Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 1892 - : avenging her (first, asking for a monthly pass)  

Chapter 1892: Chapter 1892: avenging her (first, asking for a monthly pass)

He chengjian sighed and tried his best to suppress his anger and anger.

The events that had happened to him today had overturned his decades of impressions and beliefs.

The guilt, Regret, grief, and grief in his heart could not be described with words.

If his health had not improved, he would have died from a burst of blood vessels when he heard the truth about Qin Suwen’s murder in court today.

Gu Nianzhi felt a little guilty, she quickly said, “My father is not good at socializing. I heard that he has a serious interpersonal disorder. He was suddenly accused of being a murderer and wanted for murder. He didn’t know how to deal with it, so he had no choice but to leave, right?”

She raised her hand to stroke her hair and said, “But even though my father has passed away, I still want to restore his reputation. General he, please grant my wish.”

Xie qingying listened quietly for a while before she stepped forward and held he chengjian’s arm. She said to Gu Nianzhi in all seriousness, “Thank you, Nianzhi. I just found out that for young master he, you…”

Gu Nianzhi coughed and interrupted her, she smiled and said, “I was young at the time, so I don’t even remember it. Actually, I didn’t do anything. If Qin Yaoguang had any credit, it would have been for me being born and saving young master he’s life.”

Although she resented Qin Yaoguang for using her as an experiment, she never regretted using her genes to save he zhichu.

Speaking of which.., gu nianzhi immediately said, “General he, you heard it yourself. The reason I was able to save he zhichu was actually my father’s credit, not Qin Yaoguang’s. She was just a thief, from head to toe, and none of it was real!”

He chengjian nodded heavily. “I know, I was wrong about your father.”

However, he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. He took a deep breath and said, “When Su Wen was alive, I didn’t take good care of her. Now that she’s dead, I must take my last breath for her! Goodbye!”

He chengjian gave Gu Nianzhi a deep look, then turned and strode out of the courtroom.

Huo Shaoheng stepped forward and pushed he zhichu’s arm away. He pulled Gu Nianzhi into his arms and said coldly, “Young master he, Nianzhi is also very tired today. I want to take her back to have a good rest.”

He Zhichu’s fingertips were cold, as if the warmth of Gu Nianzhi’s shoulder was still lingering.

He clenched his fists and his eyes dimmed. He followed Gu Nianzhi and Huo Shaoheng out of the courtroom.

Xie qingying walked quickly and followed behind he zhichu. Seeing that he was in a bad mood, she comforted him softly, “Young master he, this is not your fault. It’s all Qin Yaoguang’s fault. Who would have thought that a biological mother could be so vicious?”

He Zhichu’s eyes twitched. He glanced at her and said quietly, “Don’t say things that you don’t understand. This has nothing to do with you.”

Xie qingying pursed her lips. She understood the shock he zhichu had received today. She did not argue with him. She just followed him quietly and stayed by his side.


Huo Shaoheng held Gu Nianzhi’s hand and did not say anything. He got into the car and drove quickly. It only took him half the usual time to get back to Gu Nianzhi’s apartment.

The two of them entered the room and Huo Shaoheng slammed the door shut.

He suddenly turned around, grabbed gu nianzhi’s slender waist with one hand, and wrapped his other hand around her slender neck. He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

From the moment he saw Qin Yaoguang’s experiment video in court, he felt that something was wrong.

He realized that even though he had spent more than ten years of patience and restraint in the military, he could not erase the anger and rage in his heart.

At that moment, Qin Yaoguang had died a hundred and eighty times in his eyes. Every death was different, but equally tragic!

He cupped Gu Nianzhi’s little face and sucked on it hungrily. A big hole had been dug in his heart, and only Gu Nianzhi could fill it.

“… Nianzhi…”

“… Nianzhi…”

“… Nianzhi…”

As the two of them continued to whisper in each other’s ears, his deep, cello-like voice kept repeating her name.

Gu Nianzhi had also recovered from her shock today. She desperately needed someone by her side to comfort her, protect her, and love her.

She jumped onto Huo Shaoheng’s body and was wrapped around his legs as he hugged her in front of his chest.

The two of them passionately kissed each other. It wasn’t even a kiss, but a lick.

They could only feel each other’s presence through their mutual affection.

Huo Shaoheng held her leg, kicked open the bedroom door, and carried her in.


He kept kissing her forehead, her temples, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, and her red lips. It was like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water.

There was a beauty vase in the corner by the window. The peacock tail feathers in the vase moved rhythmically in the air even though there was no wind.

After an unknown amount of time, the peacock tail feathers finally stopped.

Huo Shaoheng still held Gu Nianzhi tightly and refused to let her go. It was as if this was the only way to feel that she was still there and that she was still by his side.

He caressed her smooth shoulders and was silent for a long time before saying,”… I will avenge you.”

Gu Nianzhi was so tired that she was about to fall asleep.

She replied in a daze, “I’ve already avenged myself.”

“No, it’s not enough.”Huo Shaoheng looked out the window at the gradually darkening night sky and repeated, “No, it’s Not Enough…”

He wanted to seek justice for her. He would pay for all the suffering she had suffered.

Gu Nianzhi suddenly felt strangely relaxed and at ease. She tilted her head and finally fell asleep.

However, Huo Shaoheng couldn’t sleep. He lay on the bed with his eyes open for a long time before finally getting up and going to the bathroom to take a shower.


