Hail the King

Chapter 727: You Have to Trust the King of Chambord

Bugles instantly sounded from the chaotic formations and campsites of the enemies. The enemies who were being counterattacked by the cavalry of Zenit captured this opportunity, and they got a moment to reorganize and fight back.

What was happening in the sky, as well as the arrogant laughter of Gomi, skyrocketed the morale of the united troops.

On the other hand, even though the cavaliers of Zenit were fierce, they were not protected by masters. Without the overbearing King of Chambord who had been suppressing the energy masters, they started to face more obstacles. Also, their numbers disadvantage began to show, making them have a hard time to move around.

Gradually, the casualty of the cavalry of Zenit increased.

-Outside the watchtower on the main gate of St. Petersburg-

“Your Highness, the situation is terrible now! The King of Chambord died in battle! Without his suppression, these damn b*stards are going to reorganize quickly and attack our cavalry effectively! We are in the numbers disadvantage; we should call back the cavalry!”

“Yeah, Your Highness! We should call them back right now! We already got a small victory. If the cavalry continues to battle, all the soldiers will be killed!”

“There are just too many enemies! Our brave cavaliers might not be able to charge through the enemies and come back…”

The commanders of the [Iron Blood Legion] said with angry yet solemn expressions on their faces. Even though they felt like their hearts were bleeding, they couldn’t do anything about it.

Although they had been hostile toward the King of Chambord, they stood with him this time and didn’t gloat at all.

Also, they kept their logic and reasoning, trying to convince Zenit’s God of War Arshavin to call back the cavalry.

Right now, a rare hesitant expression appeared on Arshavin’s face.

He stood in front of a battlement and stared at the center of the explosion far away even though the red energy waves were still shooting in all directions. It looked like he was trying to find something.

As his fingers grasped onto the battlement, dashes of lights shot out of his eyes; it was clear that he was trying to make a tough decision.

In the end, he slowly closed his eyes and frowned, trying to finalize his decisions.

In just less than a dozen seconds, a few red sweat drops appeared around his temples. This was a side effect after thinking too hard.

All the generals around Arshavin were loyal men who had been with him for many years.

In all previous wars, Arshavin appeared really calm, and he was able to destroy the enemies as he smiled and chatted. These commanders had never seen him in such a state, and they didn’t dare to say anything more, afraid that they might affect the Crown Prince’s judgment.

This one minute felt like many eternities to them.

Finally, Arshavin opened his eyes, and he looked extremely firm and calm.

“Pass down my command! Use flag signs to tell the cavalry to continue charging; they have to disrupt and stop the enemies from reorganizing. At the same time, pass messages to [Whip of the Thunder Lord] that is guarding the west gate, [Gigantic Force Legion] that is guarding the north gate, [Rolling Stone Legion] that is guarding the east gate, and [Blizzard Legion] that is guarding the south gate. Tell them to send out two-thirds of their elite forces and attack the campsites of the enemies under the lead of their legion commanders. No delay is acceptable, and the people who disobey this command shall be viewed as they committed treason. The entire empire needs to attack! The outcome of this war shall be decided on this!” Arshavin gave his order word by word clearly.

“What?” His loyal commanders around him were all stunned; their faces even changed color.

They didn’t expect Crown Prince Arshavin to come up with such a crazy command after that intense period of thinking. If they didn’t hear Arshavin say it personally, they would think that a madman made the decision.

“Pass my command! Everyone in the [Iron Blood Legion], from commanders to cooks and grooms, needs to get ready! Fully arm and follow me to kill enemies outside the defense wall!”

It was clear that Arshavin made up his mind. He was planning to put in the last-ditch effort and throw almost 100% of Zenit’s military power into this.

Usually, he would never explain his decisions to the commanders around him. However, he patted the shoulder of a young commander beside him and turned to others before saying, “We need to believe in the King of Chambord.”

This was something very rare.

“Believe in the King of Chambord?” the other commanders thought to themselves.

