I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1166

1166 Chapter 1206: Demon Faction (second)

How much did it cost?


Elder Dylan’s words caused the atmosphere in the hall to fall silent.

Now that the upper three levels were closed, countless high-level demons were forced to move from the upper three levels, while the lower four levels strengthened their communication with the outside world. They were even willing to let the Federation’s law enforcement team move in. All of these were the price they paid to obtain the deity slots!

At the beginning of this era, the conflict between the federation and the various demons had reached its peak. There were many incidents of demons researching the void in many factions, and they even deliberately promoted some dangerous species from other worlds.

Such creatures caused great harm in some marginal areas, causing many civilians to have poorer senses towards the demons of the Abyss faction. In particular, there were several incidents of large-scale cracks in the void that were traced back to the shadows of demons, and coincidentally, the largest incident happened within the territory of the newly promoted Third Liege, Cang Yue.

Hence, this newly promoted killing God did something that many liege wanted to do but did not dare to do. He led his direct line of troops and charged into the upper echelons of the abyss, slaughtering all the high-level demons that were involved in this incident, this included the current leader of the royal clan of the second level, the heavenly demon race!

This wave could be said to have directly angered the bottom line of the void. The Abyss Demons began to directly slaughter the citizens of the Federation within the Abyss. After this matter developed, seven out of the ten great suzerains of the Federation brought their Ace Armies to surround the void! A Great War was about to break out at any moment!

Due to the pressure, the federation officials also led the Heavenly God peacekeeping team to seal off the abyss, starting the final negotiations with the many demon suzerains of the abyss.

Whether it was a war or not was a matter of opinion at that time. Many people believed that the abyss was about to become history.

However, the Federation had actually tried their best to persuade them to make peace at that time.

The bottom of the Abyss was sealed with the largest void rift of the current era. Once the chaos was over with the abyss demons, allowing them to switch sides to the void, it would be a great blow to the federation.

There were also two major factions within the abyss. Most of the high-level races that were led by the upper three levels were inclined towards a war. However, most of the demons on the lower four levels were not willing to fight to the death with the federation.

This was because compared to the void, the people from the federation were clearly much easier to come into contact with. The lower-level demons that were in charge of sealing knew very well how difficult it was to come into contact with those terrifying creatures.

The high-level lords of both sides had argued with each other for a very long time, but they had never been able to reach an agreement.

And at the crucial moment, the fourth Lord, Sylvanas, personally went to the abyss to lobby and put forward a point of view, instantly roping in the demon lords on the lower four levels.

It was the sky god quota! !

The fact that the undead were able to ally with the federation back then meant that the federation had acknowledged the position of the sky god of the undead. Since that was the case, why couldn’t the demons join the Sky God system as well?

This sentence went straight to the hearts of the many demons.

The Abyss had joined the federation for tens of thousands of eras and suppressed the largest crack in the void. Every year, they would lose many of their disciples due to clearing out the void monsters that had escaped from the crack. Back then, when the Void was sealed, the Abyss had also put in a lot of effort.., the seven great demonic gods had even directly transformed into a myriad of demonic elephants to suppress the entrance.

However, all of this did not earn the federation’s approval. Just like how they loathed the undead, the various races of the federation had a blatant discrimination against demons. However, unlike the undead, the undead had their own territory in the federation, as well as their own sky gods, at the very least, they had a place to serve!

However, the demons were different. Without the power of sky gods, they would not be able to obtain the benefits that they deserved in the federation!

As a result, the conflict between the two sides grew deeper and deeper, and many of the higher-ups of the demons had lost their patience with the federation.

Once Sylvanas’proposal was put forward, there were people from both sides who opposed it. Some of the higher-ups in the abyss were opposed to completely integrating into the federation, while many of the Empyrean gods in the federation were also opposed to allowing demons to infiltrate the Empyrean God system.

