Hail the King

Chapter 758: Why Not?

Fei smiled after hearing what Buckingham said.

“This King Buckingham sure is interesting. He is a captive, but he doesn’t seem like one. Rather than begging for forgiveness, he is trying to persuade me?”

After waving at his simple-minded guard, Husky, who was already angry and was about to punch Buckingham, Fei smiled and said, “Ok. Since you are not willing to talk about the Leon Empire, then I won’t force you. How about we change the topic? Let’s talk about that red skeleton. How did you discover it? I want to know what kind of demonic contract was signed between you two.”

Buckingham was a bit surprised and didn’t expect the King of Chambord to ask him such a question.

After a moment of thinking, he decided to shut his mouth.

Although he acted haughty and calm, he had to admit that he was nervous on the inside while facing this legendary man. It wasn’t about his current status as a captive. Instead, it was a pressure that was coming from the spiritual level. He kept on reminding himself that anything he says may cause unrecoverable harm to the Leon Empire, so he decided not to say anything at all.

With a smile on his face, Fei added, “I believe that this matter is not relevant to the Leon Empire. Therefore, I hope that you can answer me honestly. I respect you as a commander who had made the correct decisions and sacrificed yourself for the ordinary soldiers. I don’t want to make this hard for you. After all, I have many ways of getting the answers to my questions. For example, there is spirit searching…”

As he said that, Fei glanced a rock that weighed more than 500 kilograms, and that huge piece of rock instantly levitated into the air.

Buckingham’s face instantly changed color. Although his strength didn’t recover, his understanding of power and knowledge were still there. He could tell that the King of Chambord didn’t use any warrior energy or magic energy. Instead, pure spirit energy was used.

In legends, the masters who were proficient at spirit energy techniques could search through their opponents’ memories by force, accessing the information that they wanted to know without the owners’ permissions. However, it was heard that such techniques were cruel and vicious, and the people who got their memories searched would end up with incomplete souls or utterly shattered souls. After that process, they would lose consciousness and be similar to undead creatures for the rest of their lives.

As soon as Buckingham saw that huge piece of rock being lifted by Fei’s spirit energy, he instantly understood that the King of Chambord had mastered the spirit energy, and the latter probably knew techniques that could search through his memory.

Buckingham was shocked. Even though he was unwilling, he thought about it and had to tell Fei everything that had happened in detail including how he ended up with that red skeleton inside his body and the soul contract. Since it wasn’t related to the Leon Empire, he didn’t feel that guilty about this.

Fei listened carefully and nodded along. After hearing the whole story, he asked, “So, a mysterious master whom you never met before came to you the night before you left the Leon Empire with the troops? You didn’t see his face, and you don’t know who he is? You signed the contract, and he planted that seed inside your body? You could activate the contract at critical times and get a power that is hundreds of times greater?”

“Yeah,” Buckingham nodded.

“Since you don’t know him, why would you trust him? And why did you sign the soul contract with him? Aren’t you afraid that it is a trap?”

“He is really powerful; he is at least a Sun-Class Lord. I couldn’t fight back even if I want to. Also, he explained all the consequences to me, and he knew what my needs are. When I learned that I would have to lead the troops to attack Zenit, I was already preparing for the worst…”

“Preparing for the worst?”

“That is right. To the commanders of Leon, the worst situation would be meeting powerful Sun-Class Lords like you. I know what this war means to the Empire, so I must consider everything as a commander. It was already a great risk when the Imperial Military Headquarters didn’t send any powerful masters with me. Although that mysterious person listed some severe conditions, it was a good choice for me at the time.” With a pleased smile on his face, Buckingham added as he stared at Fei, “By sacrificing myself, I was about to add more security to the fleet of Leon. It was a great option. Besides, it already proved that my bet paid off. If it weren’t for that bloody skeleton which was planted into my body by that mysterious master, I wouldn’t have been able to stop you for that long, and more than half of the battleships of the fleet of Leon in this war wouldn’t have been able to escape. If I didn’t sign that contract, the entire fleet might have been destroyed already!”

Fei kept his silence at this.

In his mind, King Buckingham was a respectable opponent, a real noble, and a qualified commander.

At the same time, the king got alerted.

The consecutive victories made himself and the other Chambordians very proud. The Chambordians were prideful and brave, but they forgot that heroes existed in every kingdom and empire.

Many heroes appeared in the Zenit Empire when the enemies invaded, and they showcased their unparalleled bravery and passion. The Leon Empire was much larger and had more population than Zenit, so it didn’t lack talented geniuses and heroes as well.

To Zenitians, this war was started by the despicable invaders. However, this war was something more significant and holier in the eyes of the soldiers and commanders of the ten empires in the alliance. Expanding the reach of their empires was the goal and aspiration of many soldiers.

Even though some of the soldiers were timid, afraid of power, and escaped from the battlefields, a lot of them were still proud of their empires and were willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of their empires!

Buckingham wasn’t going to be the last Leonian who acts this way.

Then, Fei tried to get more information on that mysterious master. However, Buckingham didn’t know much. In Buckingham’s memory, that mysterious master was wearing a big black cloak and a mask. During the entire process, he didn’t say a word. Instead, he used a rare spirit energy technique and communicated with Buckingham directly using spirit energy transmissions.

Since almost no information could be gathered on him, this master was even more mysterious.

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The only thing that Buckingham was sure about was that this mysterious master wasn’t a member of Leon.

“That is all I know. I hope that you could keep your promise and don’t force me to tell you anything about the military information of Leon. Otherwise, I’m willing to die rather than giving you the opportunity to use the spirit searching technique!” As soon as Buckingham said that, he shut his mouth and looked stubborn and perseverant. If Fei said anything more about the military of the Leon Empire, he was going to smash his head against the stone chair and commit suicide before Fei could get any information.

Fei nodded and didn’t pursue the topic.

He pointed out his finger, and a gust of golden energy flames dashed into Buckingham, blocking the 72 energy connections in the latter’s body.

Even if Buckingham recovered his energy and went back to his prime, he wouldn’t be able to use his full strength, and he couldn’t escape at all.

“In six days, I’m going to go to the Leon Empire in person. Mr. Buckingham, are you willing to be a free tour guide for me?” Fei asked as if he suddenly had a strange idea.

Buckingham’s body shivered as a rare, surprised expression appeared on his face.

He didn’t expect the King of Chambord to have such a crazy idea.

“He wants to go into the Leon Empire? Does he want to die? Although it is hard for Sun-Class Lords to die, it doesn’t mean that he is invincible. The Royal Family of Leon is loaded, and there are a few Sun-Class Lords. In addition, the Royal Family has many magic items and Moon-Class Elites. If it wants to, it can use a lot of its resources and kill the King of Chambord inside Leon!” he thought to himself.

After recovering from the extreme shock, Buckingham got back his composure and said lightly, “If you dare to go, I’m more than willing.”

Fei laughed, “Why not?”

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