If it were another time and another location, this phrase would sound ridiculous and embarrassing coming from Crown Prince Arshavin. However, it now sounded holy and honorable in the ears of the commanders in the [Iron Blood Legion].

Almost everything was determined by fate.

As if it were a response to Arshavin’s decision, as soon as he stopped speaking, a series of rumbling noises sounded from afar. They were so loud that all other sounds were overpowered, and it was terrifying as if the world were about to collapse.

Everyone was surprised, and they looked up to see what happened.

Further away, the six Xuan’ge that looked majestic and seemed like gods who were glancing down at the world suddenly started to shake.

As if a huge invisible hand grabbed onto them, they shook violently as the green magic energy sphere around them dimmed.

Then, as if they lost their power, they staggered in the air and started to crash toward the ground.

“That…” The commanders of the [Iron Blood Legion] looked at each other with overjoyed expressions as they couldn’t believe their eyes.

“It is Alexander! King Alexander of Chambord! Hahaha! It is him!” Even Arshavin started to laugh, which was a very rare thing to see.

This was the first time in his life that he laughed in excitement when he mentioned the name ‘Alexander’.

Just as they wished, that sea of golden energy flames started to burn again.

It was the power of [Sky Cover Fist] King Alexander of Chambord.

The King of Chambord didn’t die!

A series of unstoppable cheers sounded on the defense wall of St. Petersburg.

“Hahaha! Great! This is great! Charge! Pass my order! Charge!”

Arshavin’s shout resonated on the defense wall, and his golden metal-elemental warrior energy flames also flashed.

Like a large eagle, he jumped off the defense wall. The soldiers of [Iron Blood Legion] who had been fully armed and standing right behind the defense wall already prepared a warhorse for him.

Tink! He instantly jumped onto the horse and unsheathed his sword that was on his waist.

He raised his sword.

In front of him, the huge iron city gate was being cranked up.

Behind him, they were the elite soldiers of [Iron Blood Legion] who looked like a streak of black flood.

The wind fluttered the cape of Zenit’s God of War.

It also fluttered his long red hair, making it looked like a cloud of red fire.

“We don’t believe in war, and we hate the scars that are brought by weapons. However, when we are forced to raise our weapons, the brave Zenitians will never surrender! Right now, the hero of the Empire, the invincible King of Chambord, is already defeating the damn invaders! Brave soldiers, follow me out of the Capital and kill all these damn invaders!”

The gate of St. Petersburg slowly opened, and a dash of sunlight shot into the corridor.

As he waved his sword, Crown Prince Arshavin dashed out of the city and led the charge.

Behind him, all the soldiers in black armor followed him without hesitation.

Almost at the same time, the four small Xuan’ge in front of the formation lost their power and crashed toward the ground slowly.

The ear-piercing siren sounded, and the eye-piercing warning lights flashed on the Xuan’ge.

All the soldiers of Ormond ran around on the decks like ants.

It seemed like Xuan’ge losing power wasn’t something new to these well-trained soldiers, and they were trying to repair things in an organized manner. All kinds of manual and back up devices were used, and they kept their guards up.

However, the Ormondians soon realized that the four Xuan’ge were really out of control and couldn’t be repaired.

Anxiety and fear instantly rushed into their heads.

“What is going on?” Standing on the deck of the first Xuan’ge, the legendary Prince Gomi of Leon suddenly frowned. His warrior instinct told him that something was wrong. Just as he was about to turn around and run, his body froze.

A familiar yet terrifying voice sounded behind him, “Sorry for keep you waiting. Now, I finally have the time to kill you!”

Gomi wasn’t sure when, but Fei was already standing behind him on the deck. With a mocking smile on his face, the king spoke slowly, but a murderous spirit was already dashing out of his eyes.

Seeing this, Prince Gomi of Leon’s heart started to sink, and he felt like he was inside of a freezer and heard the call from the Grim Reaper.

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