Hail the King

Chapter 397: Pass My Order – Kill!

Chapter 397: Pass My Order – Kill!

“Record everything that I have said and post copies around the city. Also, remember to write down that the families of deceased soldiers will be compensated with five gold coins, and any soldiers who got injured in battle will be compensated with 50 silver coins. One kill of the enemies will be rewarded with ten silver coins, and the military merits each person earned will be recorded on the Military Merits Ledger. After each battle, it will be evaluated by the logistics department, and the people who are qualified to get promotions and monetary rewards will get them right away!”

Fei rubbed a rough battlement on the defense wall as he said determinately.

“As you wish, Your Majesty!” Cech recorded down everything Fei had said.

Fei stared into afar. After a few moments of silence, he added, “After the logistics department is done with the evaluation, bring the ledger to me for a view before distributing the rewards. Anyone who dares to mess around on the ledger will……”

Fei suddenly paused and punched behind him without even looking back.


A guard got turned into a cloud of blood mists before he could react.

All the blood spilled onto the faces of his peers and the nobles.

That wet sensation and the nose-piercing smell of the blood immediately terrified a lot of them; some timid nobles screamed as they collapsed onto the ground. Even though most of these nobles could control their body a little bit, they all kneeled onto the ground including Mayor Soroyov. The last bit of pride and courage Soroyov had as a level 2 noble of Zenit disappeared as soon as the blood got onto his face.

Bam! The partial corpse of that guard fell onto the ground.

This guard was the one who wanted to decapitate Glenn’s older brother’s corpse for military merits.

“If anyone dares to insult the corpses of brave soldiers, they shall be executed!” Fei said with a determinate tone as he stood still on the defense wall. As if nothing had happened, he ignored the nobles who all kneeled down in fear and continued, “Organize everything I have said and make them into the temporary military law. Spread it around the city, and make sure to emphasize that the punishment for anyone who dares to mess around on the Military Merit Ledger would be what happened to this guard!”

“As you wish,” Cech carefully recorded everything Fei had said.

Fei nodded and smiled at the soldiers around him. He said with a calm tone, “Alright, enough time wasted. You guys can go back and rest; you need to prepare for the next siege. Of course, come to me if you guys encounter any issues. Also, tell your comrades about what I said; let them monitor and see if I would go back on my words.

“Yes, sir!”

These young and brave soldiers held back their excitement and saluted at Fei. Afterward, they left and went back to the north side of the defense wall.

They would remember this meeting for the rest of their lives.

Perhaps some of them would die in this war, and maybe some of them couldn’t come this close and chat with this mighty king in the future, but what happened in this 10-minute meeting would be the most precious memory they would ever have; it was engraved into their souls.

After the soldiers walked away, Fei turned around and looked at the nobles kneeling on the ground; the warm smile had already turned into coldness.

“Gathering all the soldiers into the city, refusing to protect the 2,361 citizens of Zenit around Dual-Flags City and letting them die, giving the control of the area to the enemies of Jax, pulling your own forces out of the battle, getting ready to ditch the city, robbing the military merits of the base soldiers…… Humph! Great! Is this what you nobles of Dual-Flags City want Emperor Yassin His Majesty and the Military Headquarter to know?”

The nobles and their guards who were kneeling on the ground sweated buckets, and they didn’t even dare to breathe heavily.

“According to the Military Law of Zenit, what you did are no different to treason. You should be executed 10,000 times!” Fei shouted at them.

As soon as the nobles and their guards heard the word treason, their bodies shivered violently as if lightning struck them. They quickly crawled forward and begged for mercy.

“Sir, please spare us! We are guilty, but please show mercy! We only did it once!”

“Sir, sir! Soroyov made all of the decisions; we didn’t dare to resist against him. Please investigate!”

“King Alexander! We are willing to fight and willing to protect Dual-Flags City! Please give us the opportunity!”

