Hail the King

Chapter 608: Principal Fei’s First Lecture 3

Chapter 608: Principal Fei’s First Lecture (3)

The first half of the class that was meaningful and significant to the elites of Chambord ended, and some people looked reluctant to take the break. Many of them were still focused on their cultivation and solidifying their realms and couldn’t wake up from crazy enlightenment state.

Then, it was the question and answer session that Fei talked about.

For a moment, almost all the audience members’ eyes lit up; they all wanted to get the opportunity to ask the most powerful master at Chambord, King Alexander, questions.

After seeing the burning stares, Fei calculated the time and laughed, “Don’t worry, everyone who is in the room can get the chance to ask me one question!”

What Fei said instantly stirred up the people.

The king’s kind and approachable attitude excited the university students and soldiers, and they admired him even more. After keeping themselves in check, they stood up and waited for their turns.

A 14 years old blond boy who was sitting in the first row got the first chance to ask Fei a question. When being able to interact with his idol, this little guy got really nervous. His mind went blank, and the question he prepared ahead of time was gone. With a blushed face, he didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t be so nervous; go slow. You can call me principal or instructor during class time. Eh, let me see. You are cultivating an ice-elemental warrior energy…… Do you feel like when you are trying to advance to the Two-Star realm, the third main energy channel in your right arm is a little stuffed?” Fei smiled and said to this boy. With his strength, he only needed one glance to figure out what this boy who was at peak One-Star was troubled by.

“Ah, yeah! I asked several instructors, and they all say that I don’t have enough accumulations. But…… but I have been stuck at peak One-Star for three months now. My classmates who started later than me already…… already advanced through……” This boy calmed down after seeing Fei’s smile, and he was able to get his question out.

“Eh, this is because when you first broke through this third energy channel, you rushed it, and the process was too aggressive. You suffered a small injury, and this third energy channel was damaged a little. Although it isn’t significant and is hard to detect, it is there, and it is stopping you from advancing. The instructors are not wrong; if you accumulate enough energy and try again, you will advance. However, this hidden injury will always be there, and it will affect how far you can go in the future. It will make it hard for you to reach the Moon-Class realm. Remember, cultivation itself is dangerous, and you should always be patient and think about the long-run. Also, you shouldn’t compare yourself to your classmates too much. Otherwise, the small injuries will block your path of becoming a powerful master later.”

Even though Fei was facing this boy, his words were for everyone in the classroom.

Currently, Chambord was experiencing rapid growth, and the university students, as well as soldiers, were all competing. The positive competition was a good thing in most cases, but that wasn’t the case for cultivation.

Obtaining and using both warrior energy and magic energy were dangerous, and fortitude, persistence, and intelligence were required. If one focused on speed, many other aspects would be neglected. There had been too many geniuses who wanted to get strong fast and got many minor injuries along the way, limiting their potentials.

After Fei finished speaking, he lightly patted this boy’s right arm.

This boy instantly sensed a streak of heat entering the third energy channel in his right arm. As he tried to circulate warrior energy inside his body again, he was pleasantly surprised when it flowed through this third energy channel smoothly.

Then, a dash of blue fire flashed by, igniting his warrior energy flame. In an instant, he advanced to the Two-Star realm, which he had been dreaming about for a long time.

This magical scene was no longer surprising in the audience member’s eyes. They felt like it would be strange if this boy didn’t breakthrough after being personally instructed by the king.


“Your physique is more fitted for cultivating wood-elemental warrior energy. Although wood-elemental warrior energy can lead to fire-elemental warrior energy, it wouldn’t be pure. I recommend you finding a wood-elemental training scroll from the library; cultivating both wood-elemental and fire-elemental warrior energies might not be a bad thing. I would recommend cultivating both [Green Forrest Scroll] and [Fire Ignition Scroll] together…”

“Haha, little girl, you are too impatient. This technique, [Drifting Snows Lead to Blood], can only be fully used when you are at Three-Star…”

“Bodily coordination is key to this [Flashing Sword Scroll]. You are born with insane strength, and you are burly. However, your flexibility is lacking. Instead of practicing this sword technique, switching to [One Strike Scroll] which is a knife technique is a better option. Your physique matches it quite well……”

“[Lotus Bloom Scroll]? You would need to vibrate the 31 hidden energy channels to use it perfectly. Close your eyes; I’m going to vibrate these 31 energy channels for you. Carefully sense it….. Eh, this is a good choice. Although this technique isn’t powerful early on, if you persist and pass Six-Star, you would realize its power. It will provide you with a vast amount of warrior energy, and you will be in the advantage when fighting with opponents who are on your level!”

“Wind-elemental magic? This is tricky. I can sense the abundant magic energy in your body, and it seems like you are able to sense the elements clearly. However, it does seem like your spirit energy is a little weak. Haha, little guy, you don’t think spirit energy is important? Haha, you couldn’t be more wrong! You need to know that many powerful mages are great at spirit energy. Therefore, you could go to the library and check out the technique called [Green Ocean Sea Tides]. It should help you with the issue that you couldn’t condense the wind-elemental elements when you are casting spells!”

“Eh…… Your 35th energy channel isn’t fully open yet. Let me tell you how to do it……”

“[Metal Chaotic Fire] is a high-level combat technique that requires granular control. You are lacking……”


Time slowly passed by.

During this time, the king demonstrated his profound understanding of warrior energy, magic energy, and cultivation in general; he was even a little shocked by the stuff he knew, and he also felt proud.

For the first time, Fei realized that he had accumulated a vast amount of information. He answered all the questions, and he didn’t get stuck at all. In most case, before the audience members could ask him the questions, he already saw through their issues and easily solved it for them in a few sentences.

This quick process made these university students and soldiers who already admired Fei fall for him even more.

There were more than 10,000 techniques scrolls inside the Civil and Military University’s library, and it seemed like the king knew each one of them to the details. Almost every audience member was recommended a style that fits them, and Fei even gave them the names of the scrolls, saving them a lot of time and unnecessary efforts.

“How many times did His Majesty read those scrolls? It seems like he knows all the techniques to heart, and he comprehends everything! This is god-like!” they thought.

The king’s profound understanding and superior memory shocked many people.

Of course, if they knew that almost all the cultivation scrolls, combat technique scrolls, and even magic scrolls at Chambord were created by the king, as well as the fact that there were at least 30 Moon-Class Techniques, more than 100 combat weapons that were hard to find, and various magic items in the most advanced weaponry storage on the top-levels of the [City of Heroes], the shock they experienced would be 1,000 times more intense!

The people who were sitting in the back were initially worried that there wasn’t enough time for them to ask questions, but more than 90% of the audience members got their questions answered already.

When everyone received the answers to their questions, the night already arrived.

In everyone’s chants, the king ended the class that took the entire afternoon and left the [City of Heroes].

All of them were looking forward to the next class.

It was an insanely rare opportunity for anyone to get a super powerful master to tailor his or her cultivation path and technique; even the young nobles from the most powerful noble families at St. Petersburg might not get this chance. However, these kids in Chambord, despite their family backgrounds, got to experience it.

This first class was unforgettable.

For a lot of them, this was their first time interacting with their king. Compared with listening to the stories told by their fathers, this experience was much more shocking and impactful.

As they watched their king leave the classroom with a smile on his face, everyone in the audience swore to themselves that they would fight for the king didn’t matter how dangerous and challenging it might be. They promised themselves that even if they would die, and their souls would get destroyed, they would protect this kingdom!

No betrayal!

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