Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband

Chapter 578 - Don't Let You Go

Chapter 578 Don’t Let You Go

“Xiaoran, what’s the matter?” Xia Ning glances at the time, finding that it is six thirty.

It didn’t take long for Hua Xiaoran to wake up and return home. It is supposed that she is still resting, so why does she call her now?

“Miss Xia.” Hua Xiaoran says in a weak voice, “I just… I just told Yixuan that you would wait for him in the Liang’an coffee shop. Miss Xia, is it convenient for you to go out now?”


Xia Ning is helpless. Hua Xiaoran is stubborn. Although she is hurt, she is always obsessed with some things.

“OK, I’ll be right there…”

“Miss Xia, can you go by yourself? Don’t go with your husband. OK?”

Xia Ning takes a glance at Yi Yunrui, “Fine, got it.”

“Is Ou Yixuan not in C City? How did he get here so soon?” Xia Ning thinks.

Hanging up the mobile phone, Xia Ning walks to Yi Yunrui, picks up a strawberry, and puts it in her mouth, “Dear, I’m going out now. Wait until I come back to eat these fruits.”

Yi Yunrui stops what he is doing, puts down his knife, and gives a yellow peach to his wife, “Did Hua Xiaoran call you?”


“She asked you to meet Ou Yixuan?”

“Yes. The place is the Liang’an coffee shop.”

“I’ll take you there.” Yi Yunrui says as he arranges the cut fruit and wipes his hands.

“Dear.” Xia Ning is reluctant to speak out, “Xiaoran told me that I must go there alone.”

“I know. I’ll send you there and just don’t show up.” Yi Yunrui goes to the bedroom and puts a coat on his wife, “Let’s start now. If we get there earlier, I can stroll around the night street with you later.”

After hearing that, Xia Ning is enlightened. Actually, she hasn’t spent time walking around the night street for a long time. She is very tired when she comes back from the media building every day. Yi Yunrui walks around the flower beds in the compound of the military region at night. After they breathe fresh air, they basically sleep when they go home.

With less entertainment in life, they tend to go to bed early and get up early. But even if she is pregnant, she is still a woman. Women like shopping and walking around, especially with loved ones. And that kind of feeling is the best for them.

Therefore, Xia Ning is very happy.

She is reluctant to see Ou Yixuan, but she wants to visit the night market with her dear husband!

Thinking about this, Xia Ning is looking forward to it.

According to Xiaoran’s request, Xia Ning gets off the bus one hundred meters away from the Liang’an coffee shop. Yi Yunrui is not at ease and asks Zhang Hai to hide in the crowd to protect his wife.

Since she is pregnant, Yi Yunrui has made great efforts to protect her.

Around seven o’clock, there are fewer people in the coffee shop. When Xia Ning opens the door, she quickly notices the man sitting by the window.

Compared with his picky clothes before, his clothes are very common and popular now. But he is still very handsome.

If it were not for Hua Xiaoran, Xia Ning thinks that she would never have contact with Ou Yixuan.

She tries to calm down and walks towards Ou Yixuan.

Five years ago, she was so infatuated with this man. She believed that this man was the end of her life. She believed that she would never fall in love with another one in her life.

Five years ago, she decided that he was the one.

Life is full of unpredictability as people always think that they know people. What was once regarded as the most precious thing is now in front of her, but she doesn’t care at all.

It seems that the lost heart has been back. At this second, Ou Yixuan feels that he has the breath of life!

He looks up slowly and sees her coming gradually. Ou Yixuan’s heart beats faster, and he is excited with trembling breath.

After leaving for so many years, his soul is hollowed out, and his heart is not with him. Every time he dreams back at midnight, when he wakes up, he feels alone, and his heart is always so sad and painful.

He was with her for eight years, and during those eight years, she always tried every means to get closer to him. But he always ignored her because of one thing or another. He loved her at that time, just because he was too young to cherish her.

However, now they have missed each other.

He regrets it. If it had not been for his eagerness for quick success and instant benefit, he and she would have had children in groups now.

This picture is so beautiful that he doesn’t dare to think about it.

Anyway, he let her go and lost her.

Xia Ning sits in front of Ou Yixuan. They look at each other and don’t know what to say for a while.

After a long time, Ou Yixuan opens his mouth first, “It has been a long time. How are you?”

Xia Ning nods, “Fine, my husband loves me very much.”

Xia Ning’s words, like a knife, leave a scar on Ou Yixuan’s heart. His smile is very stiff, “That’s… That’s good.”

At this time, a waiter brings two cups of juice.

“I have heard you are pregnant so I didn’t order coffee for you. For pregnant women, drinking more juice is a good thing.”

