Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 2143: Chapter 2143: three barium meals (third and Coldsteel Grace + 8)

Chapter 2143: Chapter 2143: three barium meals (third and Coldsteel Grace + 8)

The two of them acted as if they had not seen the person behind them.

Prime Minister Bai frowned. “Why do you care so much? This is a military matter.”

“I’m just telling you. You’re the Prime Minister, shouldn’t you know about this?”Bai Yueran said with a smile. From the corner of her eye, she saw a figure suddenly stand up from a screen behind them, she quickly left.

Bai Yueran nodded and gave Prime Minister Bai a look. She made an OK gesture to indicate that the fish had taken the bait.

The person who had snuck out later was the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


At the same time, the military was also in a meeting.

General Ji was in the meeting room of the military’s large meeting room.

There was a beige wall and a thick navy-blue curtain hanging on the window that was half the height of a person.

A long conference table was placed in the middle of the conference room. General Ji was setting out the priorities for this year’s work.

“I’m sure everyone knows that at the end of last year, something big happened in the city. The military’s elite special guards were all mobilized to capture Keven and bring him to justice.”

“But later, during the interrogation, they were able to set up a demon moth for me in the court!”

“How exactly did you do that? !”

“I’m not trying to criticize you, but if this had happened in wartime, all of you would have lost your heads!”

All of the big shots in the military were reprimanded by General Ji until they couldn’t even raise their heads.

General Ji couldn’t be blamed for scolding them.

The incident where Kevin had been attacked and knocked unconscious in the court martial had indeed made the military take the blame.

If it hadn’t been for the fact that the prosecution lawyer, Gu Nianzhi, had fought a beautiful court battle in court, the netizens would have cursed even more harshly.

It was only because of Gu nianzhi that someone had tried to lead the issue to the verdict, but had not succeeded.

The netizens were not blind. who could not see that there was something fishy about Keven’s identity?

However, the fact that Keven had an accident in court was indeed because the court martial was incompetent. There was no reason for him to be scolded.

General Ji pounded the table and scolded him fiercely before changing the topic to this year’s major policy.

“At the beginning of the year, we planned that this year’s nandou satellite navigation system would cover the entire world. There would be no blind spots in communications.”

“The number of satellites that the space department is going to launch has already reached a record. Everyone, don’t put too much pressure on the space department.”

“If it can be launched, then it can be launched. If it can’t be launched, don’t forcefully launch it.”

General ji paused and said, “The cooperation between the military and the Institute of high energy physics is progressing well. I hope that we can achieve even greater results soon.”

He had yet to tell these military bigwigs that the magnetic resonance instrument had been successfully developed.

The wormhole to the opposite space had already been opened.

Because this technology was too advanced, if it was announced, it would cause unnecessary shock in society and panic in other countries.

Listening to General Ji’s implicit and proud conclusion, the bigwigs who had been scolded until their faces were covered in dirt also laughed.

They were people from the military, and they were actually isolated from society to a certain extent.

This time, the case at the imperial capital’s high-level court martial didn’t go well.

However, it could still be remedied.

When General Ji stopped to drink water, a big shot asked, “How is Keven’s condition now? I heard that his legal team has been seeking medical parole.”

“If he doesn’t wake up, will he be granted medical parole?”

General Ji put down the glass of water and said coldly, “Even if he becomes a vegetable, he will still have to serve his sentence in our country’s prison.”

In the meeting room, they looked at each other awkwardly and didn’t say anything else.

During the break between meetings, General Ji sat in the activity room next to the large meeting room, he said to Huo shaoheng, “You don’t have to worry about Keven anymore. His ward has been changed. He’s not in Room 601 now, but in Room 605. Remember to keep this a secret. No one can know about it.”

Huo shaoheng nodded and replied calmly, “Yes, Chief.”

He then asked, “Is there still a security department in charge of the hospital’s security? Do you want us to send some people over?”

“There’s no need.”General Ji shook his head and said casually, “If the security department can’t even handle this, they’ll have to shuffle the board from top to bottom.”

When General Ji said this, there were several high-ranking officers who were sitting nearby. However, they were all whispering to each other. It was unknown if they heard their conversation.

Huo Guanchen was sitting by the door and smoking alone. He had a smile on his face. It was not obvious that his family was separated and that he was alone.

After all, he was a political worker. No one knew what he was thinking, and they all seemed to be hiding something.


At the same time, the Senate was also holding the first general meeting of the New Year.

