Hitting Up The Big Leagues with a Green Tea Personality

Chapter 32

My Daughter Can Become A Mother For Free, That’s Great

After Xia Bohe replied to the message, there was complete silence on the other end of the phone, and the second message did not come even after a long time.

In a small town east of Jiang City, her mother Mao Ruimin was sitting in an air-conditioned room eating watermelon. She dug out all the red flesh in the center and stored it in the refrigerator for her son, whereas she only ate the edges of the fruit.


Before opening the voice message from Xia Bohe, she was still saying to the matchmaker beside her, “Then let’s follow the guy’s wishes and make an appointment on Saturday. He’s a big boss, right? How many houses does his family have, and does he have over ten million in savings? I’ll let you have a look at my daughter’s photo; it’s not an exaggeration to say that she looks better than movie stars. If your matchmaking is successful, the guy’s family will thank you for it!”

As she talked, she cut a piece of watermelon and gave it to the matchmaker.

This piece of watermelon was quite small, for she had only cut a thin triangle.

“Help yourself, I’ll slice a new one if it’s not enough,” Mao Ruimin added with much generosity.

The matchmaker was Aunt Liu, a woman in her fifties working in the neighborhood association. She often mediated conflicts between neighbors, and hence was acquainted with many people.

She stared at the piece of watermelon passed to her, torn between accepting it and rejecting it. Her expression darkened slightly.

If it were not for the beauty of this family’s daughter which had attracted her distant cousin brother’s desire to meet her after he saw her photo, she really would not bother to have excessive contact with this family.

Ever since Old Master Xia passed away, this family had become completely outrageous. Not only were they stingy penny-pinchers, they even planned to sell their daughter, whereas their spoiled youngest son caused trouble all over the place. She had already heard of him skipping class several times.

“To tell you the truth, Mrs. Xia, the guy is a businessman and possesses a fortune worth ten million, but he has been divorced before and has two daughters…”

Mao Ruimin’s eyes lit up. “Oh, that’s great.”

Aunt Liu was stunned. Which part of that was great? “One of the children is in primary school, and the other is going into junior high soon.”

“Having daughters is great; our Bohe can even bear a son after marrying into their family. She takes after me and can get pregnant easily in the future.” Mao Ruimin had a joyful expression plastered all over her face. “She can even enjoy the care of two existing daughters. This is a piece of good fortune that you can’t get even if you tried!”

Her daughter was not even married yet, and she was already thinking of letting her daughter give birth to a son and get her share of wealth?

Not only did she want to sell her daughter, she even planned to sell her grandchild? Her greed for money was truly over the top!

As Aunt Liu listened, her expression became increasingly weird, and she thought that she should persuade her distant cousin brother with a word or two. “Then that’s settled, I’ll tell you when I’ve set the time.”

Nevertheless, Mao Ruimin did not notice anything strange. She let out a sigh happily and stood up to see her guest off.

However, her phone rang right at that moment.

Mao Ruimin took a glance and, seeing that it was a message from her daughter Bohe, she felt a little gleeful as she could take the opportunity to show off in front of Aunt Liu. “My daughter just sent a message. My son is short of 80,000 for renovation funds, and my daughter is trying to raise the money for me. She has nothing much to be complimented for except her sense of filial duty. You definitely won’t go wrong introducing her to that guy!”

Mao Ruimin rattled on proudly, not noticing how Aunt Liu almost looked at her condemningly after listening, but instead tapped to open the message half-braggingly.

She knew that her daughter never resisted her orders.

If she helped her younger brother, he would help her back after growing up. After she got married and became old, she would have to rely on her natal brother in the future; was that not how things were?

Mao Ruimin was very sure that Xia Bohe would transfer the money obediently. Even if she had to borrow from someone else, she would do it for her brother all the same.

However, the unexpected arrived the moment she tapped on the voice message.

In that instant, Xia Bohe’s cadenced and clear, relaxed voice came out from the phone mockingly.

“Mom, if Brother can’t get into college, he won’t even get to marry an unattractive girl his whole life!”

“You have the time to supervise the renovation but not his studies?”

“Do you have the heart to see your son remain a bachelor forever? Can you bear to ruin your son’s life?”

“Mom, you’re so cruel!”

Mao Ruimin froze in her tracks immediately.

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