Hail the King

Chapter 854 - That Person

Chapter 854: That Person (Part One)

Unfortunately, the murderous soldiers of [Iron Blood Legion] didn’t show them any mercy.

A few muscular soldiers who were in black armor that seemed to still have blood stains on them charged in and grabbed these two screaming nobles without holding back. Then, they turned around and dragged the nobles out of the room. Diarra and Semak shouted crazily and called Arshavin names, and the soldiers of [Iron Blood Legion] smashed their mouths with weapons mercilessly. Now that their mouths were crushed, blood gushed out immediately, and their angry roars turned into deep and muffled whines.

In less than half a minute, two shrieks sounded from the outside.

Then, a military officer of [Iron Blood Legion] quickly walked in with two heads that still had hot blood dripping down. After he glanced around at the top-tier officials of the Imperial Military Headquarters, he snorted and threw the two heads on the ground. As blood splashed, their facial features could still be seen, and it was clear that they were Andrew Semak and Diarra who were dragged out.

“They were really killed!” people thought to themselves as the extreme visual shock made all of them dizzy.

These two were old nobles who had high status and many connections in Zenit! Without the interrogation of the Imperial Knight Palace and the decision of Emperor Yassin, they were killed on the spot! In others’ minds, Elder Prince Arshavin rushed this and was too violent.

Almost everyone in the meeting room lowered their heads in fear, and they didn’t dare to look at the prince who was sitting at the head of the table.

While sitting on his chair with his arms and legs stretched, Arshavin kept quiet with his right hand on his saber. His expression was still cold, and he didn’t even look at the two heads on the ground. Right now, no one knew what he was thinking about.

Some people tried to back out of the meeting room quietly, but they were stopped by the murderous soldiers of [Iron Blood Legion].

Quite a few of the nobles in the meeting room were warriors. They had followed Emperor Yassin and battled in wars, meaning that they had impressive strength. Unfortunately, years of comfortable living and lack of training weakened them to the maximum. Even though they were stronger than ordinary soldiers, they were no match for masters of [Iron Blood Legion]. Besides, Elder Prince Arshavin was already a Seven-Star Warrior, and he was the most powerful person in the room. No one could match him, and no one dared to make the wrong move.

Soon, dozens of military secretaries carefully walked in under the protection of a big team of soldiers in black uniform armor. Then, many letters and documents were moved in, piling into a small mountain.

Right now, the entire building was completely sealed, and a military secretary picked up a document and started to read it in his shaky voice.

These documents were all the letters that the nobles inside St. Petersburg were sending and receiving in the last while, but the content of these letters was shocking. Faced with danger, some people decided to communicate with enemies and submit before Zenit decided on what to do. In fact, most of these letters were between the nobles and the Anji Empire, the new dominating force in the Northern Region of Azeroth.

The people with fast information networks knew that the Anji Empire had a good relationship with D’Alessandro, and they even sent a Sun-Class Lord to come to Zenit with D’Alessandro.

In these letters, the Anji Empire promised the nobles that as long as they were willing to surrender and join Anji, they could still maintain their status and enjoy their lives even if D’Alessandro destroyed Zenit in rage.

Bam! Bam!

As the military secretaries read the letters one by one without skipping a line, some people in the room were terrified. Their legs turned to jelly, and their face paled. They were so afraid that they couldn’t get a word out.

The ferocious and beast-like soldiers of [Iron Blood Legion] charged in, and the nobles whose names were called were pulled out and executed regardless of what status they had.

“No! Even if we committed crimes, it should be the Imperial Knight Palace that interrogates us, and the final verdict should come from the Imperial Senate and Emperor Yassin! Although you are a prince, you don’t have the power to kill nobles!”

“Forgive us! Elder Prince! We are being framed! Framed! You know that my family and I have always been standing by your side! We are your loyal servants…”

“You are stepping over the line! This is treason! Emperor Yassin would never allow this! Do you want to launch a rebellion?”

