Hail the King

Chapter 499: Two Half-Broken Stone Pillars

Chapter 499: Two Half-Broken Stone Pillars

After Fei got to the bottom of the altar, he walked around it and started to look for clues. It would take an average person at least half an hour to circle this altar.

To the north of this altar, Fei discovered something that he didn’t see when he was skimming through.

There was a huge skeleton on the ground. It was at about four meters tall, and its bones were a lot thicker than ordinary human bones. Except for those, it wasn’t too different from a normal human skeleton.

One thing for sure was that this person must be a powerful master when he or she was alive.

Even though this corpse had been here numerous years and the flesh on it were all corroded away, the bones were still tough and firm. Fei tried to test one of the thinnest finger bones, and he realized that it was several times harder than the [Demon’s Remains] he found in the underground cave in Chambord Castle.

For some reason, Fei thought of a person when he saw this corpse.

Emperor Kromkamp of Eindhoven.

“Perhaps this skeleton is one of his ancestors’. Only someone with a titan-like bloodline could be about three meters tall like Kromkamp!” Fei thought.

What was surprising about this scene was how this master was killed here years ago.

A half-broke stone pillar penetrated through this person’s body from the back, crushed through the heart, nailed him or her into the ground. It must have been painful for this master since Fei saw several shocking scratch marks on the ground.

This skeleton was slightly bent, showing that this master was trying to reach out to the pillar and pull it out. However, it was a fail, and he or she ended up dying here.

As Fei looked at this huge skeleton, he felt like he could visualize the terrifying scene where a half-broke stone spill flew down from the sky and nailed a powerful master into the ground!

“Wait! A half-broken stone pillar?” Fei grasped onto something.

He looked at the stone pillar that nailed this skeleton to the ground, and he then walked over. Instantly, he saw a half-sphere dent on top of the half-broken pillar that was six meters out of the ground.

Also, the rough surface where the pillar broke off matched the surface of the half-broken pillar on the ninth level of the Mythical Altar.

“Yeah! This half-broken pillar is the missing half of that pillar…… Someone broke it off and threw it 1,000 meters down here to kill this huge master!”

As Fei thought about this, he looked at the half-sphere dent on this half-broke pillar more and more. He felt like something mystic would happen if he brought this half-broken pillar onto the ninth-level of the altar.

Fei didn’t hesitate after thinking about that.

He looked around, stepped onto the skeleton, and wrapped his arms around this pillar. As he shouted, his Nightmare Mode Level 40 Barbarian unleashed all of his physical strength. The muscle on his arms bulged up and increased twice in size, and a visible energy surge expanded outward and dispersed into the area.

Boom! This half-broke pillar lightly shook as if it was going to be pulled out by Fei. However, it didn’t move after that. Even though Fei gave it all he had, he couldn’t successfully pull it out!

It was shocking!

No master in the Moon-Class could compete with Fei’s Nightmare Mode Level 40 Barbarian’s physical strength, and Fei was still not able to pull this half-broke pillar out of the ground. In comparison, it was hard to imagine the strength of the master who broke the pillar and threw it down from the top of the Mythical Altar.

After exhaling deeply, Fei summoned all of his items from Diablo World that could increase his strength. His [Strength] increased by 20 points.


He tried again, and the pillar shook more violently. However, he failed again. It felt like there was a strong suction force in the ground, and this half-broken pillar was hard stuck!

Since he couldn’t pull it out directly, Fei tried to dig holes around the pillar to loosen it up. Unfortunately, the ground was made from the unknown silver rock, and it was extremely firm. Fei tried his best, but he wasn’t even able to leave a small dent on it.

This finding stunned Fei.

The toughness of the ground was beyond his imaginable, and the rock that made up this mountain was probably not ordinary. This skeleton under his feet was able to leave several scratch marks on the ground! From the look of it, it seemed like even Sun-Class Lords couldn’t even do so. On top of that, another master was able to nail this half-broke pillar into the ground from the ninth level of the Mythical Altar and kill this powerful master on the ground. His or her strength was probably beyond reason!

“The secret to purifying the [Worldstone] must lie on this half-broke pillar! However, I still couldn’t pull it out yet. It looks like I need to enter Diablo World to level up first.”


After five hours, a blue portal suddenly appeared before the Mythical Gate, and Fei walked out it with fatigue written on his face.

In the last five hours, Fei completed the quest [The Arcane Sanctuary] by killing the monsters in there, and he also killed the boss [The Summoner] and completed the next quest. After that, he went to [Canyon of the Magi] to complete the quest [The Seven Tombs]. When the gaming time of the day was almost up, he found three fake tombs already. By now, he was a Nightmare Mode Level 42 Barbarian, and he put all ten attribute points into [Strength].

Before he returned to the real world, he went to the NPCs in [Lut Gholein] and bought a few great items that gave him more strength. He only returned to the Mythical Altar after he finished doing the proper preparation.

“I have to pull it out this time!”

Fei equipped all of those items and walked up to that half-broke pillar again. As he took a deep breath and shouted, all of his muscles went into overload. The loud booming noises made it seem like the ground was about to be torn apart. Even the mountain and the Mythical Altar were shaking slightly.

Little by little, the half-broken pillar that was deep into the ground got pulled out by Fei.

After ten minutes and several attempts, it was finally all out.

What surprised him was that the portion of the half-broken stone pillar was way longer than he thought; it was longer than 20 meters. Perhaps it was because that it was buried underground, its color was brighter than the portion that was exposed in the air. Its shiny metal-like silver color would make people think that it was a half-broken weapon like a spear rather than a stone pillar.

This half-broken pillar was 26 meters long in total.

Fei was sweating buckets and breathing heavily at this moment. This was the first time that he got this exhausted as a Barbarian; he felt like he was about to pass out. After drinking a bottle of [Stamina Potion] and resting for about half an hour, he finally returned to his normal state. Then, he opened up his silver sword energy wings and tried to fly back onto the ninth level with this half-broken pillar.

This half-broken pillar was extremely heavy, and Fei had to rest several times on the Mythical Altar. Due to the overload, the skin on his arms was torn, his muscles were severely damaged, and a lot of flesh on his fingers were ground away, revealing the white bones. The intense pain made Fei sweat even more, and the sweat-stained the entire half-broken pillar alongside the blood. In the end, this entire half-broken pillar got dyed red.

Fei had never felt this much pain and had never used this much energy before. He felt like someone was making numerous small cuts on his arms, and his upper body soon got numbed. However, like a robot, he forced himself to grasp onto the half-broken pillar and pulled it up using his iron will.

Even though Fei got severely injured a few times in Diablo World and experienced an insane amount of pain, they weren’t as unbearable as this. The thoughts of giving up appeared several times in his head, but he clenched his teeth and continued to move after thinking back to Angela and Elena.

Blood mixed with sweat, and they dripped onto each and every step of stairs on the Mythical Altar.

Finally, Fei successfully dragged this half-broken pillar onto the top of the Mythical Altar when he was completely covered by blood.

P.S. A big shout out to Joseph, Kulmala E., and Bangtan Fam! Thanks for the support on Patreon!

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