Hail the King

Chapter 374: Let the Real Master Come Out

Chapter 374: Let the Real Master Come Out

According to history books, the Desert Bandits of Jax frequently harassed the western regions of Zenit after Emperor Yassin established the empire.

As a result, genius Emperor Yassin who was at his prime took his troops to the west and conquered the Capital of Jax, Amsterdam, without even losing a single battle. The ruler of Zenit killed more than 100 masters of Jax, defeated the emperor of Jax, and captured more than 1,000 nobles and royals of Jax; it was an epic victory.

The Jax Empire almost got wiped out, and it didn’t fully recover until after ten years.

In that ten years, the Jax Empire got a new emperor who was very intelligent, and he was known as Emperor Fuji. The majesty of the Royal Family got restored, and Jax recovered fast under his lead.

At the moment, genius Emperor Yassin who was the nightmare to a lot of people of Jax was on the verge of dying, and Emperor Fuji of Jax was young and in his prime. As time passed, the Jax Empire that never forgot about the shame Emperor Yassin brought to them was aching for revenge.

During the Martial Saint Battle, No.1 Swordsman of Jax, Huntelaar, sneak attacked Krasic and showed the resistance of Jax.

Fei vaguely knew about this part of history, but it wasn’t as clear and as detailed as it was recorded in [The Chronicle of Azeroth].

Fei followed one of many advice from Sun Tzu – “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” For the last while, he would read this book whenever he had time. Before his legion even reached the border and saw the enemies, he already knew a lot about the Jax Empire. At this point, he knew a lot more about his enemies than the people around him.

The central tent was still lit up, and the coldness got worse as the night continued.


“Time is up! Everyone ready! Charge!”

Kerman who was on top of the hill smiled viciously as he looked at the quiet campsite and signaled the Sand Tiger Cavaliers to charge. Right after he did that, he kicked the Sand Tiger with the spur and charged down first.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

All the Sand Tiger Cavaliers followed behind him tightly.

Like a black torrent, all of them charged at the campsite of Zenit that was 500 meters away in silence like a bunch of murderous beasts.

This was the first time that the formal soldiers of Jax and the formal soldiers of Zenit fought each other in a long time.

To the fierce warriors who lived in rough environments such as desert, this was the start to their journey of redemption.

404 sharp blades glared under the moonlight, and the lights that reflected off of them would even hurt someone’s skin; these blades were thirsty for the enemies’ blood.

When they were about 20 meters away from the campsite of Zenit, they were finally spotted by the soldier of Zenit in the dark.

“Remember! Don’t get too consumed in the battle! We need to get to the central tent and kill their commander as soon as we can!” Kerman pulled out the huge and strangely-shaped blade on his back that was about two meters tall and shouted; his voice was as loud as thunder.

“Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge!” the 403 Sand Tiger Cavaliers behind him no longer stayed silent; they all shouted with Kerman.

At that moment, the quietness immediately turned into ferociousness as if a tornado blew across a calm lake.


Kerman slashed with his blade, and the white warrior energy instantly dashed out of the blade and destroyed the fence that blocked their way.

“Ahahahah…… We are under attack! Get up! Enemies are coming!”

“Oh, god! The Sand Tiger Cavaliers of Jax!…… Sentries! Where the fu*k are you guys? When did the enemies appear?”

“Get up! Get your weapons! Damn it!”

The soldiers of Zenit inside the campsite instantly fell into a state of chaos after they realized what was going on.

Shouts and screams sounded frequently, and soldiers were running around everywhere like ants that got their ant nest flooded; there were even soldiers running around butt-naked with swords in their hands.

All the Sand Tiger Cavaliers looked down at these soldiers, and they easily charged into the campsite of Zenit after Kerman created an entrance; they almost didn’t face any resistance, and the entire process was as easy as sticking a hot rod into butter.

These 404 Sand Tiger Cavaliers were well-trained and coordinated with each other well. Their formation was perfect, and their mounts created loud noises that made people feel sick to their stomachs.

In the blink of an eye, the central tent was only about 100 meters away from them.

“There it is! Charge and kill their commander!”

Under the lead of Kerman, the cavaliers changed into a vicious V-shaped formation and dashed at the central tent.

“Kill their commander!”

“Kill him!”

“The honor of the first victory in this war belongs to the brave Jax Empire!”

