I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1066

1066 Chapter 1107: an interesting little fellow

Traces of living beings…


Shakira was slightly excited. Although she had only arrived here for a few minutes, she had a rough idea of the situation around her. The depths of the ground had been seriously corroded by the energy of the Void mutation, it was basically a state where all living beings were dead. Along the way, there were corpses everywhere, and even microorganisms had no room to survive.

What did it mean when signs of life suddenly appeared in such a situation?

Even if they were not from Andrew’s faction, they were at least creatures that could adapt to the corrosive state. There was a high chance that they could get some information. After all, environmental information was not as fast as living creatures’information.

“Sir?”Shakira looked at her with an inquiring tone.

Vaughn narrowed her eyes slightly. She sensed the subtle energy on the marks. With her incomparably rich experience, she instantly determined that the owner of the marks was not high-level, about level six or seven.

This was interesting. A level seven planet’s indigenous life-form should not be able to reach this level, unless it was a titan-level creature. But how could a titan-level creature have such a small body?

If it was Sandro’s strengthened life-form, it would also be abnormal. Sandro’s body’s energy and the corrosive power of the surrounding void were very repelling. If she carefully felt it, she felt that this elemental affinity was a little like an elf’s.


Vaughn quickly recalled the information about this planet. She suddenly recalled that the local aborigine called Hotell that she had captured from afar seemed to have mentioned it to them, a group of mysterious forces had attacked their so-called orc gale division.

At that time, when Lord Vogu had used a scroll to take hotell away, he had also said that the person who was chasing Hotell was a level-3 Elf Ranger.

At that time, they speculated that a young heavenly god Lord had mistakenly entered this planet.

However, they didn’t take the heavenly god Lord seriously after that. After all, they didn’t believe that the heavenly god Lord could survive until now under Sandro’s command.

But now… It didn’t seem to be the case. …

At the thought of this, Vaughn’s interest was piqued. She really wanted to know the background of a force that could lurk under Sandro’s nose.

“Sir… Should we inform the rear…”Shakira asked carefully.

Before she finished her sentence, Vaughn ignored her and directly followed the trail. Seeing this, Shakira didn’t dare to delay and hurriedly followed behind her. If she lost her trail, the meaning of coming here to train would be very small… …

The two of them were very fast. They covered a distance of more than ten kilometers in just a few breaths. It was only when they reached a fork in the road that Vaughn stopped following them.

Shakira also stopped. She noticed that at a place similar to a small courier station five kilometers ago, the other party seemed to have begun to consciously erase the trail. The technique was very fine, but it was too low-level. They seemed to be using the low-level methods of the federation’s basic teaching. It could be seen that the other party had learned it very well, but it was too low-level. Not to mention a top ranger like Lord Vaughn, even Shakira herself could almost see the clues at a glance…

According to her reasoning, the other party should have been nearby and seen her and the others arriving. They immediately wanted to avoid her group, but the other party did not choose to return the way they came, instead, they used their fastest speed to leap past the point of contact where the two parties might directly collide!

This could be seen from the fact that the other party did not cover up their tracks in the first half of the journey until the relay station started to try to cover it up. The other party was obviously trying to seize the time in the previous section.

And if they were to fan out and search from their landing position, they would most likely collide with the other party at the relay station… …

Shakira thought this was a good thing. The other party had obviously known that they were coming, but they still chose such a risky route. This meant that the other party had some reason to take such a risk, this might be a valuable piece of information.

However, Lord Vaughn suddenly stopped here, which made Shakira curious. She asked, “What’s wrong, Lord? Do you think this is a trap?”

To be honest, it was not impossible.

Vivian smiled and pointed at the fork in the road ahead. “Which way do you think we should go?”

Shakira was stunned. Was this a test?

Shakira was a little excited at the thought. Then, she looked at the fork in front of her seriously. All three roads were official roads. One went north, which should belong to the main road. One of them led to the northwest of the forest, which should belong to a branch road leading to a nearby city. The other one led to a large river about a kilometer away. There was a ferry crossing… …

“The traces indicate that the other party should have taken the waterway…”Shakira took a few steps to the shore a kilometer away. After taking a closer look, she smiled and said, “It’s quite an interesting design…”

“Tell me…”Vaughn had unknowingly followed behind her and asked faintly.

“It looks like they took the waterway, and there are traces of water entering, but in fact, they should have taken other routes…”

“What method did they use?”Vaughn asked.

“Flying…”. Shakira stared at the surface of the water and said, “The opponent is very smart. From the beginning, when they were rushing for time and didn’t show any traces, they used walking to hurry. They even used walking when they jumped over the most likely point of collision to cover up the traces. The purpose is to hide their talent in flying. They deliberately took the position of the waterway to make people think that they were increasing the difficulty of tracking, but in fact, they used flying as a cover to go to other routes.”

Pausing for a moment, he continued, “He’s very meticulous. If it wasn’t for his crude technique and the obvious traces of backwind in the air, it would be hard to think that he could fly…”

Vivian: “So? Which Way do you think we should go?”

“The main road!”Shakira said confidently. “From the terrain, the position of the waterway is completely separated from the main road. However, if he can fly, as long as he jumps over the dam, he will be on the main road. Moreover, if we take the open road, the flight trail will be minimized. The right-most forest passage is too far away from this road. If we want to change the route from here, even if he can fly, it will be easy to leave obvious traces. The other party is obviously familiar with the terrain. It should be a small trick that was designed from the beginning. He is a smart guy.”

Vaughn nodded. “Shakira, I remember you graduated from Wind Academy’s Advanced Class, right?”

“Yes!”Shakira was elated. She quickly said, “Wind Academy’s 17th year advanced class graduated. After that, they went under Professor Sivas’tutelage to further their advanced ranger course for 30 years.”

“You can be considered to have graduated as a top student. I’ve seen your academic records. You’ve participated in the Federation’s interstellar trials. I think you even got a ranking…”

Shakira scratched her head in embarrassment. “I’m just at the bottom of the rankings, sorry to have made a fool out of you, my Lord…”

Even though she said that, she was still somewhat proud of herself. The interstellar trials were the grand gathering of all the universities in the federation. Those who participated were the cream of the crop from the various universities. They were all geniuses and Monsters of all colors. To be able to get a rank in such trials.., even if they were at the bottom of the rankings, they were still very outstanding existences.

This was also the reason why she was able to become a liaison officer for someone like Lord Wayne not long after she graduated.

“You can be considered an outstanding junior…”Wayne nodded and said, “Interesting little fellow…”

“Lord… Lord…”Shakira became even more embarrassed. “It’s a very normal deduction. The other peers in the base should be able to do it.”

Vaughn: “I didn’t say you…”

“Eh?”Shakira was stunned.

“When I said interesting little guy, I meant the little guy in the water…”Vaughn looked at the river and said faintly.

At this moment, Gou Dan, who was holding Guo Xiaoyun’s breath at the bottom of the river, couldn’t help but choke when he heard this.

F * ck! !

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