Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1537: The master's ceremony

Chapter 1537: The master’s ceremony

Before master Cheng could react, Zhang Yan had already started to congratulate him.”Congratulations. You’ve made it big to get seven points from little Yuan in the ten-point system.”

“That’s true. This dish has 70% of little Yuan’s internal energy,” Zhou Shijie stroked his goatee and nodded his head with a smile.

“You should continue to work hard. This is only Sichuan cuisine.” Lee Yanyi reminded him seriously.

“Yes, yes, yes. I know. I’m still far from master.” Master Cheng said with a simple and honest smile. He was already very happy to have such an evaluation.

“It’s already not bad, no need to be too humble. ” Yuan Zhou said solemnly.

“Hehe, Yes, Master. Thank you, master.” Master Cheng immediately thanked Yuan Zhou with a smile.

“Cheng zhaomei, it’s a good thing that you’ve completed your apprenticeship. We can also be considered to have witnessed little Yuan’s first apprentice complete his apprenticeship.” Zhang Ye said.

“Yes, it’s a great thing.” Zhou Shijie also nodded his head and said smilingly.

“I still have to study hard.” Lee Yan had always been serious and it was hard to hear anything good from him.

Of course, Yuan Zhou was an exception. Lee Yanyi would always praise boss Yuan whenever he mentioned him.

“Of course, of course. It’s my great fortune to be able to study here at master ‘s.” Master Cheng nodded his head in agreement.

While saying that, master Cheng bowed to Yuan Zhou seriously to express his gratitude. Only after he straightened his back did he say to Yuan Zhou,””Master, I’ve prepared a gift for you. I hope you can accept it.”

“Yes.” Yuan Zhou nodded his head and didn’t refuse.

This was how it was in the industry. The relationship between the apprentice and the master was very close. Although it wasn’t like the ancient times where they were like father and son, they were still very close. The master’s gift was given by the apprentice to the master, so Yuan Zhou naturally should accept it.

“Please wait a moment, master. I’ll go get it.” Master Cheng said immediately.

“Go on.” Yuan Zhou said.

As soon as master Cheng heard Yuan Zhou agree, he immediately turned around and walked out of the restaurant. The moment he left the restaurant, he started to run. His gift was prepared to be in the car.

After all, he couldn’t bring her here directly before she finished her apprenticeship. It would be very impolite if he brought her here.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that Yuan Zhou agreed to accept it, master Cheng could only run out of the door quickly to get the prepared graduation gift from the car.

After master Cheng left quickly, Yuan Zhou also stood up and said,””Please wait a moment, I’ll come back after I take out my disciple’s gift.”

“Go on.” Zhou Shijie nodded his head on behalf of the three people.

Then, Yuan Zhou also turned around and left. However, Yuan Zhou’s gift was prepared to be in the cabinet upstairs, so he didn’t need to worry.

Five minutes later, Yuan Zhou came back to them with a chestnut brown wooden box that had a beautiful luster.

Zhang Yan had done some research on wood. After all, he liked the Rosewood the most. Therefore, he immediately opened his mouth when he saw the wooden box in Yuan Zhou’s hand.

“Little Yuan, this is ebony, right?” Zhang Yan said with certainty.

“It’s the heartwood of the Philippines ebony. This kind of ebony is bright in color, has no fragrance or special taste, and has a fine structure. The wood is heavy, and its air-dry density is 0.78 – 1.09 g/cm3. After drying, the size is stable, which is suitable for making boxes.” Yuan Zhou opened his mouth and said.

“Little Yuan, it seems that you also know wood very well.” Zhang Ji said with emotion.

“I don’t really understand, just a little.” Yuan Zhou shook his head and said earnestly.

“…” Whenever Zhou Shijie heard Yuan Zhou’s words, he would get a toothache out of habit.

“…” Zhang Yan was instantly speechless. Fortunately, after several culinary exchanges, he knew that Yuan Zhou was very sincere when he said that. But it was precisely because of sincerity that one was most terrifying.