Chapter 854: That Person (Part Two)

The nobles whose names were called all reacted differently; some of them begged for mercy, some of them shouted, and some of them whined and struggled. However, they had the same ending. They were decapitated, and their bloody heads were tossed to the center of the meeting room, piling into another small mountain.

In just a little while, more than 20 nobles were executed.

Some of them tried to escape, but the soldiers of [Iron Blood Legion] who were guarding outside turned them into hedgehogs using arrows.

During this entire process, Elder Prince Arshavin sat in his seat quietly, and he didn’t say anything. It seemed like the shouts and executions didn’t pull in his attention as his mind was somewhere else. It felt like even if all the top-tier officials of the Imperial Military Headquarters were executed here today, his mind still wouldn’t be here even though this news would be shocking to almost every Zenitian.

The execution was continuing.

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-St. Petersburg, the Elder Princess Estate that wasn’t far from the Royal Palace-

As a key member of the Royal Family who had stayed on the side of Elder Prince Arshavin before, Elder Princess Tanasha who was known as Zenit’s Goddess of Intelligence had immeasurable influence on the political sphere of Zenit. This wise and intelligent woman was like an arm to Arshavin, and she was his No.1 Advisor and had control over half of St. Petersburg. Many nobles were more respectful and fearful of this woman, who was probably the smartest in the history of Zenit, compared to Elder Prince Arshavin.

Elder Princess Tanasha was crucial to the growth of the legendary King Alexander of Chambord. Before the competition among all affiliated kingdoms of Zenit, many nobles with fast and accurate information networks knew that the two of them were very intimate.

Unfortunately, the Elder Princess and the King of Chambord’s relationship became subtle as the Elder Prince became hostile toward the King of Chambord.

That day, the enraged King of Chambord barged into St. Petersburg with his invincible power and put an end to the conflict by giving the Elder Prince one punch, shocking the entire empire. Before he left, he said, “This is disappointing.”

Many people thought about it and felt like it was said to Elder Princess Tanasha.

No one knew what effect that had on the Elder Princess, and no one knew how the Elder Princess viewed the King of Chambord: A tool? An ally? Or a close friend?

The only observable fact was that the Elder Princess started to disappear in people’s view with the claim that her illness was getting worse. Even the most trusted subordinates of the Elder Prince never saw the Zenit’s Goddess of Intelligence again.

Rumors said that the Elder Prince and the Elder Princess were no longer close due to the King of Chambord. This pair of brother and sister, where one had the best military talent and the other had the most intelligent brain, seemed to have parted ways. They were close and were the perfect partners who dominated St. Petersburg and Zenit, but that seemed to be in the past.

All kinds of rumors were passed around.

However, the truth was never as simple as it seemed on the surface.

In the Elder Princess Estate where few people could be seen, the Elder Princess, who was wearing a white, sleeveless traditional dress, was sitting in a bamboo chair quietly in the back garden under a lush and fragrant tree. Her surroundings were green, and she looked up at the faint blue sky as if she were thinking and waiting for something. Deep inside her beautiful, crystal-blue eyes that looked like an ocean and could see through everything, there was a faint sorrow which was hard to detect.

In her purple dress, Ziene who was valiant and high spirited stood by Tanasha’s side quietly.

“Right now, Arshavin should be taking action, right?” Elder Princess Tanasha sighed and asked in a low voice.

“In the most recent report that we got, everything at the Imperial Military Headquarters is under Elder Prince His Highness’ control. Don’t worry; no force in St. Petersburg could match [Iron Blood Legion]. In terms of military talent, the Elder Prince is also at the top.” Ziene comforted Tanasha.

“Eh, that is good.” Tanasha nodded and said, “Inform Paris; they can start moving as well.”

“Your Highness, the Imperial Patrol always stood against us; it is under the control of the Second Prince His Highness. Will they fully support us? This operation has no room for error.” Ziene reminded her.

“Don’t worry; Paris isn’t stupid, and she knows the importance of this. Also, that person should be by Paris’ side. He will make sure that this operation is successful.” The worry in Elder Princess Tanasha’s eyes intensified at this moment.

“That person… you mean?” Ziene seemed to know whom the Elder Princess was referring to.

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