Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 1302 - The Messenger

Chapter 1302: The Messenger

When Huo Shaoheng saw Gu Nianzhi’s text message, it was already an hour later.

He had just come out of the conference room and turned on his phone when he saw the message.

He was slightly taken aback and subconsciously dialed Gu Nianzhi’s number.

“Nianzhi, why do you ask?” Wearing a Bluetooth headset, he walked down the long corridor leisurely.

The sound of his leather boots clanging against the floor reverberated through the long corridor.

Gu Nianzhi had already returned to Huo Shaoheng’s official residence.

After taking a shower, she sat alone with her long hair draped over her shoulders. She crossed her legs on the bay window sill and looked down at the colorful flowers in the small garden downstairs, then mumbled to Huo Shaoheng, “Major General Huo, I just came back from Mrs. Song’s place and heard something from her.”

Huo Shaoheng stopped in his tracks and asked calmly, “What is it? My uncle’s will?”

“That is one thing, and there’s one more thing. Your uncle told your mother long before he married Luo Xinxue that Luo Jialan wasn’t your uncle’s biological daughter.”

Huo Shaoheng was a little surprised. “Could it be that Mrs. Song knew many years ago that Luo Jialan wasn’t my uncle’s biological daughter?”

“Yes, Ms. Song didn’t tell anyone. Tell me, how did Luo Jialan find out about Ms. Song’s background?”

Huo Shaoheng thought for a moment and said, “It’s most likely Bai Jinyi.”

Gu Nianzhi’s eyes widened. “What? No Way? I’ve been guessing it was Luo Xinxue.”

Luo Xinxue had told her the truth about Luo Jialan’s background after she grew up. Could it be that she had also told Luo Jialan that Song Jinning knew about it?

Huo Shaoheng said calmly, “… Luo Xinxue didn’t have the chance to find out about it. She didn’t know Ms. Song at all before she married my uncle.”

“Then how could it be Bai Jinyi? ” Gu Nianzhi was surprised. “Bai Jinyi didn’t say a word during the last court trial!”

“I think Bai Jinyi didn’t know how important this matter was. It was so important that Luo Jialan wanted to kill her.” Huo Shaoheng analyzed calmly, “Based on Luo Jialan and Bai Jinyi’s situation at the time, the two of them have been friends for a long time. They can be considered best friends.”

“Okay, let’s analyze it. First of all, how did Bai Jinyi know about this? Where did she find out?” Gu Nianzhi’s interest was piqued. She loved to theorize.

Huo Shaoheng smiled. “Are you here to interrogate me, `lawyer Gu?”

As he spoke, he walked to his office and pushed the door open.

He sat down at his desk and closed the door, Huo Shaoheng then said to Gu Nianzhi, “There are two reasons why I think it’s Bai Jinyi. First, she was conducting experiments in the same lab as my mother. When my uncle was talking to my mother, she was the one who had the opportunity to be the ‘eavesdropper’.”

In other words, it was very likely that Bai Jinyi had overheard Huo Guanyuan talking to Song Jinning.

Gu Nianzhi remembered Song Jinning’s description of what had happened outside her lab!

What if Bai Jinyi had been inside the lab?

Gu Nianzhi nodded. “That makes sense. What about the second reason?”

“The second reason, of course, is that Bai Jinyi had always had a crush on my uncle, so it’s very likely that she had been keeping an eye on him.”

“I understand now. This means that Bai Jinyi has both objective and subjective motives, and has come into contact with this secret. Although it’s just a theory, it’s very close to the truth.” Gu Nianzhi twirled her hair with her fingers, then nodded approvingly. “Furthermore, Bai Jinyi became friendly with Luo Jialan later on, so she had a better chance to talk about this.”

Huo Shaoheng smiled airily. “Lawyer Gu is so impressive. You immediately summed it up. ”

“Don’t you dare tease me.” Gu Nianzhi sat up straight and joked. “If you tease me again, I’ll ignore you.”

Huo Shaoheng chuckled and ignored her coquettish threats, then continued, “Although I have two reasons to believe that Bai Jinyi is the third party most likely to know about this, I’m not sure why she didn’t use this to push the blame onto Luo Jialan in Bai Jinyi’s case.”

“I think she was also fooled by Luo Jialan.” Gu Nianzhi shrugged. “Luo Jialan will definitely tell Bai Jinyi that she knew about this a long time ago. Her mother hasn’t kept it from her since she was a child.”

“If that’s the case, Bai Jinyi won’t think this news is too explosive, and she won’t expose the whole thing in court. Because she didn’t think that doing so would help her get away with it. Instead, she would be looked down upon even more because of her own meddlesome behavior.”

“That might be the only explanation.” Huo Shaoheng smiled in admiration. “It’s closer to the truth than I thought.”

“Major General Huo, you flatter me. I was just saying so casually.” Gu Nianzhi pretended to be reserved and modest.

Huo Shaoheng pursed his lips. It was as if he could see Gu Nianzhi narrwoing her eyes, like a cat being tickled under the sun. He couldn’t help but want to hug her and dote on her…

“Major General Huo, I want to see Bai Jinyi.” Gu Nianzhi opened her phone to check. “She was sentenced to death a year and a half ago, with a two-year reprieve. There are only six months until the execution, will her sentence be commuted to life imprisonment?”

Generally speaking, the majority of death sentences that are suspended will eventually be commuted to life imprisonment, with the possibility of commutation and release if the sentence is well-rehabilitated in the meantime.

Huo Shaoheng said plainly, “But if you want to see her, hurry up. Her death sentence will be certainly executed in two years. ”

Gu Nianzhi could hear the viciousness in Huo Shaoheng’s tone.

It seemed like he had made up his mind to let Bai Jinyi have no chance of getting out of prison alive.

Gu Nianzhi immediately said, “Then I’ll apply to see Bai Jinyi. ”

Bai Jinyi was on death row. Although her sentence was suspended for two years, she was still being held in solitary confinement.

Gu Nianzhi was also curious.

Bai Jinyi’s brother, Bai Jiancheng, was the new prime minister.

Does he not want to think of a way to get Bai Jinyi out of prison as soon as possible?

However, Huo Shaoheng’s attitude just now made it clear that he refused to see any chance of Bai Jinyi getting her sentence reduced.

He wanted her to be executed. Even if the sentence was suspended for two years, it would only be suspended. He wanted her to die.

Gu Nianzhi immediately went to the prison where Bai Jinyi was being held and applied for a visit.

Bai Jinyi was the key to her current case.

Through Bai Jinyi, she could connect Luo Jialan and Song Jinning.

Bai Jinyi could prove that Song Jinning had known about Luo Jialan’s true identity a long time ago.

At the same time, Bai Jinyi could prove that she had told Luo Jialan about the incident and that Huo Guanyuan’s will had gone missing. All of these combined would prove that Luo Jialan really had a motive to kill her.

“Hello? Is this the Green City Women’s prison? I’d like to apply to meet Ms. Bai Jinyi from your prison.” Gu Nianzhi politely called the Green City Women’s prison.

All the inmates here were felons.

The prison staff politely asked Gu Nianzhi to show them her credentials. After they found out her name, Gu Nianzhi called Bai Jinyi, the person said regretfully, “I’m sorry, but you’re not on the visiting list. If you want to come to our green city women’s prison, you can call Bai Jinyi first. You can come in after you get her verbal promise.”

“Then what’s Bai Jinyi’s phone number? ” Gu Nianzhi asked with a smile. “She’s a female felon. Is there a phone and Internet installed in her room?”

“Of course not.” The man’s forehead was covered in cold sweat. He called Bai Jinyi over and asked her to pick up the phone.

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