Hail the King

Chapter 588: Mystery of History

This was a diary that recorded the doomsday of the continent.

The record ended here, and the writing became unclear and messy; the last few words were barely recognizable.

From the look of things, this dwarf king experienced great shock and could no longer continue writing.

Fei exhaled deeply as he slowly closed this bloody book.

After seeing it, a series of clear yet tragic and destructive images appeared in his head. He could imagine how it felt when this dwarf king lived through that terrifying era.

The gigantic empires were crushed by the powerful enemies one after another, and they couldn’t do anything about it. Darkness enveloped the land, and numerous races went extinct. Numerous gods and demons died in battles, and every single creature on the continent felt desperate. No one could see a future, and almost all the creatures were wiped out in about a month and a half!

It was the doomsday!

Although the diary only recorded the significant events that took place with a few words, the desperation and hopelessness that the emperor of the dwarfs, Gerard Bill, felt was conveyed to Fei through the pages, and it was suffocating.

After reading this blood-stained diary, Fei felt like a massive piece of stone was weighing on his mind.

The diary ended abruptly as if something terrible happened, and Fei guessed that the terrifying enemies, who were ‘pseudo gods from another space’, appeared and killed this emperor of the dwarfs instantly. When the heart of this emperor was taken away, those 40 Godly Pillar Generals probably didn’t even have time to react.

In the end, all the dwarf masters in the last ancestral place battled until death, and none of them escaped from the tragic ending.

Afterward, those terrifying enemies left this place. They ignored the corpses of the dwarfs and their own peers and didn’t even take the combat weapons on the ground.

As he thought about what he read, Fei looked at the skeletons around him and tried to organize his thoughts.

He had a ton of questions on his mind. For example, who were those pseudo gods? How were they able to kill the gods and the demons who dominated the Azeroth Continent for ages? How could they wipe through the seven super empires created by the affiliated races of the two groups? How did they complete the bloody massacres so quick? And where did the locust-like devils go after this? Why weren’t they documented in the history books? Why were the ‘pseudo gods from another space’ not known to humans? Did they leave the Azeroth Continent after the killing and the conquer? Or, were they waiting for another opportunity while hiding on the continent?

Of course, although these questions were on Fei’s mind, there was one particular question that was bothering Fei.

“Why aren’t humans mentioned in this diary?”

According to the writings of Gerard Bill, the enemies were known as pseudo gods from another space, and there were numerous devils under their commands; they couldn’t be exterminated. They combed through the continent and made several races and species go extinct. These devils showed no mercy, but why weren’t humans mentioned?

From the look of things, only humans survived that massacre and became the ruler of the land!

Could it be that the humans didn’t exist back then?

Impossible! According to books that Fei read, humans existed in the Mythical Era. In addition, humans were ranked as one of the top ten species alongside the elves and the dwarfs.

Therefore, Fei couldn’t understand why humans weren’t mentioned in the diary and why this catastrophe that occurred in the Mythical Era wasn’t recorded in the history books.

In the current history books, it was said that the gods and demons battled each other and ended up destroying everything, obliterating the Mythical Era; this was a fact that many historians reached consensus on. It was also said that the affiliated races and species of the gods and demons such as the elves, dwarfs, orcs, dragons, and sea tribes (similar to Slithereen in WoW) all participated in the battles and ended up destroying themselves. Only humans were able to survive that by using their strong learning and adaptation abilities as well as powerful reproduction capabilities.

It was clear that the history as the people on the Azeroth Continent knew it conflicted with what Gerard Bill wrote.

“Who is lying?”

As he looked around at the numerous skeletons as well as the corpses of the 40 Godly Pillar Generals and the emperor of the dwarfs, Fei leaned toward the records on the bloody book. No one would try to lie to the future generations when he didn’t even know if the continent was going to be around.

This diary that was stained by blood was more reliable than the vague and unproven legends.

Fei felt like he accidentally discovered a secret that was concealed for ages.

Who destroyed the Mythical Era? What roles did the humans play during that time?

Fei lightly exhaled and shook his head. He stopped thinking about those questions since it was not relevant to the current time. He placed the bloody book into his storage space and continued to observe the surroundings.

As he glanced at the corpse of Gerard Bill once more, he discovered that there were fine engravings on the stone monument behind this emperor; it looked like it recorded the locations of the stars in the sky since small silver dots that were the size of a fingertip were all over this statue. Also, there were thin silver lines that connected all these dots, combining them into something unbreakable.

“What are these?” Fei thought as he lightly rubbed the dots.

This was the dwarfs’ last ancestral place, and the 40 Godly Pillar Generals and the emperor of the dwarfs all died protecting it. If one told Fei that this stone monument was a simple statue, Fei wouldn’t believe it.

However, after a while of observations, Fei couldn’t detect any magic energy or warrior energy surges on it. It was very common and ordinary.

This irregular discovery made Fei even more curious.

“Looks like I need to give this to Cain and Akara to study!”

After Fei made up his mind, he didn’t spend more time on it. He made sure he didn’t overlook anything, and he walked forward to see if he could find anything else.

On the way, he picked up a few other combat weapons that weren’t corroded.

Unfortunately, they were of low levels; none of them was above level 5.

After two hours, Fei walked around this entire valley. Except for the interesting discoveries he made at the center of the valley, white skeletons and bones were everywhere else.

On the side of the walls, Fei saw some godly rune engravings that lost their energies.

Fei pictured the scene where the walls in this place were empowered by the godly runes. Even if regular walls were strengthened by godly runes, they would become indestructible! No Sun-Class Lord could leave a mark on these walls.

Except for that portal on the altar, no one was able to get in here theoretically.

However, this place was still conquered and destroyed.

Fei looked up at the opening of this valley and wondered where this place was. As he was about to fly out of the rough-circular opening above him that had a diameter of 500 meters and check out this area, he suddenly noticed something that he overlooked before, and his expression froze on his face!

“How is this…… possible?”

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