I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1370

1370 Chapter 1,409: The Magical Fifth City

The New Territories had reopened, and the corresponding policies of the six major cities had caused a great response. The citizens of each city had different reactions.


This time, because the news report was allowed to be broadcast live, and because the Western media had deliberately distorted the report and had their right to permanently cancel Xing Hai’s presence, the reporters and news agencies that had been invited this time were much more low-key… …

After all, even if the news agency was tied to the capitalists behind the scenes, it had to ensure its own survival in order to have a chance to engage in behind-the-scenes transactions. Right now, the biggest news in the world was all in Xing Hai.., the consequence of being shut out was that it would be eliminated by the times. There was no doubt about that!

The news agencies that were previously blacklisted, such as the North Star newspaper, the star of Western Europe, and so on, rapidly declined in the next half a year. To the extent that there was no one to buy them now, well-known reporters resigned and fled one after another, they also resolutely and harshly condemned the news agencies on Twitter for all kinds of distorted and fabricated dark deeds, drawing a clear line with them. They were afraid that they would be implicated and cause themselves to be blacklisted by Xing Hai!

Everyone knew that in the future world, Planet D and Xing Hai would be completely different worlds. If they were not able to successfully enter Xing Hai in this generation, they would be eliminated by the era. Not only themselves, but also their own descendants.., they would all encounter tremendous resistance in the future to rise to the threshold!

This was something that anyone with a brain could see. After all, the qualified people that Galaxy invited were all relatively good people with no criminal records on Planet D and relatively good resumes. In short, they were left behind. Most of them were criminals or some trash that had no labor value at all…

Staying with these people was equivalent to entering a garbage dump. There was basically no hope of turning things around in the future…

When they thought about the consequences, most of the reporters could be said to be quite honest. Even if they were biased in their reports, they did not dare to be as unscrupulous as the previous batch of people… …

The live reports were all quite realistic. They did not cut into the scenes and deliberately twisted the words of others. As a result, the data obtained by the major news agencies this time was relatively close and more realistic… …

According to the data, first of all, in terms of the New Territories’export restrictions, Huaxia City had the highest level of satisfaction, while Huaxia City had the highest number of exports for the time being.

The conditions for Huaxia City to go to the new territories were not too harsh, and they were very well-behaved. They completely followed the basic settings of galaxy, causing most of the players, including the veteran players, to have no objections to them. As for the number of exports.., as Huaxia City did not have any restrictions on the development of private players, the players from central China had an absolute advantage in terms of talent. In addition, Huaxia City’s infrastructure, training grounds, and the number and level of instructors were the best among the six major cities, as a result, the leveling speed of the players from Huaxia City was very smooth.

This time, there were nearly 30,000 players from central China who had met the conditions to head to the new territories. They were the best among the six major cities, which was also in line with the general predictions of the outside experts.

The fourth city had the worst exit count and satisfaction rating!

Elizabeth had not only proposed a new policy that limited the players from central China to spirit-type players, she had also raised the threshold of the exit policy to hell-level!

The requirement was that the player’s life rating had reached level 3, and the druid gene simulation had to reach five high-quality gene simulation levels before they could head to the new territories. As a result, there was only one person in the entire fourth city who could reach this level!

And that person was the city Lord Elizabeth herself!

This situation naturally caused the entire fourth city’s population to be dissatisfied. They all gathered at the administrative hall to protest. It was currently the city with the most tense situation out of the six major cities.

However, this was also normal. After all, no one would be able to accept this. Clearly, many players were already gearing up to venture outside. Yet, a treaty was written to tell them that they were still far from reaching that level. Who would be able to accept this?

If everyone was like this, then it would be fine. However, the key point was that the other cities had already reached the standards and could leave. Yet, they had to be trapped in the fourth city and watch as others fought to make a name for themselves. It would be strange if they did not blow up… …

However, City Lord Elizabeth’s attitude was very unyielding. She did not have the slightest intention of changing the treaty because of the opposition of the masses. She only increased the city’s subsidies and rewards for trips after level 3 and refused to back down on the threshold… …

This caused the outside world to speculate. Many people could not understand what Elizabeth was thinking… …

The citizens of the fifth city were the most divided among the six major cities. Due to Mister’s further racist favoritism, his reputation developed in an extreme direction.

Most of the white players praised Mister as the greatest castellan. He was neither hypocritical nor pretentious, and his fans were extremely hot.

On the contrary, most of the Huazhong players gritted their teeth and became completely anti-fans. Of course, there were also some Huazhong players who thought that the Huazhong players themselves were not good enough and could not integrate into the white player community. As a result, they were isolated by the fifth city. They should learn from the people of the Three Kingdoms, show more loyalty, and quickly be accepted by society… …

In any case, the city split was very serious now, and the evaluation of Mister was divided into two levels. However, because the proportion of Huazhong players in the Fifth City was not high, the overall support rate for Mister was actually not bad… …

And there was an even more interesting statistic. Although the fifth city was very lenient towards white people, the number of white players who went to the new territories was still not very high. Because of being too lazy, most of the white players were lagging behind in their levels. There were only a few hundred white players who could reach level two…

This resulted in the majority of the population of the fifth city that went to the new territories this time was actually a three-ethnic minority!

According to the data, the fifth city had a total population of 8,700 people who went to the new territories. Among them, 400 were white players, 200 were players from central China, and 600 to 700 were african-americans and other minorities, the remaining 6,000 or so players were all from the third nation!

Once the data was released, the politicians of the third nation were delighted. They once again held a press conference to show off their strategic vision, believing that the cooperation between the third nation and Lord Mister was the wisest choice at the moment, they also encouraged more people of the three nations to choose the fifth city!

The Western society had mixed feelings about this data. It was not right to say that the three nations had stolen their position. In the cities, the three nations were extremely respectful to the white players, and almost all of them showed filial respect, many level 2 three nations players would even show filial respect to a level 1 white player for their points.

White players were obviously the ones who benefited, but this result made people feel that something was not right… …

Therefore, there were people who proposed to lower the threshold for white players, saying that white players only needed to be level 1 to travel to the mainland… …

This magical phenomenon was now being discussed very enthusiastically on various social platforms… …

At the same time, the one with the most complicated feelings after hearing that the three nations’descendants had benefited in the fifth city was the former national hero of the three nations, Amir… …

At this moment, he was sitting in the conference room of Huaxia City. When he saw the data that had just been released, he had a complicated expression on his face, as if he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry… …

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