I Have 10 Training Avatars

Chapter 125 - Brothers, Time to Eat!

Chapter 125: Brothers, Time to Eat!

Lin Xuan watched as Feng Zhuang left.

This burly martial artist was surprisingly meticulous.

Lin Xuan did not take Mu Yang and the others seriously.

No matter what move the other party wanted to do, he was confident that he could handle it.

Lin Xuan smiled. Just like yesterday, he set the projections of various potions on the cloth.

This time, he did not only set 50 bottles like yesterday. Instead, he set 200 bottles for each potion.

Then, he continued to lower the price of the potion.

Yesterday, he asked for 100 essence for each bottle of blue grade Thunder Wound Potion. Today, he only asked for 80 essence.

Similarly, he asked for 1000 essence for each bottle of purple grade Big Life Potion yesterday. Today, he only asked for 800 essence!

After doing this, he quickly left.

He still had to find other underground caves, so he naturally did not have time to stay here.

Not long after Lin Xuan left, as time passed, the market area gradually became lively.

The martial artists arrived in front of Lin Xuan’s stall and were shocked.

“Yesterday, there were still 50 bottles. Today, there are 200 bottles?”

“Don’t tell me this guy’s profession is even more impressive than the Great Potion Master profession?”

“That’s impossible. I remember that this person used a big shield. He even blocked many ghosts in the medium-sized beast tide that night. If he’s a Great Potion Master, his combat strength should actually be very weak.”

A female martial artist suddenly said solemnly, “Is it possible? I mean, is it possible that this guy is actually someone arranged by the Construction Division?”

As soon as these words were spoken, all the martial artists were shocked.

However, on careful thought, this explanation seemed very reasonable.

It was very difficult for a single person to take out so many potions at once.

This person must have a team behind him.

In this Little Spirit Mountain, the Construction Division had the largest team!

Moreover, the Construction Division always prepared in advance. Every once in a while, they would buy potions and stockpile them.

If this person was backed by the Construction Division, then everything would be very easy to explain.

“Perhaps the Construction Division sensed that Mu Yang and the others were working together to increase the price of the potions and decided to use this method to suppress them,” the female martial artist analyzed.

“Very likely! Then we should respond more to the Construction Division! We should take down those bad guys from Muyang as soon as possible.” The other martial artists nodded repeatedly.

The martial artists left messages in an orderly manner according to the order they arrived, explaining how many bottles of potions they wanted to buy.

Some of the richer martial artists bought 50 bottles in one go and were almost beaten up by the martial artists behind.

“If you buy so many, what are we supposed to do?!”

“At most 20 bottles per person, no more!”

The martial artists even formed an agreement that each person could only buy 20 bottles at most.

Less than three hours after Lin Xuan left, all the potions in the stall had been pre-purchased, just like yesterday.

The latecomers could only curse and shake their heads. They secretly swore that they would come early tomorrow!

On the other side.

In the most prosperous area of the market.

Because there were the most people here, the rent here was also rather expensive.

However, Mu Yang was not short of money and had always rented this land for a long time.

At this moment, Mu Yang crossed his legs and leaned back leisurely.

Relying on his powerful financial resources, other than a few stubborn people, he had already roped in most potion makers.

These potion makers unanimously reduced the price by at least a fifth.

In addition, Mu Yang also took out the Life Potions he had secretly made some time ago and put it all into the market.

He had increased the number of potions and reduced the price of potions!

It was a two-pronged attack!

In this way, the martial artists would definitely run over to buy his potions immediately.

How many bottles of Life Potion could a martial artist consume in a day?

Therefore, after the martial artists bought enough Life Potions from him, they naturally would not go to the newbie potion maker to buy more potions.

If this continued for three to four days, the newbie potion maker would definitely lose!

In a price war, it was a competition of who had more funds!

In this aspect, Mu Yang had never lost.

Soon, his stall welcomed a martial artist.

Mu Yang nodded in satisfaction.

Although it was a little later than he had expected, his customer had finally arrived.

“The price has decreased?” The other party seemed to be surprised.

Mu Yang nodded indifferently. “It’s a huge discount. In the past, a bottle of blue grade Life Potion cost 300 essence. Now, it only costs 240 essence.”

The martial artist had a pained expression. “240 essence… It’s still so expensive.”

Mu Yang said disdainfully, “If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. I already have the cheapest Life Potion here.”

The martial artist frowned. “If not for the fact that the Life Potion at Shield’s place has been sold out, I wouldn’t have come to your place.”

With that said, the martial artist bought a bottle of blue grade Life Potion and turned to leave.

Mu Yang frowned.

What was going on?

It was still so early… And yet the potions on the newbie potion maker’s side had all been sold out?!

Then, more martial artists came to his stall.

Without exception, the expressions on these martial artists’ faces were filled with regret and helplessness.

It was as if they were very unwilling to come to him.

“Even after the discount, you’re still asking for 240 essence? You call this a discount?”

“In comparison, the prices of the potions at Shield are really reasonable.”

“I have to wait there before eight tomorrow. I can’t miss it again.”

The three martial artists whispered.

The veins on Mu Yang’s forehead throbbed when he heard this.

