Hail the King

Chapter 842 - Arrogant Envoys

Chapter 842: Arrogant Envoys (Part One)

-The Zenit Empire, St. Petersburg-

Once the war in the southern region of Zenit entered stalemate, the turbulence and chaos in the Zenit Empire became more evident.

After Fourth Prince Chrystal got defeated in the southern region of Zenit, he lost all the support from the Royal Family, the nobles, and the citizens, becoming an insignificant figure in this chaotic world. Only he knew if he were keeping a low profile and trying to redeem himself later. At least right now, no one in the empire believed that this talentless prince could gain another opportunity.

The military control in the southern region of Zenit was temporarily in control of the hands of Second Prince Dominguez, and this prince who had been away from military power for a long time and never got a chance to demonstrate his military abilities finally got his opportunity. Although he wasn’t as talented and invincible like Zenit’s God of War, Elder Prince Arshavin, he stalled the Ten-Empire United Troops in the southern region of Zenit with only less than 100,000 soldiers, garnering much praise and support from citizens and nobles.

It was heard that Emperor Yassin was still ill, and the military and political power were all controlled by the Imperial Military Headquarters, the Imperial Senate, and Elder Prince Arshavin.

The reputation and strength of the King of Chambord, the most famous noble of Zenit, had reached an unchallengeable peak in Zenit after becoming the Imperial Martial Saint. Some noble forces weren’t pleased by this grassroots force known as Chambord that broke the power dynamics in the region, but they had to submit and accept the raise of Chambordians.

However, these forces that had laid low for a while started to get active as the rumors about King Alexander of Chambord betraying humans spread in the region.

In the short half a month, the situation in the Zenit Empire changed drastically, and it felt like no one could measure the pulse which was twitching fast and flashing.

The pressure was coming from all directions like waves. Many empires in the region had issued notifications to Zenit, requesting the Royal Family to explain the incident involving the King of Chambord. After all, releasing an evil sea god would definitely affect the empires around the [Sea of Fragrance] and potentially all the humans in the Northern Region of Azeroth. As a result, many empires and kingdoms were angered by this, and chants of hanging every single Chambordian started to echo in the empires in the region.

In just a short time, the Zenit Empire was becoming the public enemy of all the humans in the Northern Region of Azeroth due to Fei.

Facing the drastic change in the environment, the Royal Family of Zenit somehow kept strangely silent. However, the noble forces inside the empire were divided as expected, and they argued with each other. Some people firmly believed in Alexander and supported the new Imperial Martial Saint, and the others advocated for the stripping of the King of Chambord’s noble title, enslaving all Chambordians, and hanging all the members of the Royal Family of Chambord. In their mind, this was the only way to provide an answer to the forces and empires in the region so that the Zenit Empire wouldn’t be attacked and conquered by others.

However, compared with the nobles who were divided and battled each other indirectly, the citizens of Zenit were firmer.

Right now, the millions of residents in St. Petersburg still clearly remembered how the King of Chambord descended from the sky and saved the desperate situation when the Ten-Empire United Troops laid siege to the Capital of Zenit. Even if the rumors seemed like the truth, none of the ordinary citizens believed that such a hero of Zenit would become the despicable and shameful criminal in the rumors. They didn’t want to consider it.

For several days now, everyone was talking about this on the streets and alleys in St. Petersburg. They promoted the heroic deeds of the Imperial Martial Saint and scolded the nobles for being timid and weak in front of external forces. They also chanted and requested the Royal Family to protect the Imperial Martial Saint. In addition, once they heard people spreading rumors, they swarmed up and beat these people senseless. In fact, some people even promoted the idea of waging wars against all these empires who were defaming their hero!

Unfortunately, the ordinary citizens were all of low-status, and their words held little weight. Therefore, not many nobles were willing to listen to their ideas and perspectives.

Chapter 842: Arrogant Envoys (Part Two)

The situation was turning even more strange and mysterious. Like a thick fog, it was hard to see through it and figure out what was really happening.

In the last several days, more than a dozen empires in the region sent envoys to Zenit to exert more pressure.

Today was the 18th day since the first empire issued warning to Zenit.

In the morning when the sun rose above the horizon, the bell on the south gate of St. Petersburg was ringing again, and the sound resonated above the Capital of Zenit.

This time, the bell rang for eight times consecutively.

Hearing the bell, the busy citizens of Chambord on the crowded street all stopped what they were doing, and they looked toward the direction of the south gate of St. Petersburg with worry and hostility.

“Are there more envoys from these empires?”

“The bell rang for eight times, meaning that at least eight envoy groups from the other empires came to St. Petersburg.”

“They are probably here to put more pressure on the Royal Family and want to kill Mr. Martial Saint!”

“Humph! These despicable b*stards! They see that our Zenit got a young yet powerful hero, and they got jealous! They want to trap and kill Martial Saint Alexander? In their dreams!”

“In my opinion, these rumors are just a big conspiracy cooked up by these empires themselves! How can Mr. Martial Saint be the traitor to humans? It is impossible that he released the evil sea god! Humph! Mr. Martial Saint is a man with virtue and character. These b*stards should open their eyes and see! Ever since Martial Saint Alexander came into public attention, has he ever done anything harmful to humans?”

“Yeah! Why is the Royal Family still hesitating? These damn nobles! They are fat and useless! None of them are good eggs! How dare they try to convince the Royal Family to punish Mr. Martial Saint? They are fools!”

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As people chatted, the wheels of the carriages that were moving along the road made some noises.

Under the bright sunshine, the pieces of jewelry and silver armor reflected chilly light. A large group of people appeared at the end of this street.

In the front, two cavaliers of the [Iron Blood Legion] in their uniform black armor led the way, and the fleet of horse-drawn carriages was several hundred meters long, clearly dividing into eight groups.

Each of the groups had distinct dressing styles, and they had different flags with them. There was a total of eight fancy carriages, and their guards were all in fancy armor as they rode on their horses, looking arrogant as they glanced at the citizens of Chambord on the street.

Under the protection of guards, this fleet of carriages divided the crowd on the street and headed toward the Royal Palace.

They were the envoy groups from the empires in the region.

These eight envoy groups represented eight empires. With more than a dozen envoy groups that had arrived at St. Petersburg already, at least 20 envoy groups were in the Capital of Zenit. Together, they had only one mission, and that was to request that the Zenit Empire punish the Chambordians harshly.

The citizens of Zenit were right. Fei’s sudden appearance and shocking talent gave the surrounding empires a lot of pressure, and they didn’t want the old power dynamic to be broken.

An unparalleled genius like Fei was a great fortune for the Zenit Empire, but he was a significant threat to the empires around Zenit.

The spreading of these rumors that were bad for the King of Chambord gave them an opportunity. Figuring out the validity of the claims was not important to them; they wanted to use this chance to get rid of the enormous threat.

“Looks at these Zenitians; it seems like they aren’t happy that we are here.” A cavalier of the Anji Empire who was riding on his handsome horse laughed mockingly.

“They are just a bunch of poor bugs.” Another cavalier of Anji dashed forward on his horse in disdain.

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