“Thank you.” Xia Ning involuntarily caresses the raised lower abdomen. She is four months pregnant, and her body shape is very obvious

Looking at her body shape, Ou Yixuan feels very emotional and heartache.

If it had not been for that mistake, he could have given her happiness.

He could have taken good care of her and protected her for the rest of his life. But what did he do…

Taking a deep breath, Ou Yixuan says in a low voice, “Ning… Although I have said this sentence many times, I still want to tell you again. I’m sorry. I can’t expect you to forgive me. I blame myself every day when I left C City. But I am also very happy to see that you are so happy now.”

“Thank you.” Compared with Ou Yixuan’s heavy heart, Xia Ning is very relaxed at the moment, “To be honest, I have long forgotten what you did before. I came to see you this time to tell you about it. Yixuan, forget the past. We still have decades to live, and we should focus on the future.”

“You don’t hate me?”

Xia Ning shakes her head, “No.” Xia Ning thinks it is useless for her to hate him. What’s more, if it had not been for Ou Yixuan, she wouldn’t have met Yi Yunrui.

To be honest, she wants to thank him.

Before she saw Xiaoran, she really didn’t want to have anything to do with Ou Yixuan.

His corners of the mouth rise slightly, and Ou Yixuan feels relief, “That’s good… That’s good.”

Xia Ning looks at Ou Yixuan in a complicated mood.

Now Ou Yixuan is no longer the former one. In the past, he was full of spirit and wanted to be the leader in the industry. Now he… He is just a deserter of love.

All of a sudden, Xia Ning thinks that there is no need to hate him.

After the contradiction is resolved, Xia Ning feels relaxed and shows a smile, “Yixuan, Xiaoran is a good girl. She loves you very much. You must treat her well. You can’t live up to her anymore.”

Ou Yixuan is slightly stunned, “Xiaoran? She is very shy and often goes to my coffee shop. You say she loves me? Maybe. We should not force other people to love in a hurry, and it needs time.”

Xia Ning feels puzzled, “According to Ou Yixuan’s tone, he is a good friend of Xiaoran. But according to Xiaoran’s behaviors, it seems that she has been with Ou Yixuan for a long time.”

Whose words are wrong? Or… Is Ou Yixuan embarrassed in front of her as he is afraid to say something private and admit the truth?

Does Ou Yixuan know that Xiaoran is pregnant?

“Yixuan, how long have you been with Xiaoran?” Xia Ning tries to ask.

Ou Yixuan is stunned and clenches his fists. He hesitates for a while and says, “Xiaoran is a good girl. If we want to be together, I think my character may not be suitable for hers. It is not a good thing.”

Xia Ning is disappointed, “Can you answer me a question honestly?”

“OK.” Ou Yixuan nods without thinking.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Ning finally opens her mouth, “Have you ever had sex with her?”

Ou Yixuan tries to calm down and takes a big mouthful of juice. He is crossing his hands instantly and doesn’t answer Xia Ning’s question for a long time.

In fact, from the action of Ou Yixuan, even if he doesn’t have to answer, Xia Ning also knows the truth.

She thinks he has grown up now, but she is wrong.

He dares to do it but dare not recognize it. He is really not a man!

“Now that it is a foregone conclusion, and you treat her well. Don’t make the second woman sad.”

“Ning, that was just an accident. I was drunk that day and woke up to find…”

“That’s enough!” Xia Ning waves her hand to stop Ou Yixuan, and she feels sick.

Why do men use this kind of rhetoric?

Ou Yixuan doesn’t know that Xiaoran has lost her baby?

“Do you know how much Xiaoran did for you? How dare you say that? Ou Yixuan, do you have a conscience?”

Realizing that Xia Ning is angry, Ou Yixuan quickly says, “Ning, don’t be angry. You’re pregnant now. Being angry is not good for your health. Yes, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t be drunk. I shouldn’t be so casual. You can rest assured that I will bear the responsibility. However, Xiaoran has fine characters and she may not have a good impression on me…”

“Nonsense!” At this point, Xia Ning is really angry, “Things have happened, and you should take your responsibility! I don’t know what’s going on between you and Xiaoran, but there is a word I warn you. If you are a man, you should take responsibility! In this way, when we meet later, we can still be friends. It’s getting late. I’ll go first.”

After that, Xia Ning stands up and is about to leave. Ou Yixuan hurriedly catches up with her, “Ning, I didn’t mean that. Don’t get me wrong. It’s what I did, and I’m sure I’ll be responsible. But what happened to me and Xiaoran is not as simple as imagined. Ning, don’t be angry, OK?”

Xia Ning hurriedly stops and turns to Ou Yixuan word by word, “Ou Yixuan, listen carefully. If you are not good to Xiaoran, I will be the first to teach you lessons!”

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