I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1368

1368 Chapter 1407: New Territories Missions and policies for the six major cities (middle) !

“First, the threshold of the New Territories…”. “…”. Cindy took out the policies announced in the six major cities and said, “The threshold requirements of each city are different. Let me explain it to you one by one. First, Huaxia City. Huaxia city requires a level 2 lifeform, proficient in two weapons specialties, and a level 2 spirit-type player must be proficient in one arcana specialty and an A-level certification of a basic subject. Comparatively, it is more stringent for spirit-type players. Therefore, it is recommended that players who choose the spirit-type job should be mentally prepared. They are not brainiacs or those who are not interested in research and development. It is recommended to take a detour…”. “… “…”


Obviously, Huaxia City had the highest demand for scientific research. Those who did not support the single-sided arcane route obviously wanted to improve the overall scientific research atmosphere, which greatly increased the travel difficulty of the spirit-type players. This made the players who wanted to purely walk the arcane route completely give up…

Cindy: “The requirements of the first city are similar to Huaxia City. Strength-type players and agility-type players need to reach level 2 and master two weapon specialties. Those who walk the Berserker route need to master anger specialty and at least one weapon specialty. Titan players have a special subsidy when they travel. They can support models other than mechanical templates as an additional civilization template option for the first city. Meanwhile, agility-type players are required to only continue walking the spirit-type mechanical civilization. This is an iron-clad rule!”

“Ah, you want to restrict the civilization template of the agile players?”

The netizens who chose the first city immediately burst into an uproar!


“Exactly, I wanted to go to the arcane civilization…”

“Exactly, why should I force the restriction? And why can the strength-type players freely choose the template?”

Cindy looked at the group of confused netizens and sighed slightly. Did these stupid kids think that the strength-type players had made a bargain?

Cindy took out the data and analyzed it. “Everyone, please calm down. Listen to me. According to my personal analysis, what I said is personal analysis, but that doesn’t mean that it must be the case. If you feel that something is wrong, you can post your thoughts and discuss it harmoniously. However, you are not allowed to escalate it to personal attacks. Otherwise, all the live broadcast rooms will be cleared later…”. “…”

“It’s my dear wife!”

“Yes, my dear wife!”

Cindy: “Cities tend to be more civilized. Naturally, they want players to follow the same civilization model as the cities because it’s more convenient for civilization to observe. Moreover, if many players follow this path, the cities will be more civilized and develop faster. They can gather everyone’s strengths and quickly form a civilization to level up. This isn’t just the first city. Other than the blossoming Huaxia City, the other five major cities will be more civilized…”. “…”

“Therefore, players from fixed civilizations do not need to be discouraged. In fact, this is a good thing, because this is binding you to the city’s interests and valuing the players…”. “…”. This point was actually very obvious. The psionic mechanical civilization definitely needed high-quality psionic masters. And in the first city, only the West German players could choose the only psionic race: The Marin clan. This would lead to the agile players establishing a force outside. They must invite at least one West German player to join them in order to develop!”

“F * ck, so that’s the plan!”

“F * ck, he wants to bring the West German players to eat meat with him no matter what…”

“Heh, I’m afraid it’s not as simple as eating meat together. Listen to the name, the spiritual machine civilization is definitely dominated by the spiritual master. At that time, it’s hard to say who will take the majority…”

“F * ck, his heart is to be punished…”

“Then why aren’t the strength-type players bound?”A netizen could not help but ask.

Hearing this, Cindy Sighed. “I looked at the description of the civilization model. In the machine civilization, the Mind Master is the core of the civilization and is mainly responsible for scientific research and command. The agility-type lifeforms are the main force of the mecha operators, as well as the operators of all kinds of high-level mechanical equipment. In terms of lifestyle classes, they can also be qualified for middle-and high-end handicraft industries, as well as arts-type professions. On the other hand, the demand for strength-type players is not very big…”. “…”

“This means that the strength-based players that were recruited in the early stages of the game were not the main players that were needed to level up in the later stages of the game. That’s why they continued to create a new civilization template and even gave out subsidies. This was because their future path would definitely not be supported by the city…”. “…”

“F * ck! !”

The moment these words were said, a group of netizens who had previously applied to become the first city’s Titan player were instantly enraged.

“Isn’t this too F * cking scheming? Previously, they hinted that we would choose Titan, but now they’re telling us that agile players are the main focus?”

“That’s right, then why did they hint at US previously?”

Cindy sighed, “In the initial stage of the city, a large number of strength-type players are needed to do the basic construction, especially the mining industry…”

“Oh, so it’s just a long day of absenteeism?”

“I knew it. These foreigners are biased towards their own people. Did you really believe their talk about freedom and equality? You were really tricked into becoming a cripple. You deserve it…”

“Hey, you chose Huaxia City Upstairs? There’s no need to gloat like this. Back then, it was the country that encouraged us to choose the first city. Is this our fault? We’re not like the fifth city, where we went for money and villas!”

“That’s right, that’s right. Huaxia city wasn’t big enough. Our country cooperated with the third city and the first city, and now they’re blaming us for siding with other races? What are you talking about…”

“Um… I didn’t say it was your fault… It’s just that Angor is too cunning… she was the one who came to Huaxia City to ask for our support, and now…”

“According to the city threshold policy, the number of agility-type players in the first city will increase, and the percentage of strength-type players will decrease. If you don’t like strength-type players very much, I suggest you change your choice as soon as possible!”

“Huh? You can change your choice?”

Cindy: “Yes, the first city has announced the policy that you can change your wish. I reckon that the West German authorities will announce it to the public later. Everyone can change it as soon as possible. However, changing your wish is still only recommended to the players in central China or groups that are suitable for the gene acceptance rate of agility players. It is not recommended to the players with low gene acceptance rate of agility, such as the AH San Guo, Ice Russia, and african-american players. After all, galaxy still recommended that the gene acceptance rate be the first choice. Although strength-type players are not favored in the first city system, they are not completely without a way out…”. “…”. “…”

“F * ck!”

A group of third-generation players and Ice Russia players cursed loudly!

Cindy felt a headache coming on. She quickly asked the building manager to clean up a group of them… …

“Hehe, I suddenly feel that the Huazhong players have a clear advantage. We can play any race we want, but Angor is too much of a dog. He didn’t even let us choose spirit!”

“What else can she do? How else can she restrict us?”

“Cindy’s wife, what about the other cities?”

A group of players who filled in the blanks asked in the bullet screen… …

Cindy came back to her senses and quickly said, “The second city is similar to the first city, but there are no obvious job restrictions. The main reason is that the Elven players’shapeshifting is out of control. The main civilization is the priest god-class civilization. I’ve seen this civilization model before. The main civilization is the priest, the flower spirit, and the elemental envoy. Finally, the pyramid civilization, which uses agile players such as Rangers as the pioneers of Combat Power, is also divided into different social classes. In the civilization system, the priests have the highest status, the flower spirit is second, the Rangers who are responsible for fighting and working on the front lines belong to the middle and high level, and the strength-type players belong to the labor type in the second city system

“However, elves can not be controlled. You can not become whatever you want to be. On this point, the second city might be fairer than the first city. Everyone’s transformation is based on luck. There’s nothing much to say, right?”

[ er… that sounds about right… ]

[ that sounds pretty fair. After all, it all depends on the face… ]

The Chinese players looked like they could accept it. The african-americans, AH SAN, Ice Russia, and the other netizens who filled in the second city had bitter expressions on their faces. The second city was dominated by elves, but they also supported other races, but why did the strength-based players always work as laborers?

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