Hail the King

Chapter 899 - Alanians’ Disaster

Chapter 899: Alanians’ Disaster (Part One)

Although Alanians never stopped resisting, they had to admit that Anjians already controlled this ancient yet fertile land.

About three months ago, it was heard that Emperor Yassin of Zenit killed the vicious and cruel Emperor Kerimov of Anji, and Zenit was going to wage war against Anji. Also, it was rumored that Imperial Martial Saint Alexander of Zenit would be leading an expedition to the Anji Empire. Therefore, the Alanians who were still trying to resist the suppression of Anjians and redeem their honor cheered in excitement, and flames of resistance burned all over this land.

Unfortunately, a sudden catastrophe almost wiped out all the excited Alanians.

Undead Creature Catastrophe!

The terrifying Undead Creature Catastrophe swept across more than half of Alanians’ former land in less than ten days. Millions of Alanians fell into dangerous situations, and they saw their loved ones and friends become murderous and mindless undead creatures under the corrosion of the evil power. Then, those undead creatures ate all the living beings around them.

The pain was unimaginable.

The ruthless Anjians who controlled the region occupied the giant cities that were protected by tall defense walls, using the magic protective arrays to defend against the dark and evil energy. They enjoyed beautiful clothes and good food, and they gloated over Alanians’ misfortune. Also, to prevent the evil energy from spreading to Anjians, they kicked out many Alanian civilians from the cities.

Like always, the sun emitted limitless heat energy, shining on the boundless plain where grass grew. As the wind blew by, the grass seemed like a green wave.

However, this fertile land no longer had its former vitality.

The zombies wandered the plain aimlessly, and they let out meaningless deep roars from time to time.

The rotten smell of corpses permeated the air. Except for zombies, no other moving creatures could be seen on the ground.

The broken corpses could be seen everywhere as if they were piles of haycock made of straws on an autumn day. Also, mutated cats, dogs, and mice with red eyes ran through the corpses and devoured the rotten flesh and broken limbs.

In the sky, many vultures flew over like a herd of dense locusts, covering the sunlight. They screamed in excitement as if they were participating in a grand party. Looking at this scene, these vultures were the only creatures that had control over their bodies.

However, it was clear that if they continued to eat the rotten, black corpses on the ground, they couldn’t escape from the fate of being corroded and turned into undead creatures.

This fertile plain was gradually transforming into Hell in the mortal world.

In this situation, even the gods had to admit that humans have strong persistence and vitality. When they were pushed to the limit, they would be even tougher to kill than cockroaches.

In this Hell-like environment, some Alanians still survived and lived like the mice near the end of the world. They weren’t affected by their loved ones who turned into zombies, and they survived this disaster so far. However, they had to endure the fear of death that could occur at any time, and they lived on for their loved ones who died for them and their race.

-At noon-

Not far from the border between the Dietfurt Empire and the former Alania Empire, there was a messy stone beach.

On the edge of the stone beach, behind a tall bush that was shivering in the wind, a few pairs of bright eyes looked through the tall grass and observed the area while hiding in a little stone cave.

Also, some drooling noises and stomach-growling noises sounded.

Moments later, the stone plate that was used to block the entrance of the small stone cave was pushed out, and three thin kids crawled out.

These three kids were wearing ragged clothes.

Chapter 899: Alanians’ Disaster (Part Two)

The kid in the front was a boy who looked to be 15 to 16 years old. His black hair was messy, and dry grass could be seen on it.

Right now, his long robe was full of holes, and many small wounds were on his face. However, his eyes were bright, making him look smart.

He was wearing a pair of deer leather boots that were clearly too big for him, and the top of the boots was tightly tied by strings, making sure that they wouldn’t fall off if he ran.

Like an old hen protecting its small chicks, this black-haired boy protected the two little girls behind him. These two girls were about four to six years old.

“Brother Leo, I’m so hungry.”

“Yeah, Brother Leo. I want to eat roasted duck.”

The two little girls behind black-haired Leo were wearing two dresses that were too large and not fitting for them. These two girls’ skin was whiter than Leo’s, and their blonde, curly hair held some dirt and dry grass.

Under the illumination of the sunshine, they looked like two cute angels. Their pinky cheeks had dirt on them, making them look tired.

Right now, they stood behind Leo timidly.

It was clear that these three kids hadn’t eaten anything in a long time; their lips were dry, and they were staggering a little. The two girls had intense fear in their eyes, and their small bodies shivered none-stop either because they were scared, or they were too hungry.

At the moment, they looked like two frightened bunnies.

After hearing his two sisters’ words, Leo braved up.

He carefully climbed onto a tall rock and looked around.

Seeing that nothing strange was happening, he turned around and said, “Don’t worry, I will go and find food for you right now. Listen to me, alright? Go back to the stone cave and wait for me. If I’m not back, don’t come out or make any noises, got it?”

The little girl named Keeley looked up and grabbed onto Leo’s robe while asking anxiously, “Brother, will you not return after you leave like Mom and Dad? I’m scared!”

The other girl named Dilly also thought of something and tightly grabbed the back of Leo’s robe. She said with tears on her face, “Brother, I’m not hungry anymore. Don’t go. Don’t ditch Keeley and Dilly. Please. If you go, we will be scared. What if those monsters come?”

The boy named Leo bit his lips and acted calm while wiping the tears off his two sisters’ faces. After helping them fix their dresses, he whispered, “Don’t be scared. Keeley and Dilly, you must be brave. I’m only going out to find food; maybe I will find a roasted duck. Just stay in the stone cave, ok? I will come back for sure before it gets dark. Perhaps Mom and Dad will come back as well.”

After encouraging the two little girls, Leo finally got them to return to the stone cave despite their fear. Then, Leo moved a few big pieces of rock to block the entrance, leaving only a small hole for ventilation. Lastly, he got a handful of dry grass and scattered it around the entrance, hiding the small stone cave even more.

After making sure that the area looked as natural as possible, he bent his back and hid in the tall grass that was to his waist when he was standing before slowly moving forward.

Now, drips of crystal-like tears rolled down the boy’s face, washing some of the dirt off his face and leaving two tear trails.

Unlike his two little sisters who were still little and childish, he knew that their parents who hadn’t returned for two full days must have died in the hands of monsters.

Now, only he could protect his two little sisters.

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