Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1435 - Can bamboo be eaten?  

Chapter 1435: Can bamboo be eaten?

In fact, Gabriel couldn’t be blamed. The bamboo chicken that was served looked ordinary at first. It was just a bamboo tube that was burned black and shiny. One end of the tube was stuffed with Big Green leaves, and the fragrance was gone.

“What’s this?” Gabriel looked at Zhou Jia who was carrying the dishes over.

“Wait a moment.” Zhou Jia said gently and then carried all the dishes out of the tray before she started to help him unwrap them.

The bamboo tube chicken was placed in an emerald green oval plate. There was a groove in the middle of the plate, and this groove happened to hold the round bamboo tube, so that it would not roll.

On the other side of the plate, there was a small green stick with a sharp end that looked like a short chopstick.

“Pick this up and then gently stir this part.” Zhou Jia said and gestured at him.

“Alright,” he said. Gabriel picked up the short, needle-like stick and poked it at the place Zhou Jia said.

With a light poke, a crack immediately appeared in the seemingly seamless bamboo tube. As Gabriel increased his strength, the crack split open into a whole line. Then, Gabriel lifted the bamboo tube gently, and it was immediately opened.

It revealed a maroon, glossy, and fat chicken with intact skin.

That’s right, there was an entire chicken inside the bamboo tube. As the lid was officially opened, a smell that was mixed with the fragrance of bamboo and chicken rushed into the tip of the nose.

The whole chicken was tightly wrapped in a bamboo tube. Except for the black exterior, the interior maintained the original color of the bamboo. The bottom of the bamboo tube was oozing with a shallow soup, which glowed with the luster of oil droplets under the light, looking very attractive.

“Oh, it’s really a special fragrance.” Gabriel said in an intoxicated manner.

“It’s just a little difficult to handle. ” Gabriel was a chef, but he was really bad at using chopsticks.

Therefore, he felt a little awkward when he looked at the chopsticks on the table and the whole chicken in the bamboo tube.

“Only seeing but not eating, this is simply the greatest torture in the world.” Gabriel, who didn’t know how to use chopsticks, frowned in distress. In the end, he couldn’t stand the smell and picked up his chopsticks.

As a European, Gabriel’s body was naturally very big. He was 1.8 meters tall and had thick palms. Because he did not know how to use chopsticks, when he held the chopsticks, it did not look like he was holding chopsticks, but rather like he was holding a long sword.

Fortunately, he was still a chef. After testing it out with his hands, he finally found a suitable position and charged directly at the bamboo chicken.

Gabriel’s chopsticks were naturally different from the Chinese. We used chopsticks, but he used jabbing.

He poked at the chicken breast. The chicken meat was soft and tender, and it was easily poked into the meat by the chopsticks.

He could clearly see the chopsticks piercing into the chicken skin, and then into the tender chicken. Just as Gabriel tried to pick it up, the chicken separated into a piece of moderate-sized chicken meat.

“Oh my God, is this all cut up?” Gabriel instantly understood that the whole chicken wasn’t a whole chicken.

Gabriel couldn’t care less about stuffing the chicken into his mouth. He used a little force, and the whole chicken in the bamboo tube immediately broke into small pieces of chicken meat. Each piece exuded a strong fragrance, and the ingredients in the chicken belly were exposed.

There were white jade Orchid slices, some fragrant mushrooms, and a chicken liver that looked complete but had been sliced.

“Amazing craftsmanship and cutting skills.” “It’s not a whole chicken,” Gabriel said.”It’s cut and can be eaten directly.”

“As expected of head chef Chu’s recommendation.” Gabriel took a look at Yuan Zhou in surprise and raised his expectation of Yuan Zhou’s craftsmanship again in his heart.

In order to avoid being disappointed, Gabriel had a habit of adjusting his expectations before tasting good food. For example, he did not have any expectations for the snacks that made him unable to walk, which was why he found them so amazing and delicious.

All his expectations for Yuan Zhou came from Chu Xiao’s explanation. Therefore, in the beginning, he only expected Yuan Zhou to be a two-star chef. After all, he didn’t think that the Chinese cuisines could match his taste.

But now, he had officially adjusted his expectations to the highest level of three-star. He was looking forward to an extremely delicious meal.

“Gulp.” Gabriel put down his chopsticks solemnly and picked up the water from the welcoming set meal on the table. He took small sips of the water repeatedly to wash away the taste in his mouth. He even ate the flavorless candy that he had used after the meal before picking up his chopsticks again.

“This will do.” After feeling that there was no strange taste in his mouth, Gabriel picked up his chopsticks again and stuffed another piece of chicken breast into his mouth.

There was a thin layer of brownish-red skin on top of the chicken breast, and below it was the tender Jade-colored chicken meat.

When he got closer, he could even see the chicken meat. Gabriel stuffed it into his mouth.

In an instant, an extreme umami rushed straight to his throat, mixed with the fragrance of shiitake mushrooms, the freshness of the bamboo, and the freshness of the main character’s chicken. It was an unprecedented feast in his mouth.

“Oh, it’s really delicious.” Gabriel mumbled.

While chewing, the tenderness of the chicken gave Gabriel a surprise again. Normally, chicken breast was the most tasteless because there was no oil in it. However, the bamboo tube chicken made by Yuan Zhou was unbelievably smooth and tender. It also had the unique texture of the chicken breast, but every piece of chicken was wrapped with the smooth texture of the chicken soup.

The most special part was the chicken skin attached to the breast. It was crispy, tough, and had a special texture. It was not greasy at all and even had the fragrance of oil.

“What a wonderful taste.” Gabriel continued to eat with his chopsticks.

Gabriel didn’t know how to use chopsticks, but he seemed to have learned how to use them when he was eating such delicious food. His chopsticks flew up, and the chicken in the bamboo tube was reduced.

Occasionally, when he ate some Jade-like orchid slices, the crisp, tender, and delicious taste made Gabriel exclaim in surprise again, and he couldn’t stop.

“Delicious, a unique taste.” Gabriel said as he ate.

“I think I finally understand why pandas like to eat bamboo.” Gabriel could not help but sigh.

That’s right, the reason why Gabriel ordered bamboo-related food was because of pandas. After all, pandas were the cute pets of the entire nation. As a chef, Gabriel had long been curious about the taste of bamboo. He would naturally try it if he had the chance.

That was why there were three bamboo-related dishes.

“It’s so delicious. It’s a pity that my country doesn’t have it.” Gabriel poked the bamboo tube with his chopsticks.

“I don’t know if this is edible.” Gabriel looked at the bamboo tube that had been roasted black and thought about it seriously.


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