After tidying himself up, he pulled open the door to the suite. Just as he was about to step out, he suddenly felt a strong gust of wind coming from the side of the door.

Huo Shaoheng was about to dodge and retaliate when he saw from the corner of his eye that it was Lu Jin who had kicked him.

He immediately retracted his leg, turned slightly, and used his back to carry Lu Jin’s “Sweep leg.”.

Lu Yuan did not stop him. He smiled and said, “I’ve been blocking for you all afternoon. Now it’s your turn to block.”With that, he leisurely returned to his suite opposite him.

Lu Jin glared at Huo Shaoheng and scolded him again,”… are you still human? !”

Huo Shaoheng:”…”

Afraid that Lu Jin would say something unpleasant again, huo shaoheng quickly said, “Uncle Lu, I’m going to find young master he to take care of Qin Yaoguang now. Do you want to go with me?”

Speaking of Qin yaoguang, Lu Jin’s rationality returned. He pursed his lips. “Who has the patience to take care of her? She’s dead for sure. How else can I take care of her? He Chengjian won’t let her go.”

Huo Shaoheng nodded. “They are them, and I am me. I don’t have the habit of letting others take revenge for me.”

He adjusted his collar and said calmly, “Nianzhi is asleep. Don’t disturb her. Let her sleep a little longer.”

“You don’t have to tell me!”Lu Jin’s nose was not his nose, and his eyes were not his eyes. No matter how he looked at Huo Shaoheng, he did not like him.

Seeing that he was still going to provoke her, Huo Shaoheng was also worried that Gu Nianzhi would be embarrassed, therefore, he casually rebuked Lu Jin,”… you really have the time of your life. If I Were you, I would think about what to say about the surveillance video now.”

“What’s wrong with the surveillance video?”Lu Jin glared at him. “I’m the one with the skills! I didn’t fake it!”

“Yes, but why did you only take it out now? Where have you been for the past ten years?”Huo Shaoheng walked forward and smiled as he finished speaking. The elevator door slowly closed in front of him.

Lu Jin was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood. He jumped three feet high.”… I slipped away… it’ll be troublesome when Nianzhi wakes up!”

However, when he rushed to open the elevator, he realized that Huo Shaoheng had done something. The elevator could only go down, not up!

Just as he was about to rush to the stairs, Lu Yuan had already received a text from Huo Shaoheng. He came out of the room and shook his head at Lu Jin, who was about to slip away. “Come in, let’s have a proper discussion about this video.”

“… Hehe, Boss Lu, why don’t you go make dinner first? We’ll talk about this after dinner, okay?”

Lu Yuan stared at Lu Jin until he entered the room. He then closed the door and locked it, he said, “Stay here. When Nianzhi wakes up from her hunger, she’ll come looking for food. When that happens, it’ll either be you and your daughter hugging each other and crying, or you’ll be beaten to tears by Nianzhi.”

Lu Jin scratched his head and said in distress, “I don’t want to do either of those things. Why Is it so troublesome? I helped her, didn’t I?”

“Now that Qin Yaoguang has been convicted, she won’t be able to escape either the death penalty or the punishment. Why is Nianzhi still so stubborn?”

Lu Yuan walked into the kitchen and began to cook dinner. He said casually, “Do you think Nianzhi is as reckless as you? She’s so logical and meticulous. How could she let go of such a big doubt?”

“How is it Big?”Lu Jin followed him into the kitchen and started to pick vegetables for him under Lu Yuan’s instructions, he was still complaining. “It was flawless. Not only did she remove Nianzhi completely, but she also shifted all the focus to Qin yaoguang. What else does she want? !”

“It’s not what she wants, it’s what you want.”Lu Yuan said meaningfully. “Big shareholder Lu, you’re pretty amazing. You hid such a big secret under my nose. You’re really not simple.”

“The same goes for you.”Lu Jin said sarcastically, “Don’t you have a lot of things you haven’t told me? We’re all adults, we should have our own privacy, right?”

“This is privacy?”Lu Yuan laughed. “I’ve never heard of anything related to a murder case being privacy.”

Lu Jin’s eyes flickered, and his brain was already starting to think of reasons to shut Gu Nianzhi up.


Huo Shaoheng stepped on the gas pedal, and the huge Soviet SUV whizzed out of the parking lot of the apartment complex.

He opened the car window, and the cool night breeze blew past his ears. His impatience finally calmed down.

He had thought that nothing would ever make him lose his composure again, but today was the first time.

As he drove, he called he zhichu.

“Young master he.”

He Zhichu picked up the phone and said indifferently, “Mr. Peter, it’s so late. What can I do for You?”

Huo Shaoheng heard he zhichu’s tone and the faint sound of wind coming from the other end of the phone. He immediately understood.”… You’re not at home?”

He zhichu nodded with a cigarette in his hand. He turned to look coldly at Qin yaoguang, who had just been thrown down from a height. He said coldly,”… I’m doing an experiment.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This was the first update of the day: chapter 1892, “Avenge her.”.

Monthly tickets and recommendation tickets to remind everyone ~ ~

There was a second update at eight o’clock in the evening.

PS: someone said, “This book is not sweet, but refreshing…”

What kind of logic is this? ! Could it be that sweet and refreshing are one or the other? ! ? This book is both love and pleasure, and it doesn’t accept any rebuttal. ! Dog Head. . JPG.

Mwah, big and Little Angels ~ ~

(* ° ▽ ° *)★

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