I Get A Random New Occupation Every Week

Chapter 888 - 888 Elevated Meaning

888 Elevated Meaning

“I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

With that, Lin Yi turned back to look at the cameraman. “Brother Cameraman, you must have been here before. There should be crocodiles up ahead, right?”

“Yes, yes…”

“How many are there? Are there many of them?”

“Huh? Don’t you just want to make a bag? One is enough, right?”

“I’m really sorry. How can one be enough for a person as outstanding as me be enough? I need four.”

Huang Yunhang, “…”

The cameraman, “…”


“Brother Lin, be careful. The camera is rolling.”

After giving his instructions, Zhao Yinian turned to look at the cameraman. “Brother Cameraman, don’t record this part.”

“I-I know,” the cameraman said as he wiped his cold sweat, but he was also inexplicably envious.

“Mr. Lin, are you really going to walk into the water? Is there no room for discussion?” Li Jiani asked.

“I want to check it out.”

“Then we can only part ways,” Li Jiani said. “We can’t accompany you on this journey. I hope we can meet again later.”

Lin Yi nodded and looked at Zhao Yinian.

“Just follow them. When you feel that you can’t continue anymore, quit. Don’t be too arrogant.”

“Um, can I follow them?” The cameraman asked with a trembling voice.

“You can’t leave. You still have to record my heroic and invincible image. Whether or not I become popular is all in your hands.”

The cameraman, “…”

Zhao Yinian looked at Li Jiani and Huang Yunhang.

“I still want to follow you.”

“Huh? Why are you following me? Aren’t you afraid that the crocodiles will eat you?”

“The probability of that is not high. The people from the television station will definitely do their best to protect us.” Zhao Yinian said.

“Besides, you’re so handsome and you know so many women. You probably won’t risk your life so carefreely… Cough, cough, cough… Cameraman, don’t record this.”

“You can follow me,” Lin Yi said.

“But there’s one thing I need to make clear to you. If I feel that you can no longer continue following me, then you must immediately withdraw without any nonsense. Do you understand me?”

“No problem,” Zhao Yinian said.

Lin Yi nodded and looked at Li Jiani.

“Let’s end this here. See you later.”


Li Jiani stepped forward and gave Lin Yi a hug.

It was the same for Huang Yunhang.

Although the conflict between the two of them had been resolved a long time ago, before they separated, he solemnly expressed his apology.

Lin Yi wasn’t a petty person, so he didn’t take it to heart.

Then, Zhao Yinian hugged the two of them to commemorate their revolutionary friendship over the past few days.

The two groups parted ways, each with their own thoughts.

The biggest reason why Lin Yi insisted on walking into the water was because he could save a lot of time by doing this.

According to the map, if he traveled through this area, he could save at least three days.

Based on the overall timeline, three days was quite a sizeable amount of time.

This was because there were indeed many experts among the participants. They might even be faster than him.

Therefore, he had to shorten the distance as much as possible.

Li Jiani had her own reasons for separating from Lin Yi.

This was because she wasn’t here to record a show or to get first place. She was here to investigate the situation on the island.

Over the past few days, she had made a very rigorous analysis of the team’s situation.

With Lin Yi’s own ability, plus herself and Huang Yunhang, they could easily reach the finish line, even taking first place.

However, she couldn’t let Lin Yi know her true motive.

Therefore, it was better for them to separate here.

When the time came, she would shake off the cameraman and do her own thing. Then, she would be done.

After separating, Lin Yi and the other two set off toward the wading area.

However, fifty feet behind them, Owen and Jones stuck their heads out.

“That man is really bold. He actually wants to walk into the water. Doesn’t he know that there are crocodiles in that place?”

“Maybe the production team wanted to create something interesting and deliberately asked him to do this,” Jones said.

“That would be perfect,” Owen said.

“It will take at least a day to exit this wading area. Moreover, the terrain of the wading area is very complicated, so it’s convenient for us to take action against him.”

“You make the plan, I’ll carry it out.”


After discussing the plan, the two of them hid in the forest again.

At the same time, Lin Yi and the other two had already stepped into the water.

There was a barbed wire fence set up by the production team around the periphery. They did this to avoid as much risk as possible.

However, to Lin Yi, these things were nothing.

“Mr. Lin, Director Yan has something to tell you,” the cameraman said with an earring.

Lin Yi put on his ear piece and asked.

“What is it?”

“You’re really entering the wading area.”

“Yes, do you have anything to tell me?”

“We’ve investigated it before this. It’s genuinely very dangerous. If possible, I hope you won’t take that route.”

“Simple wilderness survival is so boring.” Lin Yi said.

“In ancient times, Wu Song fought a tiger. Today, I will kill a crocodile with my bare hands. If this is broadcasted, the viewership ratings will definitely explode.”

“I don’t want the ratings. I just want you to be okay.”

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. When this show becomes popular, you’ll probably be promoted to director.” Lin Yi smiled. “Wait for me when you get to the top.”

The cameraman was speechless.

Even Director Yan was seduced?

Zhao Yinian, “Brother Cameraman, don’t record this part either.”

The cameraman wanted to cry but had no tears. Other than the part where he cursed and fought, there was not much else to show.

After exchanging a few more words with Yan Ci, Lin Yi handed the ear piece to the cameraman.

“Let’s continue on our way.”

Zhao Yinian and the cameraman reorganized themselves and set off with Lin Yi.

“Brother Lin, are you insisting on walking through this wading area just to hunt some beasts?” Zhao Yinian, who was accompanying him, asked.

“That’s just one part of it. It’ll also save time, which can guarantee that we can reach the finish line in the shortest time possible and plant the Huaxia flag on it.”

Lin Yi’s words were true. This was indeed his main goal.

He only fluffed up the goal at the end.

He had to utilize these sentiments whenever possible.

Such was the strategy of classic capitalist.

“What about you? Why do you insist on following me?” Lin Yi asked casually, “I might just leave you behind in the second half.”

“That’s fine. I know what I’m capable of,” Zhao Yinian said calmly.

“Actually, I’m already very satisfied to be able to reach this point, but I want to go further. Aren’t opportunities all fought for? I want to become the best actress in the industry, so I have to fight.”

The cameraman sighed repeatedly.

Everyone had great ambitions when they took risks in entering this swamp.

He was the only one who was working so hard to earn 200 yuan a day!

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