“…” As for Lee Yanyi, he was used to it. Although he was speechless in his heart, he still looked indifferent on the surface.

Fortunately, the awkwardness didn’t last long, because master Cheng also came with a wooden box in a short while.

Before entering the door, master Cheng even specially stopped at the door to tidy up his appearance and appearance before entering the door slowly.

As soon as he entered the door, he went straight through the Sergestes wall landscape door and went to the front yard.

As soon as he entered, he saw that the people at the square table were all sitting and waiting for him, and there was an additional box on the table.

Master Cheng took a deep breath and walked to the four people. Then, he bent down and handed over his box with both hands respectfully.

The box was a beautiful original wood color with fine vertical lines on it. It exuded a faint smell of wood and had a very good luster. It seemed that this wooden box had been there for a long time, and there was already a layer of starch on it.

“Master, these are the recipes for my three dishes. I hope you can accept them.” Master Cheng said seriously.

“You’re so thoughtful. ” Yuan Zhou nodded his head and received the wooden box with both hands.

“I know master has everything, but he likes cooking, so I gave him this. But I only have these three recipes after all these years.” Master Cheng smiled and touched his head.

“I like it very much.” Although Yuan Zhou didn’t open it to take a look, he knew that it was three ancient recipes. Therefore, Yuan Zhou said he liked them very sincerely.

“Hehe, it’s good that master likes it.” Master Cheng said with an innocent smile.

“This is indeed a good gift.” Even Zhou Shijie nodded his head and said.

“It’s indeed good stuff. ” Zhang Ye also nodded.

“I’m more looking forward to when I can eat it. ” Lee Yanyi’s idea was much more practical.

However, if Wu Hai was here, he would also say that.

Wu Hai also knew that Yuan Zhou was going to eat out today. However, unlike usual, he didn’t come and make a fuss at all. The reason was very simple. The food wasn’t prepared by Yuan Zhou, so he naturally stayed in the studio and painted with a peace of mind.

After all, only the food cooked by Yuan Zhou himself could make him shameless.

Yuan Zhou received the box and put it beside his hand carefully. Then, he picked up the ebony box that he had just taken out and stood up.

As soon as master Cheng saw Yuan Zhou get up, he subconsciously straightened his back and put his legs together, trying to stick his hands on the stitches of his trousers.

However, master Cheng was a chubby man. Yuan Zhou spoke before he even touched master Cheng’s face.

“This is my gift to you for becoming my disciple. After you accept it, you must work harder to study cooking.” Yuan Zhou handed it to master Cheng with both hands.

“Yes, Master.” Master Cheng answered solemnly. Then, he bent his body and took the wooden box that was twice as big as his with both hands.

The ebony box was much heavier than the one he had given to Yuan Zhou. However, master Cheng was a great chef and naturally had good arm strength. He held the box steadily and didn’t move at all.

After Yuan Zhou delivered the gifts, he sat back down. When he saw master Cheng, he said,””Open it and take a look.”

“Okay, master.” Master Cheng answered immediately. He held the box in front of his chest and then opened the lid carefully.

In an instant, a beautiful silver light flashed under the sun. When the whole box was opened, a knife was seen inside.

This vegetable knife was half a size bigger than a household vegetable knife. The tip of the knife was curved, the blade was wide and thin, and the wood handle was beautiful. It was obvious that this was not a new knife.

“I made this knife in my first year of business. It’s been with me for a long time, and it’s pretty good to use.” Yuan Zhou said indifferently.

“Thank you, master. Thank you, master. You’re the best. This gift is too expensive. Thank you, master.” When master Cheng saw the knife, he already had a guess in his heart. As soon as Yuan Zhou said it, he was so happy that he even became a little incoherent.

This knife was the tool for a chef to make a living. It was a great honor to gift such a thing to his apprentice. Master Cheng knew it all too well. That was why he was so excited.


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