This was because deep down, they did not trust this race, who was extremely talented but extremely crafty. The Empyrean Gods were the federation’s Ultimate Weapon. If they were to be controlled by the abyss, it would be even harder to deal with them if they were to rebel.

After many days of stalemate, the principal of the Sky God Alliance and the ten great lords took the lead and gave an answer.

Using the trial method, they first gave ten spots. If the Abyss could successfully set an example as a model sky god, and successfully achieve a balance between the demons and the descendants of the other families in the federation.., then they would allow the abyss to completely join the sky god system.

The federation’s side had unified their opinions, but the Abyss’s side was still arguing endlessly. Many demon lords on the lower four levels really wanted to try this opportunity, but most of the nobles and demons on the upper three levels did not want to try, and still insisted on completely leaving the federation.

Under the situation where their opinions were always at odds, a bloody battle broke out!

Many nobles on the upper three levels suddenly got into trouble one day, and forcefully massacred the descendants of the federation who stayed on the upper three levels. They wanted to completely escalate the conflict, and also completely cut off the thoughts of the lower four levels.

However, the demon nobles of the upper three levels had clearly underestimated the desire of the majority of demon lords for the deity genes. Many demon lords completely erupted and directly attacked the upper three levels, almost turning into a civil war.

In the end, the demon gods at the bottom of the Abyss woke up and organized this civil war. After understanding what had happened, they completely sealed the upper three levels of the federation that they were unwilling to integrate into, isolating them from the outside world. They also came to a consensus with the Federation, outsiders were not allowed to enter the upper three levels.

As for the lower four levels that were willing to cooperate with the federation, they were completely open to the federation. They increased the degree of affinity and even allowed the law-maintaining troops to enter.

Of course, not all the demons in the upper three levels rejected the federation. There were also races in the lower four levels that agreed with the ideas of the demons in the upper three levels. Under the control of the demon god, those who were completely separated and unwilling to accept were all moved to the upper three levels, those who were willing to cooperate moved down from the space in the upper three levels. The fallen angel race was an example.

Thus, it became the current situation.

And this unrest was prohibited from spreading to the outside world. After tens of billions of years, other than the ten great suzerains who participated in the incident, very few people knew about this matter. And after that incident, the god trial of the abyssal race began, it began quietly.

There were only ten spots. The abyssal demons were very cautious about this. They wanted to be outstanding and also to serve the interests of the major demon races. Just the selection of the candidates had taken tens of billions of years, in the end, it was chosen by the outstanding descendant of the ninth-level royal race, Dylan Demon: Burton!

In other words, Burton was the first trial spot in the Abyssal Sky God Project!

His success or failure was of utmost importance to the Abyss. Although there were a total of ten slots, if the first application failed, it would cause a great shake to many demon clans who were wavering.

Currently, the lower four levels had an absolute advantage over the upper three levels because the demon clans who wanted to integrate into the federation occupied the entire seven levels of the abyss. However, if they failed, it was very likely that a large portion of the demons would choose to defect, after all, the upper three levels were closed to the outside world, but not to the inside. Moreover, regardless of the environment or resources, the upper three levels were much more powerful than the lower four levels. Currently, the demon lords on the upper three levels had already begun to openly recruit their races to move in, clearly, they wanted to break up their alliance.

At this moment, Bolton’s success appeared to be extremely important.

Fortunately, Bolton’s start over the past few years was still rather good. In less than an era, he had already gained quite a good momentum. It was extremely encouraging to the inside. More and more races began to send their outstanding disciples into Bolton’s faction! Among them were the flame demon clan’s royal candidate, Ragnaros, and the fallen angel royal candidate, Safilos!

Seeing that this seedling was growing as fast as possible, many demon lords who had bet on the treasure were secretly satisfied. However, they did not expect Bolton to suddenly make such a risky move… …

Faced with the questions of many demon lords, the Fallen Angel Elder was also very troubled. He did not understand what the patriarch was thinking. Why did he allow that child Bolton to be so bold?

By the way, why on earth did that child take such a risk?

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