I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1136

1136 Chapter 1,176: Andrew’s final counterattack? (I)

In the starry skies, the Vogu faction had sent out a large portion of their main force after many negotiations with the Burton faction. The VOGU faction had directly sent out five large regular legions, each of them numbering in the hundreds of millions, all of them were advanced mecha warriors.


This included the large interstellar firepower battleship legion, which instantly erupted with the powerful firepower of the advanced mechanical overlord faction.

On the other side, Bolton’s forces also sent out their main legions, this included the 2nd Legion’s Balrog Legion, the 3rd Legion’s Mana Legion, the 4th Legion’s Shadow Demon Legion, the 6th Legion’s Rock Demon Legion, and the 9th Legion’s Dylan Demon Legion, furthermore, each legion was equipped with a activation star belonging to their own legion. An overwhelming number of high-level demons pounced on the giant python, and a few of the activation stars also transformed into terrifying biological weapons and launched an attack!


Within Bolton’s faction, Bolton was sitting at the main control desk, paying attention to the battle situation at all times. He, who had always been calm, had a rather nervous expression on his face at this moment.

All of his previous actions, including letting the entire faction go all out, although it would consume resources, it would only consume resources. As long as he did not lose any critical combat strength, everything could be made up for.., it was just spending some time to accumulate it all over again.

But now, it was different. Whether it was the purebred demons that had followed him or the activation stars that he had spent a huge price to create, they were all the foundation of his faction. When he used them as a bargaining chip to really suppress them.., it was impossible to say that his heart did not waver at all!

He had left his clan and received the assistance of many bigwigs within the abyss, as well as the followers of a bunch of purebred demons. It was not without a price, and all these resources could not be duplicated. He only had one chance. If he lost… … He would lose completely!

“My Lord…”the intelligence officer beside him clearly saw Bolton’s nervousness and comforted him, “It seems that Vogu did not lie. He should be sending out the main army…”

This comfort made Bolton roll his eyes.

It was the same as in the casino. He had finally made up his mind to put all his bets on the game. Just when he was feeling nervous, the subordinate beside him said, “Boss, don’t be afraid. The guy next to you is also doing the same thing as you!”

He felt that there was no comforting effect at all…

If he lost, it couldn’t be said that his mood would be better because he had someone to lose with him, right?

Of course, it wasn’t that there was no comforting effect at all. At the very least, it meant that that guy called Vogu wasn’t toying with him…

Hundreds of millions of mecha warriors were using the best seventh-generation mecha techniques in the federation’s current mecha market. As a sky god who had yet to reach the level of a great lord, this level of strength could already be considered to have exceeded the norm.

Even if they had not used their ace cards, they had definitely used their main force. If the other party had been a little stronger, he probably would not have had the qualifications to cooperate with them.

Just as he was thinking, the commander’s side sent over the latest report from the front line.

“Sir, the enemy’s outer biological matrix has shown signs of weakening for the first time!”

“Weakening?”This latest report caused Bolton’s expression to tremble, and his eyes instantly filled with a myriad of thoughts!

To be honest, when Vogu suggested to launch a frontal attack on the Andrew Matrix without any sample information, he was still worried. If it was really a trap set by Andrew.., then he would have to suffer the same loss as the other party.

And at the beginning, when the two forces attacked, the other party’s matrix was constantly filled with strengthened troops of that level. They completely withstood the frontal attack from both sides, making him unable to figure out the situation on Andrew’s side.

At this moment, when he heard his subordinate say that the array’s energy had weakened Bolton’s heart, he instantly felt relieved!

This at least proved that Vogu’s judgement wasn’t wrong. That old fellow Andrew was really stalling for time. The so-called alchemy dragon technique was actually just a cover! !

“What about that giant python?”Bolton hurriedly asked.

“It has been continuously weakened under the powerful firepower of the Alliance army, and currently, it seems that there aren’t any signs of dragonification that the Liege is worried about!”

Hearing this, Burton was almost completely certain of Vogu’s guess. He thought to himself, ‘as expected, his student understands this teacher…’. …

However, although he had put down his worries, new questions that he had to consider immediately surged into his mind.

Andrew was stalling for time, which meant that there was indeed a high-value secret inside the planet. If he and Vogu launched a frontal attack with such a high profile, it would definitely force Andrew to move faster inside the planet.

Facing such a situation, he only had two countermeasures. Either he used his trump card to speed up Andrew’s matrix defense and quickly lead the army into the planet to seize the initiative.

However, this path was extremely risky, which was equivalent to exposing his trump card to Vogu’s forces in advance. He didn’t believe that Vogu had already used all of his strength, so he must have held back. Most likely, he also had trump cards like himself.

Under the situation where both sides were similar in strength, whoever exposed their trump card first would be at a disadvantage!

If they attacked, they would face the risk of being targeted by Vogu later.

Another path was to continue the stalemate and be vigilant against vogu, so that SAB and the others could resist the pressure from Andrew.

However, this would easily create the risk of letting Andrew Go. Once SAB and the others were broken through by Andrew before his main force broke through the defense line and let Andrew successfully get the secret.., it was highly possible that Andrew would directly flee back to the world of souls, leaving him with nothing!

However, choosing the latter option would be a safe bet. If Andrew successfully escaped and took away the most valuable thing, there would be no need for him and Vogu to continue the conflict. At the very least, he could ensure the safe return of his main force… …

What should he choose?

Bolton was suddenly caught in a dilemma. He was originally a rather decisive person, but when faced with the decision to bet everything on this gamble, he was still unable to make up his mind at the first moment!

On the other side, as Bolton expected, under their pressure, Andrew launched his final attack!

—- —

Inside the new territories, beneath the ground, endless carcasses churn, rapidly eroding the sea. The carcasses absorb water as quickly as a sponge, and expand rapidly!

Almost immediately large areas of the sea began to fill up with mounds of rotting flesh.

However, when the rotten meat invaded the port area of the South China Sea, it was as if it had encountered a compressor. All the expanding rotten meat began to shrink rapidly. When the mounds of rotten meat entered the South China Sea area, they would become as small as a speck of dust.

Obviously, the energy in this area of the sea far exceeded that of the ordinary sea area, making the rotten meat that was absorbing the expanding energy appear so small here… …

However, it was unable to withstand the accumulation of more and more flesh and blood. The endless amount of flesh and blood continued to rush into the South Sea. Even though it was compressed into countless specks of dust, the accumulation of specks of dust actually started to spread rapidly in the south sea area.

At the port, countless soldiers wearing pitch-black activation armor and holding the Heaven Enlightenment sword also walked to the port and formed a confrontation with the Vogu faction that was stationed in the South Sea city!

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