“Get lost! I won’t sell you these Life Potions!”

The three martial artists also had furious expressions.

“If not for the fact that the potions on Shield’s side were sold out, do you think we would be willing to come over?”

“You deserve to have your business snatched away.”

“We won’t come again in the future. Do whatever you want.”

The three martial artists said a few words and quickly left.

Mu Yang took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

“What’s going on? That guy actually lowered the price again?”

Mu Yang decided to leave the stall and discuss with the other potion makers to go and take a look.

Soon, he found the potion maker he trusted.

The potion maker knew where Lin Xuan’s stall was and immediately led him over.

Mu Yang’s jaw almost dropped when he saw the price of the potion.

“What’s going on?! Could he be losing money by selling at this price?” Mu Yang had a shocked expression.

The potion maker who had brought him over was also dumbfounded.

Although 1 Life Mushroom was only 10 essence, one still needed 3 Life Mushrooms and 1 portion of water to refine the Life Potion.

Moreover, one also had to consider the failure rate and the final grade.

The effect of an ordinary white grade potion was very poor. It could almost be considered a failure.

The effect would only be better if it was at least a green grade potion.

Even though Mu Yang was a Great Potion Master and had been doing this for seven to eight years, his failure rate was still as high as 20%.

However, this failure rate was definitely very low among potion makers.

Many of the potion makers in Colony Three had a failure rate of more than 40%.

When newbies first entered the industry, their failure rate was even more tragic. It was very likely for them to have a failure rate of more than 50%, even 70%, or 80%.

In addition, the cost of time had to be considered.

After the failure of the potion, one would lose both materials and time.

With the addition of these two costs, the price of the potions would naturally increase.

The potion maker beside him pondered carefully. “Brother Mu, I suspect that this kid is losing money. As long as we hold on for a few more days, he definitely won’t be able to last longer than us.”

Mu Yang agreed.

How could someone’s medicinal success rate and high grade probability be so high while keeping the price so low?

Impossible. It was absolutely impossible.

The other party must be losing money with the intention of squeezing out his market share.

The more Mu Yang thought about it, the more reasonable his prediction sounded.

The shock on his face was gradually replaced by a sneer.

“Let’s go. We’ll prepare to buy the materials at a high price. I want to see how long this kid can last!”

The potion maker beside him nodded repeatedly.

The two of them left casually.

At the same time.

Mu Yang’s competitor had already arrived near Colony Two.

However, Lin Xuan did not enter Colony Two. Instead, he headed straight for the underground cave near Colony Two.

There were many underground caves in the Little Spirit Mountain. Some were filled with danger, some did not even have many demon beasts, some produced stone cocoons, and some produced Life Mushrooms.

The underground cave near Colony Three that produced stone cocoons was one of the largest underground caves.

The one near Colony Two was a little smaller, but not by much.

Moreover, because there were no stone cocoons here, very few people usually came here.

Lin Xuan had long felt that the probability of Indian martial artists hiding here was higher.

As expected, a few hours ago, his training avatar had discovered that there were Indian martial artists in the underground cave here, confirming his guess.

After coming here, he decided to use the same method.

He first found an abandoned temple and then created the Poison Blade avatar. Then, he immediately controlled Poison Blade to descend.

“The Bloodsucking Mosquito I previously possessed is now at a depth of 600 meters. It’s good for me to let it scout the way and see how these Indian martial artists are doing.”

Lin Xuan changed his perspective.

Two perspectives appeared in front of him.

One was Poison Blade’s perspective, and the other was the Bloodsucking Mosquito’s perspective.

However, after flying for a while, Lin Xuan saw something strange from the Bloodsucking Mosquito’s perspective.

If one had to describe it, it was a murderous aura.

These Indian martial artists were not as lazy as before and seemed to be on guard.

Lin Xuan chuckled.

It seemed that not all Indian martial artists were stupid.

He guessed that the enemy had probably found out that something was wrong, but they were not completely sure.

They could only defend against possible enemies by strengthening their defense and increasing their vigilance.

“Unfortunately, you don’t even know who I am.”

How were they supposed to guess that a small Bloodsucking Mosquito would actually be the eyes and ears of a member of the Construction Division?

How were they supposed to guess that someone would actually be so bold as to lure the ghosts to attack the Indian martial artists?

“This time, I might as well use myself as bait to attract the ghosts.”

“As long as I bring them to the dining area, I won’t have to do anything.”

Lin Xuan controlled Poison Blade to quietly advance.

Poison Blade entered the darkness like a fish sliding into water.

His sense of existence was almost reduced to zero!

Lin Xuan had long tested it. With the activation of various equipment and skills that weakened one’s presence, Poison Blade was almost like a chameleon.

No matter where he was, he could quickly integrate into the environment and advance at high speed under the other party’s eyes.

After passing through a thousand meters, Poison Blade quickly arrived.

There were more ghosts gathered here than in the underground cave near Colony Three.

Poison Blade slowly descended and used the same move.

Soon, a large number of ghosts were attracted by the smell of human flesh.

Poison Blade did not hesitate and activated Lightning Wind to rush towards the hiding place of the Indian martial artists.

It was time for the ghosts to eat!

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