Hail the King

Chapter 87: Magic Crystals and Mysterious Man

Chapter 87: Magic Crystals and Mysterious Man

“I don’t deserve him, I need to become better…… become better!”

This idea grew and spread wildly in Angela’s mind like a virus.

Fei was the only thing that was on the girl’s mind. She didn’t know when she became like this, and she didn’t want to know …… She just wanted to become better. With this mentality, she had a sense of inferiority every time she faced Fei.

Unfortunately, Fei didn’t know how Angela was feeling; although he thought he was an expert in love.

The dinner was still continuing.

“Oh, right. Alexander, Princess Tanasha also pre-order a few set of the dresses that you designed……En, she also picked out a few [Booby Armor]……” Angela didn’t know what “booby” meant, she only felt that this word was cute. She thought of something and told Fei calmly.

Fei instantly blasted the food out of his mouth.

“God, Lord, Budda…… Could you imagine a pure, fairy like girl saying the word “booby” in front of you decently? What a bastard, Fei could help but to peeked at one of Angela’s body parts.

“Oh? Really? What colors did she chose?” Fei asked as he pretended to calm.

“Red…… Oh, and rose.” Emma on the other side of the table was finally done eating. This girl who had been loved by Angela and Fei as a little sister tried really hard to participate in this “adult conversation”. She tilted her head and answered: “Her highness chose all red [Booby Armors].”


Another pure girl was using the word “booby”. Fei continuously coughed and tried hard to not to spit out the apple that he chewing in his mouth.

“Alexander, do you feel not so well?”

After seeing Fei’s head and neck turning red, Angela worried.

“Eh…… no, no. Hehe!” Fei looked around and said: “Today’s weather is not bad……”

The dinner time quickly passed away in this enchanting atmosphere – Of course, this atmosphere was only unilateral felt by Fei.

After the servants put away the tablewares, Angela and Emma wanted to moved a little to help with the digestion. They held their hands together and decided to go see the big black dog that was in the “fall hibernation”.

Angela rescued this big black dog from the back mountain of Chambord. It was only about the size of a hand, cute and weak. Who knew that in the three years time that it would grew to the size of a bull calf with exceptional strength. From the appearance, this black dog definitely wasn’t any of the rare species; there weren’t any difference between it and other street dogs. However, this beast was very smart and super loyal to Angela and Emma. But for some reason, it didn’t like Fei, his male master very much. Every time it saw Fei, it would bark and bare it’s teeth.

About ten days ago, this energetic big dog fell into a deep sleep for some reason. Didn’t matter how Angela and Emma tried to wake it up, it didn’t get up to eat or drink. Angela even got the best vet in Chambord to look at it, and the vet couldn’t do anything about it. Angela was pretty anxious about the whole situation……

Of course, everything had a reason.

Fei didn’t yet told his beautiful fiancee that the reason why the dog became like this was because — When he was experimenting with the 【Hulk Potion】before, he got too excited. He forced open the dog’s mouth with his hand and poured half a bottle of the potion into the its mouth. The poor dog fortunately didn’t die from the pain, but it for sure suffered from the effect of the potion. That was why it fell into a “hibernation”; because of the animal’s self – protecting nature mechanism.

After seeing Angela’s and Emma’s beautiful figure disappearing from the door, Fei stood up and walked to a window in the palace.

For some reason, Fei suddenly thought of the mysterious elder princess from Zenit Empire. He wasn’t sure what this princess is doing here. After arriving at Chambord more than ten days ago, she didn’t demand Fei, the king of this affiliated kingdom to go see her. She didn’t come to Fei, nor did Fei go visit her. Both of them were like two kids holding grudges against each other. Both were waiting to see who had the most patience, and could endure the uncomfort the most.

“Hehe, she actually picked the red bras. Looks like the elder princess is not as bored as she may appear. Hahaha!”

The King who was in the “obscenity mode” didn’t notice that his “eerie” behaviour had scared the servants who were doing the clean up and gave them goosebumps.

“Your majesty, Priest Zola and Knight Luciano from the Holy Church is here and wishing to speak to you.”

At this moment, a guard came into the palace and reported.

Fei recognized this guard. He was one of the twenty three strongmen that fought on the stone bridge. His name was Michel-Ballack. He gave Fei a trustworthy feel just from his look: his sharp face, black curly hair and big bright eyes combined together appeared just and honest.

Fei walked to the main executive hall, and saw Priest Zola and Knight Luciano who were waiting respectfully at the gate. A few clean dressed novice priest were behind them and were all holding onto a few big chests.

