Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1275 - Luxury goods route    

Chapter 1275: Luxury goods route


The weather was always gloomy, but the rain didn’t fall. When the pub time ended, Yuan Zhou’s face even turned a little red.

“It’s rare to drink so much wine. ” Looking at the person walking away, Yuan Zhou closed the door and muttered in the heart.

Indeed, Yuan Zhou had taken out his bamboo liquor and drank some draft beer with the others today. The amount was indeed quite a lot.

The weather was slightly cold, but Yuan Zhou felt warm all over after drinking some wine. After he went upstairs, he didn’t read a book but directly went to wash up and then lay on the bed to sleep.

It was rare that Yuan Zhou didn’t read books at night but went straight to sleep.

Soon, Yuan Zhou fell asleep and relaxed his brows, as if he had just had a good dream.

The next day, Yuan Zhou woke up feeling refreshed and went downstairs to exercise on time. However, it did rain after Yuan Zhou went to bed. The ground was still wet.

“The weather is getting colder and colder. It’s time to bring broth out of the kitchen.” Yuan Zhou thought in his heart while looking at broth that stood up and walked away.

“Morning, boss Yuan.”

“Morning, boss Yuan.”

“Good Morning, boss Yuan,”

“Good Morning, little Yuan,”

The people Yuan Zhou met on the way would all greet him. The air in the early morning was especially fresh, but few young people got up. Most of them were the elderly. However, Yuan Zhou soon met some people who were on the same road as him.

This person was Xia Yu, who had gotten up early to exercise.

Speaking of Xia Yu, she actually felt that it was a pity. Logically speaking, she was at the golden age of tennis, and she had just won a Grand Slam.

It wouldn’t be a problem for her to improve or maintain her current glory, but she suddenly fell sick.

Moreover, this illness was menacing and had no cause. It was an unknown illness that directly turned her originally muscular body into a thin bamboo pole. She was unable to do physical exercise, and her body was weak and continued to lose weight.

However, ever since she came to Chengdu and settled down, she felt that her illness seemed to have left her on its own. Perhaps it was because she was relaxed after returning to her hometown, or perhaps it was because she had delicious food every day and had eaten too much, Xia Yu felt that she was much better now and her body was slowly recovering some strength.

As a matter of fact, she was jogging to exercise and happened to run into Yuan Zhou who was jogging.

“Hello, boss Yuan.” Xia Yu took the initiative to greet him.

“Hello,” he said. Yuan Zhou tilted his head and nodded.

As Yuan Zhou jogged every day while Xia Yu had just started jogging today, she simply followed Yuan Zhou without looking for a route.

Yuan Zhou, however, turned his head and looked at Xia Yu’s smooth and pale chin without leaving any trace. Then, he continued running without any fear.

It wasn’t that Yuan Zhou was willing to look at Xia Yu’s shoulders. It was just that Xia Yu was really too tall. With a height of 1.8 meters, she was even half a head taller than Yuan Zhou when she ran beside him.

Xia Yu was quite curious about Yuan Zhou. After all, Yuan Zhou still looked very young even though he looked old. Moreover, Xia Yu had been in contact with foreigners since she was young. Thus, she felt that Yuan Zhou was even younger when she looked at him.

Xia Yu was very curious about how young he was, but he had skills that were already better than a three star Michelin chef and even opened such a small restaurant.

Hence, after mulling it over for a while, Xia Yu was in a good mood and took the initiative to talk to him again.

“Boss Yuan, do you run every day?” Xia Yu said.

“Yes.” Yuan Zhou answered indifferently with a steady tone and a steady breath.

“I have a question to ask you, boss Yuan.” Xia Yu looked at Yuan Zhou’s expression and then said carefully.

With a start, Xia Yu felt much more at ease. Thinking of Yuan Zhou’s character that she had heard about, she said directly.

“Of course, boss Yuan, if you feel it’s inconvenient to answer, you can choose not to answer.” Xia Yu’s tone was curious and a little presumptuous, but it was not annoying.

“What’s the problem?” Yuan Zhou made a turn and continued to run back.

Xia Yu also turned and ran back with Yuan Zhou. Then, she said,””Actually, boss Yuan, your craftsmanship is really not bad.”

“Thank you,” he said. Yuan Zhou nodded his head to show that he agreed with Xia Yu’s words.

“Then why don’t you go for the premium, no, luxury goods route?” Xia Yu asked curiously.

However, Yuan Zhou just turned his head and took a look at Xia Yu without giving her an answer.

Xia Yu continued,”you see, you can use the pre-order method. Just like your vegetarian banquet. Set a limit to a few tables a day.”

“First of all, if you can’t eat it, you’ll want to eat it more after being promoted by others. You can maintain and increase your popularity, but it won’t be so tiring.”

“Secondly, such a luxury model is beneficial for long-term development. After all, you’re the only one in your restaurant, from the handyman to the head chef. Even with such a luxury model, your turnover will not decrease.”

Xia Yu said a lot of words, but when she saw Yuan Zhou still running slowly with a straight face, she knew that Yuan Zhou didn’t mind her meddlesome words.

Xia Yu heaved a sigh of relief and continued,”you see, you have to serve about two to three hundred customers a day. This doesn’t include the repeated customers. If it’s like the vegetarian banquet, which has five or ten tables and eight people per table, then it’ll only be eighty people.”

“If that’s the case, you can save a lot of time, and it won’t be so hard on you,” Xia Yu said while looking at Yuan Zhou’s side face seriously.

After Xia Yu said that, she looked at Yuan Zhou with a puzzled and curious expression.

That’s right. She was really curious. With Yuan Zhou’s culinary skills, he was qualified to do so. She had never seen those three-star Michelin restaurants that didn’t have to make a reservation two to three months or half a year in advance. Some of them even needed to make a reservation a year in advance.

However, Yuan Zhou’s restaurant obviously had craftsmanship that was not inferior to, or even superior to, but one only needed to line up in advance to be able to eat it.

The price might sound very expensive, but as a person who was used to eating good food, Xia Yu could tell that nothing in Yuan Zhou’s restaurant was simple. Even the two small candies in the welcoming set meal were not ordinary goods. Oh, and the cup of water was also not something that Yi Yun could compare with.

That was why Xia Yu was curious about the reason why Yuan Zhou opened such a small restaurant.

“Yes, you’re right.” The two of them ran for a while in silence before Yuan Zhou suddenly said.

“Then why are you still here?” Xia Yu did not finish her sentence, but her meaning was clear.

“Because it’s simple.” Yuan Zhou turned his head and looked at Xia Yu.

Due to his height, Yuan Zhou still couldn’t see his eyes. He naturally turned his face and said softly,””If it becomes high-end and Grand, it won’t be the master chef Restaurant anymore.”

While saying that, Yuan Zhou recalled that when he first opened his restaurant, the first dish he served was the God tier egg fried rice and the first customer was his brother.

As more and more dishes were served, more and more customers came to the restaurant.

But the one dollar Honey White ear would always be left to the former long-distance running boy, who admired her a lot.

Yuan Zhou said that in a very light tone, but he was quite certain about it.

On the other hand, Xia Yu looked at Yuan Zhou with puzzlement. Obviously, she didn’t understand the meaning of his words.

However, Yuan Zhou didn’t intend to explain. Instead, he ran into the main street of Taoxi road again without stopping.

At that time, more and more people got up. Almost no one greeted Yuan Zhou.


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