I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1199

1199 Chapter 1,239: This Stupid Bird…

“Are you crazy?”


Brother Dog looked at his grandfather in shock. He had watched those big shots enter the fragment world along the way. Each and every one of their abilities were no different from those of the Saiyan people. These people were not people that small figures like them should come into contact with at all, according to his plan, he would find his grandfather, Goudan, and the others. Then, he would bring those aborigines and run far, far away. Avoiding the battlefield of these big shots was the way to go.

Looking at his grandfather’s serious eyes, brother dog couldn’t help but complain, “With his level, he doesn’t need you to save him. Don’t you know what you’re capable of?”

“Well, you suddenly have a cheat…”his grandfather said with a flattering smile, “Help me. By the way, where did you get this cheat?”

“I don’t know either…”. “…”. Brother Dog shook his head. “It came out of nowhere. You can think of this place as a large-scale virtual world, and I just happen to be able to use some of the loopholes in the program, but it’s definitely not enough to compete with these big shots. You Asked Me to save that woman. If that woman has evil intentions toward us, I’m no different from a weak chicken like you. We don’t have much resistance!”


You’re the weak one…

Grandpa turned around and looked into the fragment.

In order to save her, Safilos had pushed the wind king’s barrier to its limit. The air was filled with wind blades that were combined with the ashen flames, forcing away the monsters that were stepping on Vera.

However, Vera’s limbs were all broken, and her spine was also severely injured by the undead. Black blood kept oozing out. It was obvious that she was severely corroded, and she could not recover her tendons like a normal blood demon.

She could only lie on the ground.

The monsters seemed to have grasped villafa’s weakness. They tried to regain control of her a few times, shuttling back and forth among the billions of wind blades, and slowly approached her, safilos, who had been distracted elsewhere, was also struggling to dodge the attacks. He almost got injured a few times, and the situation was precarious.

Villafa looked up, and her heart was inexplicably complicated. She did not understand why her brother, who had always hated her, would risk his life to protect him at this moment. After all, the reason why he was able to deal with those fate-level zombies.., was because of a special secret skill. However, the wind king’s barrier emphasized on a comprehensive perception of elemental power. It was a method to avoid conventional explosive power by merging into the magical realm of the wind.

The most important part of this method was concentration. If one was multitasking, there was a high possibility that they would make a mistake. As for those monsters, especially the power displayed by the Black Titan, as long as Safilos was touched.., he would probably be smashed into pieces!


Didn’t he resent her because of his mother’s infidelity?

Her bloodline was not of the right origin. It was a scandal that the fallen angel royal family was ashamed to mention. For the honor of the family, her mother was even executed in public by her mother’s side. Her existence was a disgrace to the two great families of the fallen angels, whether it was her father or safilos, her big brother, the way they looked at her gave her the feeling that they wanted to drown her.

She had always been like that since she was young. She was very afraid of her father and her big brother. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had accidentally fused with the blood demon’s talent and displayed the talent of both races, she would have had a different value, perhaps she would have drowned a long time ago?

But even if she had such a special talent, it wasn’t worth it for this family candidate, the successor of the Wind King, to risk his life to save her, right? His value couldn’t be compared to the height of the Seven Kings inheritance, right?

So… Why?

Lying on the ground, looking at Safilos, who was in a dangerous situation, controlling the wind blades to protect her with great difficulty, Vera wanted to ask, but her spine had been cut off, so she couldn’t… It was very difficult for her to concentrate her mental strength, so she couldn’t even open her mouth… …

This balance did not last long…

It was obvious that Safilos could not multitask under the attack of two life-level zombies. Under the increasing pressure, the power of the wind blades on this side began to weaken, the dwarves who had been wandering around finally found a gap.

Looking at the deformed dwarves who crawled in from the thousands of wind blades and approached her step by step, Vera had goosebumps all over her body. She desperately wanted to move.

However, she could not do it. Fear once again struck her heart…

Many times, she actually thought that it was better for her to die. No one cared about her, and those who cared about her often paid a great price for her. For example, her mother died tragically in the hands of her family members for her. For example, Uncle Saab was forced to hand over his genes and reduce his lifespan for her sake… …

If it wasn’t for her existence, they might have been able to live a better life… …

But when death approached, she realized that she was actually afraid of death… …

Vera’s entire body tensed up as she desperately tried to move. However, her central nervous system had been destroyed, causing her to be unable to move no matter how hard she tried. Only her pair of eyes flickered with a scarlet radiance, filled with a desire to live!

This desire seemed to have stimulated the dwarf zombie, making his expression even more ferocious. It seemed as if he could not wait to come in and extinguish this breath of life. This desire also stimulated grandpa, who was watching everything from the outside.

Grandpa’s mind instantly exploded. His mind was filled with the desire of the South African girl to live. A surge of hot blood surged in his heart, and his body began to expand continuously. His entire hairy ball became covered with blue veins, he looked like he was going to explode at any moment.

Brother Dog was frightened by his appearance. He stuttered, “F * ck… you… What’s wrong with you?”

“Save her…”the struggling voice came from his grandfather’s mouth, making him look even more ferocious. “Save her!”

This almost angry voice scared brother dog. He subconsciously said, “How can I save her? She needs to move to a designated teleportation point like you before I can save her…”

Grandpa almost did not hesitate to hear the words, directly a head towards the debris into!

Brother Dog was stunned. He didn’t expect his grandpa to do this. When he realized what was happening, he couldn’t stop it. He could only watch his grandpa rush into the debris. He was stunned for a few seconds, it was a long time before he said slowly, “You really have balls…”

———- —

Was it over?

Looking at the dwarf who had finally closed in on him, the distorted and terrifying face, villafa slowly closed his eyes to cover the unwillingness in his eyes!

Suddenly, a clear Phoenix cry came from the nine heavens and resounded throughout the entire battlefield. In an instant, everyone subconsciously looked towards the voice.

A Red Lotus Flame soared into the sky and descended in the direction of Vera.

Vera opened her eyes when she heard the voice. When she opened her eyes, she saw the pair of eyes in the flames in the air. The pair of eyes were hot and filled with vitality, and they were filled with determination to protect her.

She had seen this gaze before. The last time, during the explosion, that ignorant phoenix chick also had this kind of gaze. Without any reason, it had protected her under its wings.

This stupid bird…

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