was also the most sought after major in the starry sky academy other than the priestess’academy. Naturally, they could not allow the noble children to act Rashly, which was why the path of using the backdoor as an elemental master had always been sealed.

Next was the secret treasure master. In the alchemy world, only flowers and psionic energy could create living weapons. The so-called living weapons were living alchemical weapons. No race, or even the previous developers, had been able to replicate this, therefore, although the secret treasure master originated from alchemy, it was a major that was independent of the alchemist.

Many people put in a lot of effort in order to obtain a secret treasure. After all, alchemical weapons required a certain level to be used. However, secret treasures were different because secret treasures were alive, therefore, many times, the secret treasure itself could be self-adjusted to reduce the use requirements, allowing the low-level people to borrow some of their own power. It was the most popular type of alchemy among outsiders. Many times, the secret treasure was used as a family heirloom… …

An excellent secret treasure master was extremely popular wherever he went.

However, the threshold for Secret Treasure Masters was very high. Those who wanted to walk this path not only had to be highly talented in the flower spirit itself, but also had a strong talent in alchemy. It was known that alchemy was the most complicated and difficult subject to test in the Arcana Department, the written exam in the academy could not be faked, so many people could not go through the back door.

Compared to the previous two majors, Magic Plant Master and Magic Pet Master were different. Because of the special content of the exam, the two majors were very suitable to be exploited. In addition, magic pet master and Magic Plant Master were far inferior to the former two in terms of status, therefore, it became a good place for many nobles to get their diplomas.

“Forget about the past!”In front of the conference table.., instructor Dylan said aggressively, “Although the gifts are all junk, it’s still an item. At least it has some face and has reached the interstellar control line. But what the hell is this guy? 380 points? You Don’t even want your face anymore, do you? “If this gets out, I won’t have the face to be the dean. You can call someone to replace me. I’ll resign tomorrow…”. “…”

“It’s not, it’s not…”the elf at the head of the table quickly comforted, “Instructor Dylan, don’t be so agitated. If you want to resign, it’s already here…”

What a joke. The chief instructor of Magical Beasts resigned because he refused to admit a profligate student with a score of 380. If this news were to get out, the spotlight of Divine Arcana Academy being ridiculed by others would soon shift to them… …

“I really have no choice… mentor Dylan, you have to measure yourself. This little fellow has an extraordinary background. It’s really not easy for me to reject him…”

“Oh?”Dylan raised his eyebrows and sneered, “Who is so thick-skinned that you can’t even reject the Dean?”

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