All the nobles were terrified. If they were charged with treason, they were dead for sure; even relatives of the Royal Family of Zenit would be executed if they were found guilty of treason.

Fei didn’t respond right away. He stood in front of a battlement and looked into the sky; it looked like he was thinking about something.

He lightly knocked the battlement that was made from rocks, and that made a series of tapping noises. These noises sometimes were fast and sometimes were slow, they sometimes sounded like a breeze and sometimes sounded like a storm. Although the soldiers in the area found the noises interesting, the nobles were traumatized; they were afraid that this young man would make the decision right now and execute them all.

At this moment, a series of footsteps sounded.

“Sir, we have brought back the leader of the seven noble families,” Drogba reported loudly. Behind the four commanders, there were seven people; these people were in fancy clothes, but they were tied up with ropes.

“Alexander! You bloody butcher! You shameless butcher! I’m a noble of the empire! You can’t arrest me……” among the seven nobles who were arrested, a mid-aged man who had an aquiline nose and a gloomy face shouted as soon as he saw Fei, “I will bring this matter to the Royal Family! I will report you! You are committing a crime!”

“I already sent out the order, so why weren’t you on the defense wall helping with the defense?” Fei stopped a Saint Seiya from slapping this man, and he asked this noble calmly.

“Yuck! You don’t have the right to summon nobles to fight for you, and I also have the privilege of not participating in battles……” this aquiline nosed noble shouted angrily.

“I’m the No.1 Commander of Jax Battle Zone, and I’m appointed by Emperor Yassin His Majesty himself! Why do you think I don’t have the right? As nobles, you are respected by the civilians and enjoyed the privileges granted by the Royal Family. But at critical moments when the empire needs you, you make excuses not to serve? You didn’t just break the Military Law; when you are confronted with your crime, you still don’t see your wrongdoings! Disappointing…… execute him!”

As soon as Fei ordered, the Saint Seiya beside this aquiline nosed noble slashed down with his blade.

That noble was shocked; he never imagined that the king of Chambord dared to kill a level 3 noble. Before he could say anything or do anything, that blade already landed. After a cracking noise, blood spilled, and a head fell to the ground. That arrogant and idiotic noble was executed right there.

“For real?……. he got killed? He is a level 3 noble of Zenit!”

In Dual-Flags City, this noble’s status was only lower than Fei and Soroyov. It was heard that this aquiline nosed noble named Miller had significant connections in St. Petersburg, and that was why he was so arrogant; he even didn’t care about Soroyov’s orders in the past…… this noble that wasn’t restricted by the law was killed like a pig!

Miller’s head rolled on the ground, and the expression on his face told everyone that he still couldn’t believe what happened the moment he died. The hot blood left a trail on the ground, and steam came off of it in the cold winter weather.


The headless corpse fell to the ground, and that golden and prestigious robe got stained with blood and dust and was no longer fancy.

“Aaaaaa……” a few nobles were shocked, and they fainted after they screamed in terror.

Fei’s face didn’t even change expressions.

After he walked back to his stone chair, he sat down and waved his hand. Shevchenko stepped forward with a scroll in his hands and read off of it, “Miller Family, level 3 nobles, committed the following crimes. First, they conspired with the desert bandits three years ago, killed more than 100 people in Dean Merchant Group, and robbed 30,000 gold coins. Second, they kidnapped 103 poor women three years ago and sold them in Jax Empire for profit. Third……”

As Shevchenko announced the crimes committed by the Miller Family one by one, all the nobles who were still conscious were shocked.

Most of the nobles in their circle knew about these crimes, and most of the nobles committed crimes like these as well themselves. Most of these crimes were unsolved as no one in public knew that the Miller Family was behind these crimes. The nobles thought the king of Chambord was framing the Miller Family at first, but they all felt like these crimes were investigated, and the king of Chambord got all the facts.

“How did he know? How did he get so much information in just one day? What else does he know? Scary……” Soroyov and other nobles who were kneeling on the ground felt like they were in a freezer.

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