Hail the King

Chapter 928 - Killing and Elevation

Chapter 928: Killing and Elevation (Part One)

“These are evolved zombies?”

Fei looked at the monsters that were wandering in front of him; they looked very different from the zombies that he encountered in the northern region of Alania, and the king felt like he was in the sci-fi movie, Resident Evil, on Earth.

These zombies looked even more rotted, and their clothes were stained by dust. Their hair looked messy like dry grass, and their exposed skin turned greenish-black but had a metallic texture as if it were made from iron.

It seemed like these monsters were used to the sunshine, and they became more agile; they could move almost as fast as human joggers. More importantly, these evolved zombies were much stronger. Except for hardened bodies, their nails were sharper and dealt more damage. Fei saw the terrifying marks that the zombies left on the iron tower shields of the shield soldiers of Alania; those marks looked like sharp blades created them.

“The hell creatures are evolving faster than I imagined.”

Fei thought as he waved his hand, and more than a dozen Charged Bolts dashed into a herd of 100 zombies. The golden flames turned into a lot of holy power, and it dispersed into the surroundings and completely purified these monsters.

Then, the streaks of mystic and pure energy flowed out of the zombie corpses.

Fei waved his hand, and the energy entered his body.

“Huh? The energy that these evolved zombies release after death is much greater.” Fei came to this conclusion after sensing it carefully.

“If this is the case, should I let these evil monsters evolve further? Then, they will get more powerful and advanced, and I will be able to harvest more energy by killing them. If I get enough energy, advancing into the Demi-God Realm wouldn’t be a dream anymore!”

This alluring thought lingered in Fei’s mind for a while before the king got rid of it.

If he ignored these dark creatures of Hell and let them evolve, it was hard to tell what terrifying things would happen in the future. More importantly, ordinary people didn’t have Fei’s strength. Every time these dark creatures of Hell evolved, it was a nightmare for the people living in the region. Although Fei wasn’t a saint who always had others in mind, he disliked increasing his strength this way.

As he looked up, he saw that the fertile land in the southern region of Alania no longer had its former glory. As the dark power of Hell spread, the fertile land looked like it was burned, and even the wild grass turned grey and lost its vitality, looking like plastic. All plants withered, and even the soil and rocks turned grey. It seemed like the entire world had lost its luster and liveliness, becoming a land of death.

This was what the expeditionary troop saw after leaving Dixie City for half a day. Right now, they were only about 200 kilometers away from the Capital of Alania.

In the last seven hours of traveling, the expeditionary troop of Chambord and the military of Alania were attacked by many dark creatures of Hell, and some soldiers of Alania were severely injured and killed. If Fei didn’t leave many powerful Holy Power Seals in the air, these dark creatures of Hell would have started to move toward Dixie City since there were so many of them.

This was a disaster.

When the soldiers of Alania saw their peers who just died getting turned into zombies and standing up to attack them, they almost collapsed; it was a double strike, weighing on their bodies and their minds. If the Chambordian soldiers weren’t killing the zombies like mowing the lawn, and if the priests of the Black-Cloth Shrine didn’t use purification spells to raise morale, the battle legions of Alania might have been destroyed already.

Without a doubt, this was a unique war.

The human troops could only decrease in the number of soldiers that they had, but the number of zombies continued to grow. When a human died in battle, it meant that one more zombie was added to the legion of the Undead. Ordinary weapons couldn’t injure these creatures; only the destructive magic spells and powerful combat techniques could kill them.

Chapter 928: Killing and Elevation (Part Two)

The mutated demon beasts were harder to deal with, especially the small ones. People could spot massive mutated demon beasts and be aware, but mutated mice, snakes, and even locusts were as fast as lightning and hard to defend against. Since they were small and moved in groups, they could hide in bushes and suddenly attack when humans weren’t paying attention. If a human were bitten by them, it meant that the legion of Undead would have another fighter in about 20 minutes.

When it was close to sunset, the troops camped in the wilderness. After doing roll calls and calculations, Alanians realized that they lost more than 5,000 elite soldiers out of the three legions. After thinking about the dark path ahead and potentially more terrifying monsters, the morale of the newly constructed legions of Alania started to drop in silence.

Fei’s sharp senses picked this up.

“The terrifying power of the dark creatures of Hell is far beyond our estimates; ordinary troops can’t battle with the legion of Undead. This can’t continue. Otherwise, these three human legions will all turn into zombie legions before we can even get into the territory of Anji. If they come with us, they will only be burdens; I will have to pay attention to them and care for them in battles.”

After Fei summoned the generals of Chambord and did the analysis, they quickly reached a consensus.

Before midnight, Fei asked a soldier to invite over Charles Adam, who was the head commander of the military of Alania. After reasoning with him, Fei persuaded the Alanians to temporarily pull back and exit this terrifying warfare that ordinary human troops couldn’t win.

Of course, the result of this decision was expected; Human Emperor Alexander of the North’s status and reputation among Alanians increased, and Alanians worshipped him even more.

-On the second day-

The Alanian troops backed off for 200 kilometers and almost retreated to Dixie City. They set up defense-lines and protected the Capital of Alania with the arrays that Fei set up and the Holy Power Seals that the king left in the area.

From now on, the expeditionary troop of Chambord was on its own.

In fact, Fei wasn’t an overly nice person; he cared for his soldiers more.

Although each of his soldiers was at least a Three-Star Warrior, and they had a dominant advantage over the zombies and monsters and rarely got injured, it was hard to say what would happen next in this war since things changed so fast. In order to prevent any unnecessary casualties, soon after Alanian soldiers left, [Black Pearl] and [Cyclops] landed and carried the expeditionary troop of Chambord tens of thousands of meters into the air, exiting the battle as well.

Going against everyone’s objections, Fei stayed on this land, that was licked by death many times, alone without a guard.

It was going to be Fei’s personal battle.

With everyone else gone, the king could finally unleash his unparalleled speed of killing. The power and skills of the Paladin existed to counter dark creatures of Hell, and Fei crushed the zombies and mutated demon beasts. By mid-night, Fei already moved forward for about 300 kilometers. The places that he went through were purified, and all the zombies and monsters were killed. To stop the dark creatures of Hell retaking the land, Fei set up a holy magic array every five kilometers.

The crazy killing increased Fei’s strength by a lot.

At night, Fei lit up a campsite on a hill and organized and summarized the reward for his half-day of work.

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