After seeing Fei’s arrival, both of them put on a flattering smile and walked toward Fei. Fei on the other hand side didn’t even greet them. He humphed and entered the hall directly. Zola and Luciano didn’t get a good response and was pretty embarrassed. However, they didn’t dare to show any signs of unpleasantness and waited quietly at the entrance to the hall.

After a while, Guard Ballack came out and said: “King Alexander asked you to come in.”

Both of them were delighted. They rushed in, and signal the novice priests who were carrying the big chests to follow them. After they entered the hall, they were all walking on their toes as they lightened their breathing; they were afraid that making any other noises might disturb Fei. After they were under the dual lion clustered throne that was high up on the stairs, Zola and Luciano saluted instantly: “Your majesty…… Zola and Luciano greets my master.”

“Why are you guys here?”

Fei who was sitting on the high throne and glancing at the two didn’t reject, nor accept the title as the master. But to the two, the question that Fei asked meant that he admited his hiden identity, and Zola was even more sure about his prior assumptions. He quickly answered: “Both of us only learnt your true identity today. We truely admires master’s identity and deeds. So right after we organized and fixed up the church, we came here immediately to visit you and receive your orders.”

After he said that, he signalled the novice priests to open up the two iron chest. Colorful lights shined and brighted up the hall. These lights contained some magic powers and gave Fei a familiar feeling.

“These different classes of magic crystals, and a few magic scrolls are the tributes that Luciano and I wanted to give to master. We wish you could like it.” Zola signaled again and the novice priests placed the two chests onto the stone stairs.

Fei didn’t say anything.

He walked toward one chest and took a detailed look. The chest was filled with weird shaped stones in a few colors, such as yellow, blue and white. They all bloomed soft lights. What was surprising was that each stone emitted some magic power. Some felt soft, some felt warm, some felt aggressive while some felt dense. Magic powers from all classes flowed in the air as the different colored lights shined.

Fei reached out his head and grabbed onto a magic crystal; his eyebrow slightly furrowed.

He was surprised. Because the magic crystal that Zola was talking about was the same as all the 【Chipped Gems】from Diablo World. Not just the shapes, but also the magic power inside of them. He was sure that they were the same thing.

But how didn’t the items in Diablo World appear in the real world? And from what Zola and Luciano said, although these magic crystals were expensive, but they were not rare. Otherwise there would be no way for both of them to come up with a whole chest.

Fei threw the 【Chipped Emerald】back to the chest, and took a look at the other chest.

The second chest wasn’t filled with magic crystals. Instead, there were scrolls made from all different materials and were all tied up delicately with golden threads. There were about a dozen of them, and every scroll had a different color, and a different magic power. However, the dense magic symbols and patterns that were sealed and carved on them lighted up and shined irregularly in no patterns. Although there were only about a dozen scrolls, but Zola the two legged rattlesnake used a whole iron chest to contain them. The value of these scroll probably weren’t less than the chest of magic crystals. Unfortunately, Fei didn’t have too much knowledge about the mage profession on Azeroth Continent, even after he read all the books in his Royal Library. He couldn’t identify what kind, nor the level of the magic that was stored in these scrolls. He also couldn’t recognize any of the magic symbol nor patterns. Even though he picked up the scrolls one by one and observed them in detail, he couldn’t get any information out of them.

“I will accept these items.”

Fei didn’t act polite and reject these items at all. Why would he reject these expensive gifts? Moreover, they were from Zola and Luciano, the dirty and greedy partner from Holy Church. Fei won’t feel bad even if he took everything that they got.

“Ah, awesome, as long as you like them…… As long as you like them!”

After hearing that Fei would accept the gifts, both of them let out the breath that they were holding for a long time. They were lit up; what they saw meant that this majestic [God’s Favorite Child] in front of them was satisfied with their behaviour. It was a great sign; if they put more effort into it, the master would be more happy with them.

“One more thing, I want to know how did you guys hear about the evil undead magic appearing during the prior battle?” Fei suddenly asked: “Did the order come from Church’s Bishop from Zenit Empire, or it was a direct order from the headquarter Holy Mountain – Waulu?”

A weird expression appeared on Zola and Luciano’s face. They stared at each other for a little bit, and Zola finally answered honestly: “ Master, this information actually didn’t come from the upper layers in the Church. On our way to Chambord, we met a mysterious black cloaked man. He was the one who specifically told us that.”

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