As the Sand Tiger Cavaliers thought about that, they finally encountered some defenses. However, these defenses were fragile as if someone was trying to stop a fast-flowing river by using a few bricks. The Sand Tiger Cavaliers weren’t slowed down at all; in fact, they didn’t even suffer any injuries.

It couldn’t be any smoother.

“Wait…… something is fishy!”

Sand Tiger Cavalier Ari who was right behind Kerman had an ominous feeling. He felt like the soldiers of Zenit were pretending to fight against them; no one charged at them for real, and the soldiers that were behind them didn’t even chase after them. He felt like the soldiers of Zenit were chaotic but not anxious; it seemed like these soldiers were letting them in on purpose.

However, he couldn’t think much as the time was tight.


The central tent was right in front of them, and Kerman shouted as he jumped into the air. In mid-air, he chopped down, and the flashy blade energy struck towards the tent.


The ground shook heavily as the energy exploded.

However, what these Sand Tiger Cavaliers expected didn’t occur.

Before that energy landed on the tent, it was blocked by a transparent shield. The blade energy that was enough to destroy a small hill didn’t affect that shield at all. As if Kerman just cracked an egg on a diamond, his blade energy disappeared.

Everything didn’t just stop there. After that, a huge repulsive force came off of the shield and smashed onto Kerman.

Kerman was knocked back, and his face immediately paled.

“They have a master warrior!” Kerman landed back onto his Sand Tiger as he was shocked.

At this moment, sudden changes occurred again.

A series of shouts sounded as numerous torches lit up. Elite soldiers of Zenit who were fully armored and armed surrounded these 404 Sand Tiger Cavaliers like the ocean around a small island.

“We have been tricked! They are prepared for this!”

At this point, even idiots knew that soldiers of Zenit had prepared the trap and were waiting for them to fall into it.

“Mr. Kerman! We need to retreat! We can escape if we all dash toward one direction.” Ari was a fast thinker, and he quickly suggested to the head commander of the Sand Tiger Cavaliers. At this moment, the two captains who convinced Kerman to raid the campsite of Zenit were all quiet.

“Ok, let’s all charge at west!”

Kerman was a decisive person. After knowing that there was a master warrior who protected the central tent using his or her strength, Kerman knew that he couldn’t get the victory tonight. Therefore, he quickly made up his mind and lead his cavaliers towards the west direction.

He was very confident in the penetration abilities of the Sand Tiger Cavaliers; even though they failed the raid, retreating safely shouldn’t be a problem.

At this moment, a strange roar sounded.

“Wooooo…… Bark! Bark! Bark!!!”

It sounded like the bark of a dog, but Kerman couldn’t believe that a dog was able to shout like this. There was so much pressure in the sound waves that the Sand Tiger Cavalier felt dizzy, and they somehow smelled the odor of sulfur.


The Sand Tigers that got names such as [Boats in the Desert] all shivered after they heard that noise. As if they were dogs who saw a Holy Dragon, these mounts that the soldiers of Jax were proud of all defecated uncontrollably and fell to the ground as they whined.

“High-level Demon Beast?”

“There is a High-level Demon Beast in this campsite?”

Only the pressure coming from a High-level Demon Beast could scare the level 2 Sand Tigers. From the look of it, Kerman knew that he was very unlucky as the Demon Beast in the campsite of Zenit was either a level 7 or level 8 Demon Beast.

After the Sand Tigers surrendered, the cavaliers of Jax lost the mobility that they were proud of. It was impossible for them to escape when 6,000 well-equipped soldiers surrounded them.

They established a circular defense formation in a short time; they left their backs to their comrades as they faced off the soldiers of Zenit.

“I’m Kerman, the third disciple of the Martial Saint of Jax! Zenit’s Commander, do you dare to walk out and face me?” with his blade in his hand, Kerman asked loudly. Even though he was in a terrible situation, he didn’t look defeated at all.


A bunch of soldier of Zenit who had huge shields and weapons moved aside, and they revealed the central tent that they were protecting. The gate of the tent opened, and six fully-armored master warriors walked out of it; they were Shevchenko, Cech, Drogba, Pierce, Kanort, and Huerk.

“I’m the commander of this herald brigade, Andrew Shevchenko,”

with his hand on his huge sword, Shevchenko replied calmly as a powerful aura appeared on him.

“You?…… You are powerful, but you couldn’t defend against my attack that easily,” Kerman said as he walked out of the formation and shook his head, “Let the real master warrior come out. Otherwise, you six couldn’t handle me,” he stated.

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