I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1373

1373 Chapter 1412: The Alliance between Huaxia City and the third city (Part Two)

Sensing that other cities were trying to isolate Huaxia City, elder dragon was not going to sit still. Angor, who reached an agreement in the beginning, was now on the other side. Song was the only one who cared.


Luckily, song did not seem to be interested in Abe’s alliance… …

However, he was very curious. According to the information he received, Abe Qingming’s conditions were very good. Strategically, the second city would serve as an agricultural country and a resource exporter, providing high-end manufacturing technology to its other allies… …

The Elven civilization, especially the early elves, had a unique advantage in refining elements, conserving land, and strengthening natural resources. When these were integrated into the early mechanical civilization and biological civilization, which were in dire need of resources.., it was not as simple as one plus one.

The second city that offered sacrifices to the civilization in the external expansion was also a backup. It would not steal the limelight.

To be honest, even elder dragon would prefer Qingming’s side to his. No Wonder Angor was tempted…

Why would song be so determined to go with him?

Actually, Amir had asked song about this before… …

Song’s answer was that he did not trust Qingming. It was such a simple answer that Amir still found it strange. There was no such thing as trust in political communication. It all depended on the situation. He had never heard that one’s path was determined by one’s character… …

As long as it was beneficial to oneself, so what if the partner was that bastard mister?

Faced with Amir’s confusion, song didn’t say anything more… …

He had a great doubt about Qingming, but this doubt was a bit unbelievable. No one would believe it if he said it out loud. Even he didn’t believe it, but instinctively, he chose to avoid that guy.

Of course, the most important reason was because Huaxia city was actually a good partner. Although it wasn’t as attractive as Qingming’s cooperation model, it was still very promising… …

“Mr. Long, this is the details of the cooperation that I worked on last night. Please take a look and see if there are any problems…”

Song Zaiyi smiled as he handed over a thick stack of documents!

Elder long took the documents in shock. After flipping through them, he frowned and instantly understood what song Zaiyi was planning… …

This guy…

There were many rules and regulations in the other party’s information, but there was only one core point, and that was… … ! The basic benefits left behind by the old players of Huaxia City!

Elder Li took over the information and narrowed his eyes after taking a look. He couldn’t help but think to himself, ‘as expected, there’s no such thing as good intentions for no reason…’.

Song Yi had given up on Qingming’s alliance and stood firmly on their side, but his intentions weren’t small either!

After all, the biggest competition for Huaxia City to other cities was actually the batch of old players who had started off first!

In the New World’s new quest, the grassland expedition and city exploration quest had been canceled. The main reason was that there were no new people on steel weapon continent. The value of exploration was low, but that did not mean that the land had no value at all… …

However, for new players who did not have a population, this place basically had no value. However, it was different for old players who had a large population. Old players could expand their territory and collect resources, it was very meaningful to provide higher per capita rations for their own people.

For example, the second faction, Pu Yunchuan faction.

Their main city was a very remote city in the northwest called Gondolin. It was a barrier city with poor resources. However, due to the mutation of the forest, the strength of various creatures was too high, as a result, the survivors could only hide there.

However, things were different now. The steel weapon continent had no living things and was in a state of desolation. Naturally, they could choose a large city with an advantageous geographical location, such as the imperial capital or the southern Pearl City.

As for the lack of living things, it was not difficult for Lord ranked players like them. They had a sufficient population and a large number of points, so it was not a problem at all, they could simply purchase high-level biological seedlings from the base for breeding, land planting, and even re-cultivating the ecosystem.

The mechanical civilization could directly carry out large-scale mineral development. All of this was a perfect start for the great lord tier players who already had the resources!

Elder long knew that most of the current Lord tier players only brought their subjects to the Emerald Starfield to explore. However, they left behind a large portion of the population and management personnel to carry out basic development in the New World!

After all, the territory that the new territories occupied was their foundation… …

And with territory, there was naturally a need for development. Especially when expanding, there was a huge demand for talent.

For example, Donghai Kou needed more sea spirit players to help nurture high-quality sea creatures, and it needed outstanding players to collect deep-sea resources that ordinary people could not collect.

Inland cities needed more lifestyle players…

First, there were architecture players!

Take Pu Yunchuan City as an example. Now that they were ready to switch to another main city, they first planned to build multiple cities with advantageous geographical locations. Be it the transportation or the reconstruction of the city itself.., they all needed a large number of architecture lifestyle players.

Then, there was the mineral vein survey!

The city selection process could not be limited to the large cities in the past of the Martial Steel Empire. After all, the most important resource to starsea’s players was the resources. Hence, the natural resources in that region would be even more sought after.

The most direct method was the mineral resources. After the mutation, the minerals buried in the ground had a very high energy value. Moreover, the distribution of these items required an excellent mineral collector to carry out a detailed survey. Where the mineral resources were abundant.., the city was the most suitable for city development.

Pu Yunchuan was not the only one who realized this. Many lord ranked players had secretly gathered a large number of lifestyle players to survey the mineral veins.

Next was biological cultivation. The continent’s creatures were extinct, and Lord ranked players needed to purchase high-level saplings to cultivate in the ecosystem. This required herdsmen again… …

Forest herdsmen, grassland herdsmen, aquatic herdsmen. These were all life skills. Song Yi’s cities all had sub-classes to cultivate, and he had chosen quite a few players… …

What did this mean?

Elder long knew very well that this meant that Huaxia City could provide a large number of jobs for the third city!

Back then, Song Yi had invested heavily in the life occupation training in the third city. He had even taken out a loan to subsidize it, all in order to make his citizens more competitive when they left the new territories. Now, although the situation had changed.., it made the advantage of his citizens even more obvious.

Elder long knew that the other cities, especially the Huaxia City players, were not interested in lifestyle classes. Now, the only city that could fill the gap between the lord-tier players was his third city!

Thinking of this, elder long took a deep breath. So… … This was the real reason why song was willing to cooperate with the Huaxia City… …

The Alliance that Abe Qingming had proposed could indeed help each other, but that would be starting from scratch. By the time they set up the system and started looking for people, how many steps would they be behind?

On his side, a large number of people could find high-paying jobs under Huaxia City Lord Players and earn a large number of points. Then, they would be able to rent ships and sail far away faster. When they found the population resources overseas first.., the third city would welcome his first batch of Lord players. From there, he would be able to keep up with the pace of the Chinese city. It would be like taking a ride!

Choosing Qingming would allow him to have a complete alliance system, but choosing Huaxia City would save him precious time. Comparing the two, song Zaiyi chose time!

“Elder Long?”Song zaiyi smiled as he interrupted elder Long’s thoughts, “Is there a problem?”

Elder long looked at the cooperation agreement and frowned…

The other party really knew how to pick the right time. At this time, with so many parties isolating Huaxia city, the other party clearly knew that he would definitely fight for him, and it was also the easiest time to make a bid!

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