I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1129

1129 Chapter 1,170: Little One, you must hold on!

“Little girl, remember, what I taught you is not a breathing technique, but a meditation technique. This is the core idea. No matter how much it resembles a breathing technique, it is essentially a meditation technique. Only by understanding this can you truly learn this thing. You must remember it!”


This was what Vienne had said to her in a very serious tone at that time. Doggie had also remembered this instruction and slowly found the knack of this secret technique. Only then did he slowly get the hang of it.

So she was pretty sure that the real Winn wouldn’t say anything wrong to herself…

But the idea that she was horrified, in her mind, Vaughn is already the most powerful person she has met, so powerful people, actually… ? . will be replaced for no reason?

Cabbages are right, the outside world is so terrible, I’d better go back to Mars and farm. . .


On the other side, Vaughn, walking slowly out of the tent area, seemed to be patrolling aimlessly, as if observing the surroundings, as if on guard against something.

However, Vivian has always been isolated, the same ranger troops saw her inexplicable actions did not dare to come forward to talk, but the insiders do not dare to talk, but there is an outsider very ignorant approach to each other.

Vivian was slightly stunned. She looked at the person who was walking towards her. It was a black elf, one of the people under the influence of the small lord. It was a woman with a unique aura, Alice… …

“What’s the matter?”Vivian narrowed her eyes and asked.

“My Lord…”Alice bowed modestly. “Is it convenient for us to talk in private?”

Vivian quietly looked at her and did not say anything. It was obvious that she was waiting for her reason. With her status, if she wanted to talk to her in private, she had to give an explanation… …

“We’re all outsiders… We should have a lot to talk about…”Alice smiled.

Vaughn’s pupils suddenly shrank, and a hint of killing intent flashed across his eyes!

“Sir, don’t be nervous…”Alice said very calmly, “If I die, it will be meaningless for you to keep your identity a secret, because what I want to talk to you about is not me…”

“Is that so?”Vaughn glanced at her, and in a flash, he suddenly appeared in front of Alice. Without any warning, his slender white fingers gently pointed at Alice’s back, and his long nails were as sharp as knives, it was obvious that blood was dripping from Alice’s neck.

Alice’s body stiffened, but she did not dare to move at all…

“Just like you said, your death will not affect my identity, but your death will not affect the negotiation between me and the person behind you. What do you think?”A strange smile appeared on Vaughn’s face… It was very inconsistent with her usual cold and hard image…

Alice froze on the spot. She did not even dare to raise her eyes to look at Vaughn, but she could still answer clearly, “You’re right, sir. My life and death are of no importance. Stepping on me won’t affect you in the slightest, it just depends on your mood…”

Her words were very realistic and cruel. The current situation was indeed like that. Even if she died, as long as she could cooperate and negotiate as the person behind her wished, her death would not be the slightest obstacle between the two of them.

If the other party wanted to vent a little because she was threatened, her death would be in vain… …

The huge gap in strength left her with no way to deal with it. It was just like the shocking battle in the afternoon. She… … had no way to deal with it. She was no different from those mecha operators who were crushed instantly. The only difference was that she was lucky and was not affected by the battle’s firepower. …

Vien looked at the pale-faced Alice. She could feel the helplessness and unwillingness in her opponent’s heart. However, the strange thing was that she couldn’t feel any fear in her opponent… …

This was a person who knew her current situation very well. However, when she knew her current situation, all she felt was unwillingness…

“Interesting little fellow…”Vien smiled slightly and retracted her palm. “Lead the way…”

Only then did Alice come back to her senses. She subconsciously touched her neck to check her injuries, but the next second, she realized that her skin was not injured at all. The obvious feeling of bleeding just now seemed to be an illusion… …

If it was not an illusion… it was an illusion!

Alice stared at Vaughn and took a deep breath in her heart. The feeling of her skin being cut open, blood flowing out, and the warmth of her skin, along with some pain and shortness of breath due to her damaged trachea, was so real… But in the next second, it all disappeared… …

Was this the top illusionist that the guy had mentioned?

“My lord, come with me…”Alice bowed again and led the fake Vaughn to the place that the Tauren had pointed out.

Vaughn followed her quietly. Looking at Alice’s back, he remembered who she was.

It seemed to be that Strange Tauren who had occupied her moon well… …

That’s right, the current Vaughn was Maya, the illusionist who had secretly left the hall of the undead… …

She had been following Vogu’s team for a long time…

She had previously found Li Goudan through Andrew’s biological matrix. She was naturally interested in this guy who had top-grade secret treasures. After following him, she used an illusion to observe him from afar, she familiarized herself with the vanguard force that her senior brother had sent

Among them, there were only two people who posed a slight threat to her. One was the hired angel-hunting sorceress, Vienne, and the other was that old monster that had existed since the era of natural disasters.

Therefore, when Vienne went to track down blood demon Saab alone, she followed behind her, intending to deal with a threat first… …

However, that guy was indeed troublesome. In the dangerous situation where Saab was pursuing her, she could not find a chance to kill her. She could only use an illusion seal, but the other party could not come out for the time being, therefore, she pretended to be Vaughn and sneaked into this force.

With her many days of observation of Vaughn and her ability in illusions, she was very confident that she would not be recognized. Even if it was that old monster, she was confident that she could fool him.

After all, that old fellow did not seem to be very familiar with Vivian. However, from her ability, although the other party was old, he was only a star-level who was stuck at the threshold of life-level. It was not unheard of for people below life-level to be able to see through her illusions, however, it definitely did not include that old fellow!

However, she did not expect that within the team, there was actually someone who had sneaked in earlier than her…

She was curious as to the origin of the Strange Minotaur. . .


On the other side, in a forest that seemed to have no end, Vaughn looked anxiously for the flaw in the illusion. At the moment, her wounds were not light, her sternum was broken, and she was bleeding heavily, with simple sutures and a solid form of biochemicals, he was barely able to suppress the injury.

However, her physical strength had declined severely. In the past, she would have used the illusory formation that trapped her to recuperate instead of expending her energy to find a way out.

However, she could not do it now. Unlike her previous self, who was a lone ranger, she now had a burden… …

“Little one, you must hold on…”Vaughn was actually praying anxiously in her heart!

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