Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 1805 - comes prepared (the first is a monthly ticket)  

Chapter 1805: Chapter 1805 comes prepared (the first is a monthly ticket)

At the entrance of the Exit Hall at JFK International Airport, several armored vehicles were parked with murderous intent.

A group of three riot police officers, armed with guns, entered the hall back to back, fearing that there would be snipers in any direction.

They were all wearing bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets, and their backs were blocked by their own people. From the looks of it, it was a sure thing.

However, this stance also blocked the exit completely.

The CIA agents were mixed in with the crowd of people waiting to pick them up at the exit hall. They were anxious, but they could not find an opportunity to leave.

They knew that the moment they moved, the semi-automatic micro-charge of the special police would sweep over.

At this time, the airport control and flights were about to turn upside down.

“… how many times have I told you guys! You have to be careful and careful in doing things! The airport control is such an important job, how can you make such a big mess!”

The supervisor of the airport dispatch desk was scared out of his wits, but he still had to patiently reprimand his subordinates.

“People will always make mistakes! You Should Trust the machines! Tell me, did you not use the automatic control system that our airport has just introduced? !”

This automatic control system was similar to the control system of driverless cars, trying to achieve a seamless connection between the airport dispatch and the flights, reducing the possibility of human error.

Therefore, the work of the airport dispatch desk and the flight confirmation information was not done by humans, but by computers with a certain degree of artificial intelligence.

Similarly, the flight confirmation information was also done by the computer system and the ground.

The airport dispatch staff was only responsible for maintaining the computers, or dealing with some additional requirements and emergency measures.

For example, according to the request of a certain organization, giving priority to certain passengers to get off the plane, and so on.

If it hadn’t been for this, Gu Nianzhi and Lu Jin wouldn’t have been able to complete their plan so seamlessly.

The situation of the two planes was just like those cars that had been brought into the ditch by the automatic navigation system. They thought they were heading towards the right goal, but in fact, they had deviated from their destination, they stopped at an inexplicable place.

When the staff at the airport control desk heard the supervisor’s reprimand, they said unwillingly,”… It was the fault of the AI’s dispatch! If it was really a human, why would it make such a mistake? !”

To be precise, it was the fault of both computers that caused both sides to be in the dark.

The supervisor was shocked. “It can’t be? ! How could the AI make a mistake? ! Did you guys remember wrongly? !”

“… even if we all remember wrongly, what about the passengers on the plane? Did they also collectively remember wrongly? ! They wouldn’t even remember their own destination ? Besides, they still have an electronic ticket in their phone. Why Don’t you take it out and take a look at the destination?”

Nowadays, electronic tickets were all sent to their phones. When they boarded the plane, they would take it out to check the barcode. The previous paper tickets had been completely canceled.

In theory, the more advanced the automation, the less likely it was to make a mistake.

But once a mistake was made, it would be an irreparable mistake.

The face of the airport control desk supervisor was half black. He did not speak for a long time. In the end, he picked up the phone and directly called the captain of the CIA team.

“Mr. Wasim, it’s really a big mess…”

He briefly explained what had happened, then, with a bitter face, he said, “There was a problem with the computer connection system controlled by the artificial intelligence. They didn’t find that the flight number and destination didn’t match, so we didn’t find it either…”

“Then what about the plane we’re waiting for? ! Where did it go? !”The black captain asked in a low voice.

“… According to the historical records, the plane that stopped here was supposed to be heading to Newark International Airport, so the plane you’re waiting for is probably at Newark International Airport now.”

Because the flight paths were like a carrot and a pit, if a plane messed up the flight path, it would cause a lot of plane delays.

There was no news of other plane delays, so they deduced that the real situation was that two flights that arrived at almost the same time changed their flight paths.

The black captain of the CIA team could no longer remain calm. He fiercely threw the latte in his hand onto the ground.

The coffee spilled all over the ground, alerting the highly nervous riot police on the other side.

Da Da Da da da!

A barrage of bullets came from the semi-automatic micro-charge.

The black captain of the CIA rolled forward to dodge the bullets from the other side and shouted, “One of us! Don’t shoot!”

He took out his own ID.

The other side saw the CIA ID logo through the binoculars and quickly waved his hand to get the riot police on his side to put down their guns.

The black captain of the CIA stood up and walked over. He whispered to the head of the riot police,”… The Man is from the Middle East. You have to pay attention to the people who look like the Middle East among these people.”

As the two of them were talking, a Middle Eastern man in a white robe rolled out from the crowd. He took out his gun from under the white robe and shot at a row of floor-to-ceiling glass windows around the hall, then, he pounced out from the broken glass windows.

His actions were swift and Swift. Coupled with the flying glass shards from the broken glass windows, the explosion-proof police subconsciously used shields to cover their heads, faces, and bodies. No one thought of shooting.

Taking advantage of the moment when everyone was stunned, he successfully escaped from the sealed exit hall.

Behind him, two people dressed in white robes from the Middle East followed suit. They broke through the glass windows and rushed out.