This time, both the upper and lower houses of the Senate were in the same conference hall. The representatives of the upper and lower houses took turns to speak on the stage. The main idea was to get more funding and preferential policies for the regions they represented.

Meanwhile, Speaker Long was presiding over the upper house’s high-level meeting in his office.

“Senior members of the upper house, I’m sure you all know about last year’s Christmas Eve case.”

“This is a transnational case. The United States has a lot of pressure on our government. At this time, our Senate absolutely can not stand idly by.”

“Everyone is serving the people. The Senate, cabinet, and military are all in one body, leading this country together.”

His gaze swept past these people, he smiled and said, “Kevin has a very deep international background. Other than the large consortium like Carlyle, there’s also a certain government involved. As for which countries, I won’t name them.”

Which other countries?

There were only two countries that coveted China the most: the United States and Japan.

It just so happened that the forces of these two countries were ready to stir up trouble behind Keven.

Speaker Long did not make it very clear, but he only said what he had to say.

It was also during the break in the meeting when everyone went out to get some fresh air. Gu Nianzhi brought a cup of tea to speaker long and placed it on the coffee table in front of him. She said softly, “Thank you for your hard work, speaker long.”

“I’m fine.”Speaker long shook his head. He picked up his teacup and took a sip. He said, “I heard that things weren’t too peaceful on Keven’s side. The security department changed his ward just to be on the safe side…”

“Oh?”Gu Nianzhi looked up and asked curiously, “Changed his ward? Where?”

“I heard it was room 607. It used to be room 601.”

Speaker Long said in a low voice, his eyes scanning his surroundings without leaving a trace. He didn’t know if any of these people had heard him and sent him out.


On Friday afternoon, Gu Nianzhi returned home from work at the Senate.

As she sat in her car, she received a call from Huo Shaoheng.

“Nianzhi, where are you?”

“I was just about to go home. What’s the matter? is something the matter?”

Huo Shaoheng said in a low voice, “I’m busy today, so I won’t be going home. You can go to President Lu’s house with Professor Lu this weekend.”

“Something the matter? I’m busy too, so I won’t trouble president Lu.”Gu nianzhi said without hesitation, “I’ll wait for you.”

Gu Nianzhi started the car. Her heart seemed to have been stimulated by the roar of the car engine, and it also started to beat violently.

Did the three barium meals they had fed her earlier take effect?

Who was the mole?

Or was it not just one or two?

Gu Nianzhi was actually feeling uneasy.

Even the delicious food at Lu Yuan’s house could not attract her. She planned to stay at Huo Shaoheng’s official residence for the weekend and wait for news.


At six o’clock on a Friday evening, it was the most relaxed time of the week.

At this moment, Dusk had arrived and night was about to fall. Some people had once called this moment “The time of the Devil.”.

Zuo Qinghong wore a white coat and a doctor’s white hat. He also had a stethoscope around his neck and a medical record book under his armpit. He smiled as he walked up the corridor on the sixth floor.

He was wearing a mask like the other doctors. The gold-rimmed glasses on his eyes actually had a video transmission function.

As he walked, he transmitted everything he saw to the cloud. His backup support staff quickly adjusted the algorithm to help him find the optimal route of action and then transmitted it to him.

The Bluetooth headset in his ear had a communication function. It was connected to the internet by the traffic.

“Everything is normal.”

“Everything is normal.”

When he walked past room 601, he stopped for a moment and went over to knock on the door with a smile.

However, there was no response from the door.

A person who looked like a nurse walked past him and said kindly, “Doctor, the patient here has already been discharged.”

Zuo Qinghong sneered in his heart. He thought that it was just a transfer, but he actually lied and said that he was discharged.

If he had not gotten the exact information, he would have really been fooled.

However, he still smiled and nodded to that person. He said, “Thank you. Where did you get the discharge procedures for that person?”

“I’m not sure about that. You can ask the front desk.”

The nurse glanced at him, but she did not see the name on his chest.

Zuo Qinghong knew what the nurse was looking at, so he ignored her and continued walking forward.

When he reached Room 603, he stopped again and reached out to knock on the door.

There was still no response from inside.

Just as he was about to leave, the door was suddenly pulled open. A man who looked like a policeman poked his head out and looked at him. He asked, “May I know who you are looking for?”

Zuo Qinghong was delighted. He thought to himself that the intelligence from the higher-ups was indeed correct. It really was room 603!

