Hail the King

Chapter 604: Friend & Invitation

“In the legends, after the demons lost the great war, their affiliated races such as the dwarves, elves, goblins, and giants were faced with the upcoming massacre led by the gods and the humans. In order to extend the lives of their members, these races were forced into the mountains and forests at the most northern part of the known continent and had to leave the safe territories. I did my research, and I’m almost 100% sure that the origin of that mass migration started somewhere close to Chambord. Therefore, I wanted to come here and check to see if my ancestors left any marks or traces. If I could find the legendary [Ancient Path of Blood and Tear], I might be able to find my people on the other side of the most northern mountains and forests.” Akinfeev slowly explained, “The [Ancient Path of Blood and Tear] was a path in the most northern mountains and forests that was created by the blood and tear of many dwarves, elves, goblins, and giants. The most northern mountains and forests contained an unlimited amount of danger, and many of members of the four races died on the path. It was heard that it is now the only safe path that leads to the unknown land in the north. However, this is only a rumor, and most of the famous traveling poets and historians are doubtful toward the legitimacy of this claim.”

Fei was shocked by what this blond young man told him.

It was the first time the king heard that the starting point of the suicidal migration of the four most famous races which were affiliated with the demons in the Mythical Era was near Chambord. Although he learned a lot about buried truth of history from the bloody diary that Emperor Gerard Bill of the dwarves wrote, there was also evidence proving that the mass migration of those four races wasn’t fictional.

Could there be common grounds and connections between the two ‘truths’ that were contradicting? What role did the ancient city of Chambord play in that era?

“Unfortunately, I didn’t discover anything this year. There are traces left by the dwarves from the Mythical Era in and out of the Chambord Castle, but they are random and don’t lead to anything. Hehe, also, since Your Majesty turned the back mountain into a military restriction zone, I’m no longer able to enter with my current strength. I tried to get deep into the most northern mountains and forests, but I was only able to wander around aimlessly and didn’t discover anything. In fact, I almost died under the sharp claws of a few high-leveled demon beasts. Perhaps the [Ancient Path of Blood and Tear] is only a myth and doesn’t really exist.” A lonely expression appeared on Akinfeev’s face as he said that.

Fei lowered his head; he could understand this blond young man’s feeling.

Fei saw Will Smith’s movie, I Am Legend, back on Earth. In that movie, most of the human race except for the main character was extinguished, and the zombie-like creatures called Darkseekers evolved into the new rulers of Earth. That feeling of being excluded by the world and unspeakable loneliness were devastating and terrible.

However, Fei wasn’t able to tell Akinfeev about the discoveries he made in the underground cave of Chambord, the bloody diary of the emperor of dwarfs, as well as the last ancestral place.

As he looked at the lively garden and sensed the abundant wood elements in the air, Fei thought about it and changed the topic. He laughed and said, “Since you are trying to hide your identity, why would you create such a unique space with abundant wood elements? All of these are characteristics of the elves; wouldn’t this make others discover your real identity easier?”

“Haha, no one normally comes here. Also, you know that Priest Zola who is managing this place is a useless and greedy b*stard. Since this fake identity of mine has some background, and I pay him a certain number of magic gems a month as rent, he never bothers me.”

Even though Fei had a lot of questions, this young man who had elf bloodline didn’t mind. It seemed like he hadn’t talked with anyone this openly in a long time, so he wasn’t getting impatient at all.

“Since the elf bloodline inside of me is getting more and more powerful, I almost couldn’t suppress the atavism that is occurring. If I live somewhere for a while, that place will become mystic just like this. Also, once I leave the abundant wood elements, I would be like a fish that is out of the water; I won’t live long.”

The elves lived in forests; they relied on wood elements and life energies, and the wood elements and life energies were quite fond of the elves as well. It was heard that if the elves lived in places where it lacked wood elements, they would soon wither just like flowers without oxygen.

The elf bloodline in Akinfeev’s body was getting more potent; it was a rare case of atavism. If Akinfeev could still be considered a human before he was ten years old, he was now half-human and half-elf. As the atavism intensifies, Akinfeev would slowly turn into a real elf. Just like ancient elves, he would gain exceptional wood-elemental magic talent and even obtain the powerful and mysterious bloodline inheritance masteries and techniques of the royal elves.

Although a lot of benefits would come with the mutation, Akinfeev would need to sacrifice a lot as well.

One day, he would be 100% reliant on wood elements. Just like how fishes couldn’t survive without water, he would die when there weren’t enough wood elements around him.

Fei suddenly realized why Akinfeev looked pale and ill. It seemed like he was turning into an elf, and he was getting more and more irritated by the external environment. If he couldn’t find a residence in a place with abundant wood elements, his life would be in danger as time passed by.

The elves were like beautiful art pieces; they could be powerful and great, but they were fragile at the same time.

After giving it some thought, Fei felt like he had a solution to Akinfeev’s current situation. However, this matter was very complicated, especially when this handsome blond young man, who had royal golden elf bloodline, had a powerful father. Therefore, before Fei could do a thorough investigation, he didn’t want to take too much risk.

He took out a bottle of purple [Full Rejuvenation Potion] from his storage ring and passed it to Akinfeev as a friend.

“This potion could restore vitality and suppress all negative effects. It might help with your current situation, and you can give it a try,” Fei said.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!” Akinfeev accepted Fei’s kindness and kept the potion.

“Oh, one more thing. I know that your name is the same as the name of the Executive Knight Captain of Imperial Knight Palace of Zenit……”

“Yeah, I know that person. However, there shouldn’t be any connection between us. I think our names are just a coincidence.”

Fei nodded; all the questions on his mind were answered in their conversation, and the objectives of this talk were all achieved.

The king initially planned to expel this mysterious uncertainty, but he changed his mind completely after meeting Akinfeev. Except for the fact that he really liked Akinfeev, he somehow felt like the gloominess that enveloped the continent during the Mythical Era was about to re-appear.

Fate was an interesting thing; Akinfeev’s appearance could be one hint that was given to Fei, and this blond young man might be the key to many mysteries on Fei’s mind.

“Hahaha! Our talk today is in-depth, and I like you. From now on, we are friends. I’m getting married in 13 days, and I hope that you could attend the ceremony as a friend.” Fei waved his hand, and a gilded magic wedding invitation appeared after a red-light flash by.

“It is my honor! I will come for sure!” A child-like smile appeared on Akinfeev’s face as he took the invitation. “It seems like I am permitted to continue living in Chambord.”

“Haha! Of course! The gate of Chambord is always open to real friends,” Fei laughed out loud, and he disappeared in the next second.

However, his loud laughter resonated in the nightly sky over Chambord, unwilling to die down.

“The King of Chambord! He is a real king!” With the gilding magic wedding invitation in his hand, Akinfeev got into an excited mood. For the first time in a year, a genuine smile shone on his face.

Although Fei asked a lot of questions, they were all related to the safety and security of Chambord. As the king of this kingdom, it was necessary for him to inquire about that information.

Also, the king didn’t ask any questions that were too personal, showing adequate respect for Akinfeev.

This blond young man felt like he was lucky to make a friend like the King of Chambord.

P.S. A big shout out to Siraj A. Thanks for the support on Patreon!

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