I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1232

1232 Chapter 1,272: Yimo (I)

The pitch-black and cold eyes, which carried the coldness of a wild beast and the strangeness that did not belong to a wild beast, looked extremely terrifying.


The moment the eyes appeared, Brother Dog reacted and called out, “Dalong?”

However, he felt that something was wrong when he called out.

The unique shape of the eyes was very similar to that of a dalong. The shape of the pupils was so beautiful that one could not move their eyes away. However, the eyes of the Dalong were not black, but Jade, and they were not so cold.

The eyes of the dragon were noble and beautiful. They were like the most brilliant pearls in the world, but they carried a kind of warm light. It was a kind of vitality that came from life, a kind of affinity that made living creatures born with it.

However, this eye was completely different. Although it was the same beauty, it gave people an extremely cold feeling, as if they would fall into the abyss at a glance… …

“You’re not the dragon…”brother dog shook his head repeatedly. “Who are you?”

There was no reply, only a trace of ridicule in that eye… …


The principal beside him did not hesitate to activate the compass in his hand, and the spell that was spread out was instantly activated. In an instant, the energy that was already contained in the crystal turned into countless nerve endings that spread towards the teleportation array!

Looking at this energy entity that was as fine as the ends, Lulu’s eyes lit up. To be able to handle the energy as delicately and nimbly as a biological nerve, it was obviously the level of a high-level energy sculptor. This old man was not only a space-type warlock.., his attainments in energy sculpting were also extraordinary!

As a temporary teammate, he was reliable!

However, this feeling of relief did not last long. The moment the elemental entity came into contact with the teleportation array, the originally azure nerve endings quickly shrunk, as if they were stained with ink, rapidly darkening.

The dense nerve endings turned half black in less than a few seconds. As the elemental entity turned black, a strange and cold feeling spread all around!

The principal’s expression changed drastically. As the operator of the tactic, he could feel the energy changes above the surface the most. That feeling was extremely strange. The energy that originally belonged to him had instantly escaped from his control, however, the feeling of being involved did not disappear.

It was like a kite pulling strings. Even though the strings were clearly still pulling, the kite had lost control. Moreover, it had dived back from mid-air without control, bringing with it incomparable malice!

What was this thing?

The principal decisively cut off his spiritual power. Countless nerves were instantly broken. However, those nerves that had their energy supply cut off seemed to have been reborn. After being broken, they struggled in mid-air for a while before actually regrowing their ends, they continued to spread in all directions, and the entire space was quickly covered by those black ends that were constantly regenerating. The densely packed black ends made brother dog and Lulu’s Goosebumps Stand Up, and they hurriedly retreated.

“Old Man, what is this?”Lulu asked as she retreated.

The principal’s expression was unsightly as he looked at those black things, and his eyes were filled with confusion.

This kind of infectious energy was similar to the corrosive power of the death realm or the void, but it was even more overbearing and exaggerated. It gave people the feeling that… “…”. It was more like some kind of virus.

Buzz! Buzz!

While they were still in shock, something even more unexpected happened. At the location of the teleportation formation, at the location of the huge eyeball, two huge claws stretched out and forcefully tore the space apart, the entire space started to crack like a spiderweb due to a huge force!

The principal took a deep breath. As expected, Brother Dog didn’t activate the teleportation array from the start, it was a summoning array! !


The principal grabbed Lulu and Brother Dog and quickly activated the array technique. He immediately wanted to bring the two of them away from the strange scene in front of him.

He had a feeling that the thing that was teleported over was something even more terrifying than Andrew!

Even if it had fallen into the hands of those gods of unknown origin, it was still safer than facing this fellow in front of him…

However, the moment the thought of escaping arose, there was already no chance. The principal desperately activated the tactic, but the gears of the entire matrix seemed to have been stuck by something. No matter how hard he tried, there was no movement!

The principal hurriedly looked around and only then did he realize that at some point in time, the surrounding runes had also begun to show a faint black color. The structure of the runes had not changed, and the Matrix was still the same as before.., however, after being dyed black, he could no longer touch the energy inside!

It turned out that his initial unease was not an illusion. The matrix had really been infected by something just now…

What should he do now?

Unable to activate the matrix and the space being controlled by the other party, a top-notch spatial warlock like him was no different from a super soldier…


The huge space was forcefully torn apart by the Black Claw, and the owner of the eyeball finally revealed a ferocious look!

It was the face of a huge beast, a face unique to the dragon race!


Brother Dog stared blankly at the monster that tore apart the space. The shape of the head was almost identical to Ysera’s, the only difference being the color.

The Emerald Green that was full of vitality had turned pitch-black, a kind of black that made people despair… …

Brother Dog’s call did not move the cold eyes at all. Its huge claws clawed at the three of them without hesitation. In an instant, the three of them were smashed into pieces!

… … … … … … ..


Sab and the others who had just arrived at the outer perimeter were stunned on the spot. At this moment, they looked at the strange space that was filled with black nerve endings and looked at each other.

What was this?

Vera could not help but shrink back. Those densely packed and squirming nerves made the overlapping spatial array look as dangerous as a devil’s Den. She subconsciously wanted to leave this place.

Lanaya, who was hiding in the dark in the distance, also secretly frowned. As an assassin, her instincts told her that these black things were very dangerous. The degree of danger was not inferior to that Lord Vogu at all.

“Sab… what should we do?”Vera asked.

SAB frowned. To be honest, he did not want to enter recklessly in such a situation. However, if they were to delay for a while, what would happen if the Titan youth who could activate the teleportation ran away?

Maya, who had been following behind them and did not get close, approached them. She rushed into the matrix with a decisiveness that no one had expected, leaving SAB and the others stunned.

They had naturally sensed Maya and the mysterious undead following behind them. However, the other party controlled the distance, so everyone was safe and sound. They did not expect that they, who had been so cautious just a moment ago, would suddenly charge in like this!

They charged straight in, completely ignoring them. To put it bluntly, what if they had reacted just now and suddenly attacked the two of them?

Especially that undead, who had almost brushed past the shadow demon neyfal. Neyfal felt that if he had reacted quickly and given him a dagger, with his wide-open appearance, he would most likely have succeeded!

“What exactly is going on?”Neyfal could not help but ask.


“What’s going on?”Maya, who had charged into the matrix at that moment, could not help but ask, “Taking such a big risk to barge in? “If that shadow demon attacked you at the entrance of the matrix just now, I wouldn’t even be able to protect you, let alone that Holy Church assassin who was hiding in the dark.”

“There’s nothing we can do about it…”the specter said faintly, “We must hurry in, or else we will all die later. Hurry up and find the position of that Little Fellow. We must not let it fall into the hands of these things, or we will really be finished!”

Hearing that, Maya was stunned. She looked at the strange black ends around her and couldn’t help but ask, “Do you know what these things are?”

“A little…”the undead replied in a low voice, “I just didn’t expect that these things would actually exist in this world!”

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