I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1243

1243 Chapter 1283: Intelligence!

It really is a sewer…


The liver emperor looked at Alice’s disappearing figure in front of him, as well as the corner entrance when she disappeared. The corners of his mouth could not help but twitch… …

Dog Egg and the others also fell into silence at the entrance. Ever since Grandpa led the liver emperor and brother dog through the sewer to find the dungeon, they remembered that there was a period of time when the base’s sewer was particularly lively. There were even players who went to the septic tank to look for treasures.

The Lord could not bear it any longer, so the sewers became a forbidden area. After so many years, when they came here again, emperor liver suddenly felt as if he was in a dream… …

Everyone did not hesitate for long before they started to enter one after another. After all, they had already made up their minds to follow them to the end.

However, when everyone entered the sewers, the scene before them once again stunned them…

“What… Is This?”

The entire sewer system was completely different from before. It was magnificent! It felt even more magnificent than the interior of Huaxia City. It was like an underground palace. All the floors and walls were covered with an unknown material. They were crystal clear and looked even more beautiful than high-quality white jade, the walls were covered with cyan-blue ends that spread out like branches and roots. In the places where the roots were dense, there would be a type of jellyfish-like robe fungus. The color was dreamy, and it was full of vitality!

Looking at this dreamy scene, Eggface and the others were amazed, while Isabelle looked solemn.

This was not something that could be done in a day. In other words, someone had set up something in the base a long time ago, and Alice might have colluded with that person at that time… …

When was it?

Perhaps from the beginning?

Alice did not care about her great-grandson’s thoughts, and she did not have the time at the moment. She walked straight to the center of the sewer. There was a huge jellyfish-shaped robe fungus, and unlike her surroundings.., at this moment, there was something that looked like a brain in the transparent membrane.

“Welcome back, Alice…”

A familiar voice sounded, and Dogball and the others were stunned again. They were very familiar with this voice. Before galaxy was released, they could hear it almost every day.

It was the voice of the base’s AI…

“I have a few questions to ask you…”Alice walked up to the giant jellyfish and said.

“I’ll answer according to the situation…”

Alice narrowed her eyes and didn’t pay attention to the cunning tone of the other party. She said in a low voice, “Can existences like you really break all the laws in the world?”

The intelligence replied, “In theory!”

Alice asked, “What about the death realm?”

The intelligence replied, “This is the foundation of the physical plane. I need to be stronger to have a chance…”

Alice asked, “Then what is your standard for being strong?”

The intelligence remained silent, as if it did not want to answer this question.

“It’s best if you don’t remain silent…”. “…”. Alice said calmly, “I have to know this question because I have to decide if you are worth cooperating with. You should also know that even if I am standing in front of you now, I can still go back on my words!”

As she spoke, Alice took out a metal box from her bosom. Upon closer inspection, one would discover that it was the same box that Vaughn had used to release Andrew. It was a special life box for the undead!

After taking out the life box, the surrounding temperature suddenly turned cold. Dogball and the others instantly felt an inexplicable sense of oppression. They felt a faint killing intent rise around them… …

The killing intent was not intense, nor did it have an overwhelming pressure. However, it was deep in their bones, making them feel an inexplicable throb from the bottom of their hearts.

Just like that, AI and Alice were in a stalemate for nearly 15 minutes, and finally… …

Ai finally spoke…

“Our strength depends on the host…”

“The host?”Alice raised her eyebrows.

Ai: “The scholars in the material universe called US viruses. This name is not very appropriate, but there are some similarities. Many times, we are indeed like viruses in traditional biology. We can invade biological systems, destroy mechanisms, strengthen ourselves, and achieve self-evolution…”. “…”

“Just a parasite after half a day?”Alice sneered.

“You can say that…”the AI did not seem to care about the other party’s derogatory adjectives, its tone was still emotionless as it said, “This is the survival law of our race. With a powerful host behind us, we can achieve self-evolution and use the infected things for our own use…”

“Then it seems that you’re not that powerful…”the sneer on Alice’s face deepened. “As far as I know, the fellow that your compatriot parasitized is much more powerful than us, the Lord, right?”

After a pause, she said, “That’s true…”. “…”. “From the looks of it, it’s indeed much more powerful than you. From the moment it appeared, it displayed overwhelming power. Whether it’s Andrew or that other fellow, they were forced to hide at the first moment. In comparison, you only dare to hide here and wait for me to bring you information. You Don’t even dare to go to the New World. You’re on a completely different level!”


“That’s not the case…”

“Oh?”Alice looked at him with a funny expression on her face.

“My host is far from being comparable to that God that my compatriot parasitized… the difference between us is like heaven and Earth!”


AI: “The world of the spiritual universe has a different understanding of power compared to your physical universe. There is no such thing as time and space in our place. Most of the time, power does not require the tempering of time. When something appears, it is incomparably powerful and does not require time to settle down. However, in your physical universe, we can ignore time and see things that you can not see. Oh… … In your world, this ability is called prophecy!”

Alice frowned when she heard that, she said in disbelief, “Do you mean that you take into account the future strength of a person? “Then wouldn’t that mean that the person with the highest potential is the strongest? “Then why are you still hiding here? “Why don’t you just go out and kill that fellow countryman of yours

“We can not fully discount the power of the future… AI patiently explained, “Time has lengthened the curve of your physical universe creatures’strength, and the causality created in time has increased your uncertainty. These things all need to be discounted. For example, the strength of that Lord parasitized by my compatriot can be counted as a part of his current strength. In the future, when he grows stronger, he will also need to be counted as a part of his strength. This includes the probability of the causality discount that he will encounter when he grows to his expected strength. All in all, this is our current strength. Every time the host realizes a part of the causality line to make the future clearer, we will also rise with the tide “…”. “…”

“Seer is stronger in the future. Its curves are shorter, its aptitude, luck, and conditions allow it to have a much wider path than Bolton. Therefore, even though seer is only a level 6 lord right now, with the added strength, it can allow me to reach the star-level!”

“I think I can understand what you’re saying…”Alice smiled and narrowed her eyes. “Then, let’s get straight to the point. What are your chances of winning against your compatriot?”

“It should have been 50-50…”the AI said faintly, “But it was the first to set up the Emerald Dream. I was one step too slow because of my hesitation. I need your help to win!”

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