Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 1656 - An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth

Chapter 1656: An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth

Gu Nianzhi trusted He Zhichu since he was going in person.

Qin Yaoguang definitely wouldn’t be able to win against him.

As for the surgery on Grandfather Qin, Gu Nianzhi would have to wait and see.

He Zhichu waved at her. “Go, don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.”

Gu Nianzhi also popped her head out of the car and waved goodbye to him.

Huo Shaoheng sat on the other side of the backseat, and his was expression unsightly.

Gu Nianzhi thought he was still faking it and didn’t pay much attention.

Gu Nianzhi didn’t speak to Huo Shaoheng because He Zhichu’s chauffeur was still in the car.

The two of them drove in silence all the way to the apartment block that Gu Nianzhi and Huo Shaoheng were currently renting.

“Miss Gu, Mr. Peter, is this the place?” The man looked at the address He Zhichu had given him and said, “Mr. Peter lives here too?”

Huo Shaoheng replied indifferently and rubbed his forehead. “Take me back to the embassy. This is the apartment I rented.”

“Yes, Mr. Peter.” The man got out of the car and opened the door for Gu Nianzhi.

Gu Nianzhi got out of the car and looked back at Huo Shaoheng.

Huo Shaoheng’s face was pale, but his expression was cold and his posture was arrogant. He looked like he didn’t want to talk to anyone.

Gu Nianzhi thought he was still putting on airs in front of outsiders, so she didn’t care. She walked alone to her apartment building.

She had already texted Lu Jin on the way back.

As expected, she had just entered the lobby of the apartment building when she saw Lu Jin coming up to greet her.

Gu Nianzhi quickly pulled him into the elevator.

The elevators here all went directly to the floor where they lived, so it was safer and more private.

“Nianzhi, are you okay?” Lu Jin was extremely nervous. “You scared me to death!”

Those people were even more impatient than he had imagined!

Nianzhi would have been in trouble if he hadn’t agreed to let that KGB official go to the restaurant with her…

Lu Jin broke out in a cold sweat at the thought.

He held Gu Nianzhi’s hand tightly until they entered her apartment.

Gu Nianzhi was very happy to see Lu Jin so nervous.

“Dad, I’m fine, I’m really fine. It’s not like I’ve never encountered things more dangerous than this before.” Gu Nianzhi giggled as she tried to comfort Lu Jin.

Lu Jin’s heart almost jumped out of his throat.

“What?! More dangerous than this?!” Lu Jin almost jumped up from the sofa, and his eyes were wide open. “Is there anything else I don’t know?!”

Gu Nianzhi smiled guiltily while thinking, there were so many things you don’t know and only a fool would tell you everything…

She smiled as she told him, “It was the time I was hit by the anti-materiel rifle. If it wasn’t for your bulletproof phone… Oh, by the way, thanks to your modified phone this time, I was able to contact Young Master He in time…”

Gu Nianzhi clicked her tongue. “You don’t know that the other party used electromagnetic shielding, right?”

Lu Jin’s expression immediately turned ugly. “Electromagnetic shielding?! Hmph! What a show-off!”

“Exactly!” Gu Nianzhi smiled as she patted Lu Jin on the shoulder and said, “At that time, Mr. Peter’s phone make any calls. He said that there was electromagnetic shielding, so I proudly took out the modified phone that my father had given me. I successfully contacted Young Master He at the first opportunity to get help.”

Lu Jin snorted again. “He Zhichu is still somewhat useful. Otherwise, he would be completely useless!”

Gu Nianzhi knew that Lu Jin was biased against the He family, so she quickly added, “Dad, I also brought back a hair sample from Luo Piaopiao. Unfortunately, she was blown up on the spot, and there was nothing left of her.”

Lu Jin was shocked. “Luo Piaopiao?! She’s the person you were going to have a meal with today?”

