Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1209 - Eye-opening

Chapter 1209: Eye-opening

This time, it was Li Tian, the head chef of Chengdu cuisine, a new Sichuan cuisine. He was the head chef that Zhang Yan had high hopes for.

Li Tian, who was called the leader of the younger generation by Zhang Yan, who didn't know Yuan Zhou before, and then called a 36-year-old young man by Lee Yanyi.

He had also gotten to know Cao zhishu. Although Cao zhishu looked like a burly man, he was meticulous and loved to make friends.

It could be said that he basically knew all the head chefs of the famous restaurants in Sichuan.

Li Tian also called.

Naturally, the content of the call was the same as head chef Liu 's. It was also to ask about the signboard.

Cao zhishu repeated Zhou Shijie's words in full detail. Then, he also raised his own opinion and felt that they could hang up.

That's right. Cao zhishu finally understood that there was no need to hide the signboard from Yuan Zhou.

To put it bluntly, those who understood naturally knew that Yuan Zhou didn't want to comment. It wasn't that he was inferior to them. Those who didn't understand didn't need to be so secretive either. Instead, he made it seem as if the Michelin star rating was very important.

Of course, there was no need for that. That was what Cao zhishu thought.

However, it was obvious that there were many people who had the same thoughts as Li Tian, head chef Liu, and Cao zhishu. Or rather, almost two-thirds of the Michelin rated People called Cao zhishu to ask about the matter of the opening of the restaurant.

Cao zhishu answered the question honestly.

Yuan Zhou didn't know about this matter, and Zhou Shijie didn't gossip about such a trivial matter.

It could be said that Yuan Zhou had already been respected by the Sichuan cuisine master and had an incomparable influence without even knowing it himself.

While the Michelin rated restaurants were asking for Yuan Zhou's opinion, blue, who had returned to the hotel early, was stopped at the door of his room.

"Hey blue, How did you come back so quickly?" Lawrence raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"I'll naturally come back after I'm done. " Blue said naturally.

"I heard that Chinese people are very hospitable. They would usually invite you to a celebration party under such circumstances." The door on the other side opened and flunza frowned.

"Oh my God, blue. You're not so old-fashioned as to reject this, are you? you should still attend the Chinese people's celebration." Lawrence, who loved to play, immediately said with pity.

"That's right. I'm also giving face to those Chinese people." Flunza nodded in agreement.

Although blue looked like a nice guy, the two of them knew that he was a serious person. They thought that he had rejected the invitation.

"Hehe." Blue grinned and didn't say anything. He opened the door and went in.

"What a boring Bru." Just before closing the door, blue heard Lawrence say this.

"It's better not to tell them that those Chinese don't seem to want to get that two-star Certificate at all." Bru thought to himself kindly and went to take a shower.

Yes, blue could tell that Cao zhishu was hesitating about whether he should put his name on the list. But when he thought of how confident his two colleagues were, he decided not to strike a blow.

'I'll find out in the future,' blue thought.

The morning passed quickly. As Cao zhishu had thought things through, he had someone take out the two-star sign from the warehouse and hang it up.

However, this time, they hung it up directly without setting off any firecrackers to celebrate. They hung it up quietly, and if one didn't pay attention, one might not have seen it.

Other than a few well-informed people, the rest of the customers who came at noon didn't know that Shu restaurant had obtained two Michelin stars.

Cao zhishu's actions were also imitated by other shops that had received reviews.

This could be considered the most silent Michelin evaluation ever.

Because even the news media did not publicize this matter, not many people knew about it.

On the other hand, Yuan Zhou finished cooking lunch calmly and then carried a medium-sized wooden box and closed the door before leaving.

Dressed in a thin silk short-sleeved casual wear, Yuan Zhou carried the box with his strong arm and stood by the roadside, waiting for a taxi.

After a short while, an empty taxi arrived. Yuan Zhou told the driver the address as soon as he got on the taxi and then fastened his seat belt silently.

Every time Yuan Zhou took a bus, he would always wear the seat belt regardless of the distance. This habit had been passed on to several people who had taken the same bus as him several times.

"Boss Yuan, you're going out." After the car started to move steadily, the chauffeur in front spoke.

"I'm going out to do something. " Yuan Zhou nodded his head and said earnestly.

"Boss Yuan, you're amazing. You've become so successful at such a young age. You've gained face." The driver was a fat middle-aged man. He said with a smile.

"Thank you," he said. Yuan Zhou thought for a while and then thanked him earnestly.

"You're welcome. I'm just telling the truth. " The driver said with a smile.

"Yes." Yuan Zhou nodded his head.

"Haha, boss Yuan is so honest." The driver couldn't help laughing when he saw Yuan Zhou nod his head again.

This time, Yuan Zhou didn't answer her but just smiled politely.

On the way, Yuan Zhou answered the driver from time to time. Soon, they arrived at the place and Yuan Zhou paid the money and got off the car.

"Boss Yuan, do you want me to wait for you?" The driver stuck his head out and asked.

"No need, I'll probably take a little longer," Yuan Zhou shook his head.

"Alright. Take care, boss Yuan." The driver stepped on the gas and the car immediately drove away.

"System, you're so stingy. It's fine if you don't allow me to bring ingredients, but you don't even allow me to bring this piece of wood." Yuan Zhou ridiculed while walking inside.

The system displayed,"these are the rules."

"...This is what I always say. You plagiarized my words." Yuan Zhou was speechless.

However, the system went silent again. Yuan Zhou also stopped looking for the system and wondered how Carpenter Lian would comment on this matter.

That's right. Yuan Zhou had brought the wooden utensils and some useful dishes and decorations that he had carved for Carpenter Lian to inspect.

He was supposed to come here a few days ago, but the system reminded him again that the wood couldn't be taken out of the restaurant. Helplessly, Yuan Zhou could only bring the wood he had prepared himself and only brought it here after he finished sculpting.

Yuan Zhou brought three wooden bowls and two small items with him today.

The wooden bowl was made exquisitely by Yuan Zhou. He prepared to use it to replace the plate of the Sweden meatball with a mechanism.

As it was used to hold food, nails, glue and so on couldn't be used in it. Yuan Zhou used some small tricks of the wooden contract to make this wooden bowl and the other bowl was made with mortise and tenon joints.

As for the decorations, they were some ordinary pavilions. If there was anything different about them, it was probably that the carvings were very small and delicate.

In a short while, Yuan Zhou arrived at Carpenter Lian's shop. As they had made an appointment, Yuan Zhou carried the wooden box and entered the shop.

"Little Yuan, you're here," Carpenter Lian greeted them and then led them to the empty table in the backyard.

"Good day, Carpenter Lian." Yuan Zhou also greeted him courteously.

"Alright, we're craftsmen, so let's not talk about this. I'll take a look at what you've mentioned." Carpenter Lian waved his hand and kept looking at the box in Yuan Zhou's hand curiously.

"Alright," he said. Yuan Zhou nodded his head and then put the box on the table and prepared to take it.

"Did you make this box yourself?" Carpenter Lian's eyes immediately lit up when he saw the box.

"Yes, I am." Yuan Zhou nodded his head.

"Then I'll be looking forward to it. This box is pretty good." Carpenter Lian praised.

Thank you for your praise, Carpenter Lian." After Yuan Zhou said that, he directly opened the box.

"Hiss ..." When Carpenter Lian saw the bowl, he gasped in surprise.


[ps: don't worry, everyone. I'm only a little bit burnt now. I'm almost done. Thank you, everyone. I'll work hard to write my story to repay you.]

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