The police’s armored vehicle stopped in front of the three doors of the exit hall. They blocked the doors tightly and were not on guard against this kind of operation.

It was not easy for the armored vehicle to turn around. However, a few smart riot police reacted quickly. They immediately got on a police motorcycle and chased after the three white-robed men.

However, these three white-robed men had a tacit understanding. When they reached a fork in the road, the three of them ran in three different directions simultaneously.

There was only one police motorcycle chasing after them. No matter how hard they chased, they could only chase one person.

The motorcyclist made a prompt decision and chased after the first white-robed man who rushed out of the hall.

Because this man was obviously the leader, but he was also the most cunning.

He not only ran around the bend in front, but also specifically ran to the apron.

Not far from the apron, there happened to be an Apache armed helicopter driven by the police.

The police on the helicopter had already come down to besiege the exit hall, and only one pilot was still on the plane waiting for orders.

This white-robed middle-eastern man was extremely brave. Being chased by the police motorcycle behind him, he was still able to fight back and advance at the same time. It was as if he was leading the way to the underside of the armed helicopter.

Da Da Da da da! Da Da Da Da da da!

The semi-automatic micro-charge of the explosion-proof policeman on the police motorcycle behind him was pulled by him and shot towards the direction of the helicopter.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the pilot on the helicopter quickly started the helicopter. He planned to use the assault rifle on the armed helicopter to deal with this white-robed middle-eastern man after they rose into the air!

But he was still one step too late. Just as he started the propeller, the man had already shot through the helicopter’s cabin door and rushed in!

Before entering the cabin and landing on the ground, he raised his wrist and fired!


It hit the helicopter pilot’s arm.

This was also the only place that the helicopter pilot could hit.

The helmet on his head was bulletproof, and he wore a bulletproof vest to protect his body. There was also the entire pilot seat to block bullets for him. Other than the arm that was exposed to pull the lever, there was really no other place to hit.

The pilot howled and grabbed his wrist. He could no longer control the helicopter.

The Middle Eastern Man in the white robe had already rushed to his back and shot him unconscious again.

After unfastening his seat belt, he kicked him out of the helicopter. Then, he locked the cabin door, quickly pulled the joystick up, and flew into the sky at the fastest speed possible!

A few riot police officers on the police motorcycle chased after him with semi-automatic micro-charge and fired at the helicopter that had just taken off!

The fuselage of the helicopter was instantly beaten up like a hornet’s nest.

However, this Apache helicopter was very sturdy and hard to build. The fuselage was riddled with holes, but it did not prevent it from taking off quickly for battle.

The white-robed Middle Easterner who had gained control of the Apache helicopter was like a tiger with wings. He controlled the weapons on the helicopter and began to fire at the ground!

The explosion-proof police officers had no choice but to fall to the ground. The police motorcycle behind them had already been blown up by the small howitzers on the helicopter!

The fuel tank was ignited. With a loud bang, the entire police motorcycle was blown into pieces, leaving only black smoke rising into the air.

The white-robed Middle Eastern man was not in a hurry to escape. He actually drove the Apache helicopter towards the three armored vehicles at the entrance of the exit hall!

Assault rifle fell from the sky and fired. The bullets were impenetrable, and shell shells were everywhere.

In addition to the constant firing of howitzers, the firepower was full of power.

The policemen in the armored vehicles could not stand the heat, and hurriedly opened the lid and jumped out. They were shot several times in the legs and arms, but it was better than being burned to death in the armored vehicles.

When the people in the exit hall saw the situation outside, they were all stunned.

The CIA agents did not react in time.

These Middle Eastern people were really too strong!

“… quickly call for military support!”

“Call the Air Force!”

“What are you waiting for? !”

The black captain of the CIA, Wasim, shouted at the policemen who were already scared to death.

Soon, the police arrived.

A few F-35s came with a whistling sound, threatening to tear the Apache helicopter that dared to oppose the police into pieces!

The white-robed Middle Easterner in the Apache helicopter was no longer fighting. He skillfully piloted the Apache helicopter and made an incredible turn in the air, then, he flew toward the direction of the Jimaiga Bay near the airport.

His speed was so fast that he almost directly rushed into the bay from high up in the sky!

The F-35 fighter planes that were chasing after him chased after him fiercely. Even the missiles were locked on, but the helicopter in front only gave them a chance. It plunged into the bay and caused a spray of water in the sky!

The heavy helicopter quickly sank below the surface of the sea.

In the cabin, the white-robed Middle Eastern Man took off his white robe, revealing the diving suit underneath and the scuba gear on his back.

He conveniently took off the disguise on his face, revealing his handsome and experienced eastern face. It was Lu Yuan who had come to JFK airport to “Stir up some trouble”.

He picked up a hammer and smashed the helicopter’s airtight window. He crawled out of the hole and put on the scuba breathing regulator on his face. With a swing of his legs, he swam out like a fish and soon disappeared into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

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This is the first watch of the day: chapter 1805, “Come prepared.”.

Remind everyone of the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket!

8:00 p.m. Second Watch.

Mwah, big and Little Angels ~ ~

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