“Yes.” Gu Nianzhi recounted what had happened and added, “I didn’t know the Qin family would be there. Luo Piaopiao kept it from me. She only showed up with the Qin family after I went.”

She shook her head and stretched her arms backwards. She hugged the back of her neck and said ruefully, “Then, when we were in the bathroom, it was just the two of us. When I was fixing her hair, Mr. Peter suddenly rushed in and pulled me along as he ran. Then, there was a loud explosion behind him. There was also a loud explosion in the restaurant. Several members of the Qin family had died. Old Master Qin himself was seriously injured and is now lying in the hospital.”

“Why is the Qin family everywhere?” Lu Jin frowned. “Was Qin Haoshan who humiliated you last time killed by the explosion?”

Gu Nianzhi: “…”

She thought about it for a moment and said, “No, he didn’t come.”

This person probably still had some sense of shame.

He had just humiliated Gu Nianzhi, so he couldn’t pretend that nothing had happened and eat with her.

“At least he knows his place.” Lu Jin slapped the table with his hand and spread it out to Gu Nianzhi. “Give it to me. I’ll do a DNA test.”

Gu Nianzhi knew that he wanted a sample of Luo Piaopiao’s hair.

She placed the small transparent plastic bag on Lu Jin’s palm and said, “I still have something to do. Dad, please test it quickly.”

She thought for a moment and said, “Can you do a full DNA sequence test on her?”

“Why do you need a full DNA sequence test? You don’t need to test all the DNA for a paternity test.” Lu Jin did not understand.

Gu Nianzhi quickly said, “Just do it, just in case.”

Luo Piaopiao was already dead anyway, so there was no need for her to rush.

Although Lu Jin didn’t understand, he had always complied with his daughter’s requests.

“Okay, I’ll do it. It’ll take some time.” Lu Jin hesitated for a moment, but he still coveted the time he had with his daughter.

He thought that it wouldn’t be too late for him to leave after he finished testing Luo Piaopiao’s full DNA sequence.

That way, he could spend a few more days with his daughter.

To him, “days that passed by like years” was a positive term.

It would be best if a day could feel like a year.

Because he hoped that the days he spent with his daughter would never end.

Lu Jin took Luo Piaopiao’s hair for DNA testing. Lu Yuan followed them in and asked quietly, “Nianzhi, are you okay? The internet is full of news about this. Why was there suddenly a bomb? I heard that even the military sent out a military squadron? And there was a gunfight?”

Gu Nianzhi thought about it and said, “I don’t know why there was a bomb in the restaurant. I was in the bathroom at the time, so I dodged a bullet.”

She didn’t tell Lu Yuan about Luo Piaopiao because she wasn’t sure what Lu Yuan was hiding.

Lu Yuan immediately realized that she wasn’t telling the truth and sat down on the sofa opposite her. He asked with a half-hearted smile, “… Only the restaurant had a bomb? I saw the news online say that the first bomb exploded in the ladies’ bathroom. Didn’t you forget to sy that you were in that bathroom?”

Gu Nianzhi almost gasped.

President Lu was too observant!

She had only mentioned that she was in the bathroom, but Lu Yuan had almost guessed what had happened. In this regard, he was even more observative than Lu Jin.

Gu Nianzhi’s heart skipped a beat. “Really? What did the news say?”

“It said that it exploded in the bathroom first.” Lu Yuan finally asked the question he was concerned about. “What about Mr. Peter, who was with you? Is he okay?”

Gu Nianzhi looked at him suspiciously. “Why do you care about Mr. Peter?”

When did they become so close?

Lu Yuan’s expression didn’t change and his heartbeat didn’t quicken. He said calmly, “I’m not concerned about him. I’m worried that you’ll take the blame. Think about it. He’s from the Soviet Union, and now he’s pursuing you in a high-profile manner. Now, he was suddenly involved in a serial bomb case because of you. The KGB isn’t to be trifled with if he gets injured. They’re best at retaliating in an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth manner.”

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