I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1077

1077 Chapter 1118: conflict?

“SOB, sob, what’s going on? Is there an earthquake?”


Little Cabbage, who was half asleep, was jolted awake by a shake. He opened his eyes and glanced at Alice, who was hugging him. Then, he pushed her away, jumped down, and ran out of the cave.

Alice looked at her hands, then looked at little cabbage, who had run away without even looking at her. A strange look flashed in her eyes, and she quickly followed him.

After they left the cave, everyone saw an extremely spectacular scene. A huge light covered the entire hill more than ten kilometers away. Little cabbage used his super strong vision to forcefully resist the burning light to see clearly, the entire hill and the soil were evaporating, including the surrounding space molecules and atoms. Under the light, they evaporated and disappeared. Even the sense of space in that area was distorted!

“What is this?”Little cabbage was stunned. “Is it the Armstrong rotary accelerated jet Armstrong Laser Cannon?”

Alice, who had just come out of the cave, heard little cabbage’s words and the corner of her eyes twitched. She flashed forward and covered little cabbage’s eyes. “Don’t keep staring at it. You’ll Hurt Your Eyes…”

Little cabbage wanted to nod subconsciously, but an inexplicable anger rose in his heart. He slapped little cabbage’s hand away and said coldly, “Don’t worry…”


“This energy is very pure…”the Minotaur slowly walked out and looked at the light in the sky. He said in a low voice, “This faction’s achievements in molding energy are not low. There should be a master level figure in it…”

Alice was slightly stunned when she heard that. She asked curiously, “How can you tell?”

“Just by looking at the concentration of the energy mass…”. The minotaur said softly, “For example, some small technological forces that have just started their research on the stability of the firepower loading energy are very ordinary. After touching an object, the energy can easily leak out uncontrollably. The places that they want to hit are not hit in the right place, but the places that they don’t want to hit radiate a lot of unnecessary energy. The destructive power seems to be strong, but in fact, it’s just average. The energy strength that you see now, if it’s based on your current technological level, you can destroy a city if you spread it. However, she can concentrate it in such a small area to carry out precise attacks. That’s the advantage of having high energy purity.”

“I see…”Alice nodded and instantly understood. It was the other party who compressed the ability that could destroy a city, increasing the quality of a single target’s lethality and reducing the range.

This made her curious. Did that blue-skinned woman encounter an enemy? Such a big battle?

“Let’s hide far away first…”the Minotaur said to Alice. “The battle situation is unclear, so it’s very likely to expand the scale. It Won’t be good if we’re accidentally injured later. My body can’t withstand such an energy cannon…”

“Is that so?”Alice glanced at the other party’s rock-like muscles and didn’t say anything. Instead, she came to Hoult’s side and said seriously, “You’ve seen the situation, shouldn’t we retreat a little further?”

As soon as these words were said, the orcs of the Gale Division looked at Hoult with eager eyes.

Hoult frowned when he heard this and said in a low voice, “Sir Jessica said that we should wait here!”

“You don’t look like a person who sticks to the rules, do you?”Alice looked at Hodel indifferently. “Are you sure that your master can control the current situation? “If you are not careful, do you want to make yourself and your tribesmen pay for what she said?”

Hodel hesitated. He glanced at the eager-eyed members of the Gale tribe behind him and felt conflicted. There were less than 1,000 members of the Gale tribe behind him. He was the last seedling of the Gale tribe, the death of tens of thousands of people in the grassland proved that the lord of that force was not completely reliable. At least, he had not fulfilled his promise to protect them.

If this situation continued, how could he face the elders after he lost the bet?

After hesitating for a while, Hodel finally nodded. “Alright, leave a signal and we’ll retreat outside!”

Seeing that the other party had been persuaded so quickly, Alice nodded slightly. She had heard of the leader of the Gale Division before. To be able to develop the Gale Division, which had the worst resources among the five great tribes, so well.., to be able to decisively attack Molundo while the magnetic field was in trouble, he was indeed a person who could make good decisions.

He was indeed a talent.

“Let’s Go!”

After making their decision, the group of people did not waste time. They all increased their speed and fled in the opposite direction. That light seemed to be extremely powerful. Who knew if it would directly attack them in the next second.

After running for about half an hour, the group of people quickly jumped over a few mountains and forests, successfully avoiding a few tens of kilometers away. The ones who survived the gale division were all physically strong, even if there were a few elders.., because they had good disciples when they were young, they were still able to endure the exhaustion at this time.

Hoult looked at the light in the distance and then looked ahead. He then looked at some elders who were already panting and said, “Let’s Rest for a few minutes and see how the situation is before we leave.”

Alice looked at the fire in the distance. Just as she was about to nod her head, a strange scene suddenly happened. The huge light just now suddenly disappeared, and the originally bright red sky instantly returned to its dark silence, alice was completely stunned.

The fire had stopped?

But even if it had stopped, wasn’t the disappearance too sudden?

Just like how the Flames just now were an illusion.

The Minotaur also looked into the distance, and a strange look flashed in his eyes as he thought to himself, ‘Energy Recovery?’?

But that mecha was only equipped with a mid-to low-end mecha with a level-13 life form. Even if it had the ability to recover energy, it wouldn’t be so efficient, right? Although that energy was sufficiently pure and stable, and it would be much more convenient to recover, it wouldn’t be so convenient, right?

Just as he was thinking, a black dot in the distance suddenly began to rapidly draw closer. Before everyone could react, that black dot had transformed into a gigantic mecha and arrived in front of everyone!

“Sir Jessica! !”Hoult’s face lit up when he saw who had arrived, and he hurriedly went forward to greet them.

He naturally hoped that Jessica was safe, because only she could contact that force. Now that the planet was in such a state, only that force could save their gale force tribe.

“En…”Jessica replied indifferently, and then looked directly at little cabbage, “You, come with me!”

“Eh?”Little cabbage raised her fat face and asked in a daze, “Where to?”

“Sir…”Alice, who was at the side, immediately frowned. “You’d better explain clearly what you want to do. Otherwise, even if you’re strong enough, we won’t let you take her away!”

“Yes…”the minotaur smiled and said, “Sir, you’d better explain clearly…”

Jessica lifted her hand slightly when she heard that. The hand mech instantly transformed, and a huge cannon barrel was aimed at the other party!

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