I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1377

1377 Chapter 1146: Xinya’s Choice -PartpTwo two)

“Of course… I want to hear it…”Xinya looked at him with a flattering smile… …


Guo Xiaoyun nodded. “I think the first city is pretty good…”

As soon as he said that, Xinya’s smile froze…

As expected, Guo Xiaoyun wanted to throw her far away!

“Um… why the first city? Isn’t it good to come to my place?”Blackie asked while eating the free vegetables on the coupon.

Guo Xiaoyun said, “Xinya is a humanoid elf. Other than Rangers, mecha operators are the best classes for her. Although the second city is an elf city, the entire city is full of elves, so it’s very competitive. Also, in the sacrificial civilization, rangers are not popular. Here, flower spirits or elementalists are more important. On the other hand, the first city doesn’t have a high proportion of elves right now. The city lord, Angor, is preparing to recruit a large number of elves for industrial upgrading. Xinya will have a lot of room for development if she goes there first.”

“But… isn’t it difficult to become a mecha operator?”Xinya tried her best to find an excuse… …

Guo Xiaoyun said, “The first city is the mechanical civilization. Other than the necessary mecha teams, there are also a large number of art fillers who fill the gaps left by the elves. The empty mechanical civilization needs a group of elves to fill the gaps in the spiritual civilization, so the support for the arts will not be small. You were born learning dance. Even if you can’t become a mecha operator there, there will be a huge market for you to develop in the arts…”. “…”

“Eh, that sounds pretty good…”Chen Shanshan nodded repeatedly.

“Yeah, Yeah!”Blackie also joined in the ruckus, but his eyes were fixed on Guo Xiaoyun’s plate. While the other party was talking, he inserted two meatballs into the other party’s plate…

“Xinya, what do you think?”Chen Shanshan looked at the other party and smiled.

She was not as careless as Blackie. It was obvious that Xinya was not too willing… …

“It does sound good…”Xinya lowered her head. She kept fiddling with the knife and fork on the plate, but she did not take a bite. It was obviously very delicious food, but at this moment, she clearly did not have an appetite…

“I’m only suggesting. The specific choice depends on you…”Guo Xiaoyun could not be bothered to look at her like this. He directly slapped Blackie, who was about to insert something into her bowl, and said.

“HMM…”hearing this, Xinya’s expression clearly relaxed, she pretended to think about it randomly, after a while, she finally shook her head. “What Xiaoyun said makes sense, but… I still want to be with someone I know. I’m a little afraid of a completely unfamiliar environment now… it’s faster to adapt to having someone I know lead the way…”

The corners of Guo Xiaoyun’s mouth twitched slightly. She knew that she could not get rid of this dog skin plaster… …

Thus, she said, “If you want to be with someone you know, you can choose between the third city and the second city. I’m going on a long trip. If you come to Huaxia City, I probably won’t have the time to take care of you…”

Upon hearing that, Xinya bit her lips, chen Shanshan hurriedly added, “Actually, there’s nothing good about Huaxia City. They’re all players from central China. Our unique talents are useless. Xinya, do you want to go to Blackie’s place or mine? Why Don’t you come to mine?”

“Your Place?”Xinya looked at Chen Shanshan. “But they said that the complaints from the third city are very loud…”

“It’s alright, Haha…”. Chen Shanshan smiled and said, “The city lord is a rather harsh person. He’s very strict with the citizens and requires too much learning. It’s normal to have complaints. However, although it’s a little hard at the beginning, it’s still quite advantageous to go out later.” “…”

“Today, the City Hall announced a lot of mission positions. Take a look…”

As she spoke, Chen Shanshan opened her mailbox and showed it to him. Sure enough, there were many mission invitations on it… …

Donghai Harbor recruited long-term marine harvesters: the requirement is to gather a grade a proficiency, have the talent to close the water, and do not require special equipment. Marine races are preferred. The salary is 100 points per day as a minimum, exceeding the specified amount of tasks will be rewarded with a generous commission!

Donghai port recruitment of jewelry processors: requires a level of proficiency in jewelry processing above B, the tasks require proficiency in refining and processing superior pearls, undersea gems, corals, and marine life essences, the salary is 200 points per day as a minimum wage, the overtime pay for completing the tasks will be calculated as double the usual salary!

Steel Forest recruited excellent architects: required proficiency in Construction Engineering Grade A and above, elves preferred, those who had studied elven art classes preferred.

Steel Forest recruited mineral vein explorers: required proficiency in mineral vein collection and survey grade B and above, the treatment will be excellent. The highest reward for discovering an excellent mineral vein is 100,000 points!

The pile of tasks was dazzling, causing Xinya to be stunned. The main reason was that the points reward was really scary.

She was raising meat spiders in the fifth city. Even if such a high-risk job was not exploited, the income was only about 10 points a day. Any random job would cost more than 100 points, and it was just a basic guarantee. No wonder so many people wanted to go to the new world first. The speed of earning money was not on the same level at all… …

Chen Shanshan smiled and said, “Our third city and Huaxia City have a cooperation. The missions of the old players are priority for the players in our third city. In addition, we have long had the training of the life occupation. We can use it directly when we go there, so we are very popular now. Look, I haven’t even set off yet, but I already received many private messages of job invitations… “… “…”

“Is that so?”Xinya swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It seemed that the prospects were indeed pretty good… “…”.

“It’s just that the early stages have to be tough…”Guo Xiaoyun interrupted. “There’s a lot of learning in the third city. Players are required to learn at least two gathering skills or one production skill before they can leave the mountain. Every day, other than earning daily points and training their professional skills, they also have to spend a lot of time learning life skills. Many players sleep less than five hours a day. I remember that Chen Shanshan dozed off in class at the beginning “…”. “…”

Chen Shanshan:”…”

“Then… is it that intense?”Xinya was stunned.

“It’s not too bad… “…”. “…”Chen Shanshan glared at Guo Xiaoyun and said, “It’s good that you’re used to it. The city Lord is doing this for our own good. It’s a little tiring in the early stages, but the system is very fair. Moreover, we Huazhong players have an advantage here. It’s actually pretty good…”. “…”

“Is that so…”

Xinya bit her lip and looked at Blackie next to her. This fellow had become a flower spirit and was well-nourished in the second city. He gave off a lazy aura from head to toe. On the other hand, Chen Shanshan was clearly much more haggard… “…”.

In the end, Xinya shook her head. “I’d better go with Blackie. I was too tired in the fifth city a few days ago. I want to change to a more relaxed environment…”

Chen Shanshan frowned slightly when she heard that. Guo Xiaoyun, on the other hand, looked indifferent. It was obvious that she had long expected the other party’s choice… …

“Alright… … I’ll get my friend to help you with the household registration transfer later. Since you’ve chosen Blackie’s Place, you don’t have to leave later. Just stay at Blackie’s place for the time being.”Guo Xiaoyun looked at Blackie, whose cheeks were bulging. “Blackie, I’ll leave Xinya to you. You have to take good care of her.”

“Yes, yes…”Xiao Hei nodded repeatedly. “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely raise her well!”


Chen Shanshan looked at Xinya and opened her mouth to say something. After hesitating for a moment, she finally sighed and stopped talking… …

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