But he did not say anything. He nodded gently and elegantly. “I’m a ward doctor. Where are the patients here?”

He pretended to take out his medical record book to check.

The policeman looked at him suspiciously and said, “Aren’t you the Doctor Who Came Yesterday?”

“Oh, I made a mistake. I’m Sorry,”Zuo Qinghong said politely and closed the medical record book in his hand.

Just as the policeman was about to close the door, Zuo Qinghong silently took out a silent pistol and shot the policeman in the stomach!


The sound was like a slap on the doorpost.

The policeman didn’t even scream and fell back to the ground.

Zuo Qinghong turned around and waved to call for two helpers. Then he flashed into the room and saw that the surveillance camera in the room had been destroyed by his own people. The dark screen was facing him, but the battery was actually dead.

Zuo Qinghong motioned for the two people to watch at the door. Then, he quietly walked into the room.

The wards on the sixth floor and above of 3X1 hospital were all special VIP wards. When one walked in, they would all be suites. It was not like the inpatient department of a normal hospital where many patients lived in a large room.

Zuo Qinghong killed the policeman who opened the door outside. He was even more convinced that this was the room that Keven had changed.

As he walked, he felt that the other party was quite smart.

If they did not have a particularly hard-working insider, they would not have guessed that Keven had only changed into the room next door.

He hid the gun in his sleeve and slowly pushed open the door to the room next door.

The policeman inside was sitting on a sofa next to the hospital bed, reading a magazine.

When he heard someone come in, he turned his head to take a look and stood up to ask, “You Are…”

Zuo Qinghong immediately raised his hand and shot!

It was exactly the same as the scene he had played in the game.

It was in this scene that he had completely passed the test.

The policeman did not say the third word and just collapsed on the sofa.

Zuo Qinghong quickly walked to the bedside and looked down.

Kevin was wearing a respirator on his face. Compared to before, his cheeks were thin and his cheekbones were almost protruding out.

After all, he had been unconscious for more than a month. It was impossible for him to look exactly like a normal person.

With his appearance, Zuo Qinghong actually believed that this was the real keven.

If he really looked exactly the same as he did a month ago, then it was definitely fake.

Zuo Qinghong still had some common sense.

He called out to the outside.

The two helpers outside came in. One of them took out a needle and whispered, “Do we inject him now?”

“Of course. How can we get out without waking him up?”

Zuo Qinghong rolled his eyes at that person. “Do you think we can carry him out of the hospital?”

Of course, he had to walk out by himself.

Keven had been unconscious for more than a month, but making him unconscious was their special medicine.

They had the special antidote in their hands. As long as they injected him, he would wake up in five minutes.

Although they wouldn’t be able to walk normally, they wouldn’t need a stretcher to carry him out.

The few of them watched nervously as the person inserted the syringe into the person’s vein and injected the antidote.

In less than five minutes, Keven’s eyes blinked, as if he was about to open them.

“Enough! He has the ability to move! Hurry up and change his clothes!”Zuo Qinghong looked at his watch. He couldn’t wait any longer and immediately ordered his two helpers to bring the clothes to change keven.

They pulled down the oxygen mask covering Keven’s face and changed him out of his hospital gown. They changed him into a gray cardigan, wool trousers of the same color, shiny leather shoes, and a cap on his head, they put on sunglasses on his face.

After changing his clothes, Keven was still listless and did not say a word.

“Mr. Keven? We are taking you out now. Can You Walk?”

Keven nodded and slowly stood up with the help of the bed.

“Great!”Zuo Qinghong heaved a huge sigh of relief. His tone was clearly relaxed.

“Leave this place immediately!”He looked around. “There’s no one else outside, right?”

He was talking to his backup support staff.

The people on the other side checked the situation of the building and issued an “Action”order.

Zuo Qinghong immediately walked in front, and the two helpers supported Keven from the left and right behind him.

They pushed open the door and looked around. After making sure that the surveillance cameras in the corridor had been controlled, they flashed out of the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This was the third and fourth thousand words of the day: chapter 2143, “Three barium meals.”.

For the 7th and 8th time, the 1,000,000 starting point coins given to “Cold iron Grace”in September.

Please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket

PS: Congratulations to “Ink snow”, “Sky Blue Emperor Phoenix”, and “Sibu 602″for becoming the new alliance leaders of “Hello, Major General”!

Major general already has 40 alliance leaders, including the Silver Alliance and the Gold Alliance.

Life is complete. O (∩∩∩∩) O.

Thank you so much

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