I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1273

1273 Chapter 1313: only when there is light can there be shadows!

“How scary are these people…”


Maya looked up at the sky, looking at the dozens of ash flame greatswords that had been cut into two. She took a deep breath and curled her lips, “Just how many powerful characters are hidden among these people?”

“I actually want to ask the same question…”

In the Shadow Magic Region, a gloomy voice was heard, but the direction of the voice was very vague, as if it came from a place, but also from all directions, making people unable to figure it out.

“How many powerful characters are hiding in this group of people?”

“So I’m also listed as one of the powerful characters?”Maya smiled and bowed slightly, “That’s really an honor…”

Maya’s bow was a noble gesture of her clan. It was very complicated and beautiful, but from the perspective of a battle, it was full of flaws.

However, even with such a figure full of flaws, it still did not attract the attack that she had imagined. The entire shadow demon region was more peaceful and bright than she had imagined… …

Maya slowly raised her head, narrowed her eyes and smiled. “I really didn’t expect that the so-called shadow demon region would be so bright?”

Speaking of which, if it weren’t for the fact that this place was filled with shadow power, it would be very difficult for people to think that this was the so-called shadow magic region. The terrain was flat, and the light was abundant. At a glance, one could see the entire scene of the entire region, it was really hard to imagine that the opponent would use such a terrain to set up the shadow magic region.

Just as she thought about it, a thin needle that was as thin as an ink line appeared in the originally bright space. It came very suddenly, and the angle was very tricky. In the instant that Maya was distracted, it suddenly appeared, and headed straight for her throat!

Maya’s expression tensed up slightly. She was surprised but did not panic. Her body moved smoothly as she retreated rapidly. From the moment she discovered the attack to the moment when her feet exerted force, to the moment when her body moved like a snowflake, her entire movement was extremely smooth, giving people a shocking sense of beauty.

However, in the split second that Maya was retreating, the space behind her that was originally empty suddenly appeared densely packed with ink threads. With a density that almost filled up the space behind her, they suddenly attacked Maya!

In mid-air, Maya, who was unable to land and turn around, was not in a hurry at all. She turned around and stepped lightly in the empty space. It was as if she had stepped on solid ground, and her body seemed to have gained strength again, with a very delicate turn, she dodged the dense spikes behind her.

However, the attack did not end there. Without any warning, dense spikes suddenly appeared in the sky, on the ground, and in all directions that could be seen, sealing off all her routes!

Maya smiled and quickly twisted her body, weaving through the dense black spikes with incomparable lightness, like a white snowflake dancing gracefully. It seemed slow, but at the same time, it made people feel as if they could not catch it no matter how hard they tried!

Just like that, a snowflake continued to spread under the pursuit of countless black spikes, causing the originally bright space to be quickly dyed black, as if a piece of white paper was quickly dyed black by ink.

As for the only snow-white figure, she was still as light as before, shuttling through the countless black shadows. No matter how large she was, it seemed like she could not catch her!

However, as the number of black shadows increased, the amount of space that Maya could move became less and less, as if it was becoming more and more laborious. However, there was not the slightest hint of panic on Maya’s face, as she continued to calmly dodge towards the bright area. Within the span of a few dozen breaths.., the previously bright space had now become pitch black.

If this continued, there would be no place to hide sooner or later.

That moment came very quickly. When Maya managed to jump to the last point of light with much difficulty, her expression did not change much in the face of the black shadows that filled the sky. Instead, she stood up straight, waiting for something… …

However, a surprising scene appeared. This last point of light was like a solid barrier, and the black shadow that devoured the light of the space was still unable to dye this last point of light black… …

“You’re not going to hide anymore?”A gloomy voice sounded. In the endless darkness, the illusory voice seemed to be more solid… …

Maya smiled slightly. “Why should I hide? You Can’t touch this place…”

As soon as she said that, the voice in the darkness fell into silence. After a long while, it said faintly, “How did you find out?”

“Because your first strike was too scary…”. “…”. Maya smiled and said, “It gave me the feeling that I would die immediately if I was touched. But strangely, as the light became less and less, there were more and more black shadows. The sense of danger that the scattered black shadows gave me became less and less.”

“At first, I felt that it didn’t make sense. There were more and more shadows, so why did the sense of danger become less and less? Later, I realized that it was a shadow. In this world, only light can make shadows…”

“I see…”the shadow quickly retreated, and the entire space became as bright and beautiful as before. A shadow stood up and appeared a hundred meters away. It was the Shadow Demon Neyfal. …

Neyfal stared fixedly at Maya, and finally sighed, “Are the descendants of the great families of the federation all as powerful as you?”

“I should be considered as an outstanding person!”Maya smiled unmodestly.

She wasn’t being modest. Her family was already a famous assassin family. Even if their reputation wasn’t as good as the Templar family, they were still famous in the field of assassins. and in her family, the only one who could compare to her… Was the current young patriarch of her family, Natasha…

“I see…”Nevar nodded. His expression couldn’t be seen clearly in the shadows.

Maya was smiling on the surface, but she was very vigilant in her heart. This distance was the distance that assassins could kill at, but she did not dare to act rashly. Just like what she had guessed earlier, the stronger the light, the more concentrated the shadow power would be, for example, now that the entire domain was lit up, the opponent’s attack was actually the most terrifying.

Because all the shadow power was currently on the opponent’s body… …

“I’m very curious…”Maya was the first to speak, “Why did you choose to cooperate with it?”

Nevar raised his head slightly, the short shadow looked at Maya’s tall body and said in a low voice, “Why can’t I cooperate with it?”

“Because I don’t think it’s necessary…”Maya smiled and said, “Your companions are relying on it because they have no other choice, they have no choice, you don’t have the need at all…”

“You’re not me, how do you know that I don’t have to?”

Maya paused for a moment, then smiled. “That’s right, I’m being rude…”

“There’s nothing else to ask, right?”Nefal looked at her and asked seriously.

Maya’s smile disappeared, and her eyes showed a trace of solemnity. She shook her head slightly, and a silver moon-like radiance flashed in her hand. A silver flywheel appeared in her hand, and at the same time, countless flywheels floated around her.

Mirror folding! !

Nevar tilted his head and said in a hoarse voice, “If this is your trump card, then I’m afraid you won’t be able to walk out today…”

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