Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1192 - Cat fish

Chapter 1192: Cat fish

On the way back, Wu Hai's art studio became lively again. This time, it was not because of someone coming to visit or Zheng Jiawei's crying, but the cry of a kitten.

"Meow, meow, meow." This cry was soft and weak, and it sounded pitiful and anxious.

At that time, Wu Hai was squatting in front of the cat and looking at it. The cat opened its mouth wide from time to time, showing its little milk teeth and meowing.

That's right. Wu Hai was the cat-gifting candidate that the devilish brat had selected.

In the eyes of adults, how could a person like Wu Hai, who couldn't even take care of himself, take good care of a kitten? however, the devilish brat chose him.

Actually, the brat's first choice was Yuan Zhou. However, after careful observation, he found that Yuan Zhou never let broth and rice into the restaurant. In addition, he had also inquired about the fact that the restaurant didn't have dogs. Therefore, the brat gave up on Yuan Zhou.

Then, together with Li Feng and the kittens, they went to find Wu Hai. All the residents of the first transition knew about Wu Hai's house, so they couldn't be too conspicuous.

A ladder extended from the window to the ground floor. With the addition of Wu Hai's signature mustache, everyone on Taoxi road knew him.

But even if they knew each other, there were only a few who actually went to his studio.

People might not understand how valuable Wu Hai's paintings were, but they always felt that artists liked peace and quiet. Therefore, no one looked for him except for his regular customers.

Therefore, Wu Hai was still a little surprised when the devilish brat found him after lunch.

After he heard the reason of the devilish brat, Wu Hai didn't feel strange anymore. Instead, he felt happy and proud.

Because what the brat said was that he felt Wu Hai would definitely be able to take good care of the kittens. His firm and trusting eyes were very serious.

Seeing the two little kids being so serious, Wu Hai agreed immediately.

To sum it up, the cat was now in Wu Hai's studio. And because Wu Hai was afraid of the floor being hard, he directly pulled off his blanket and put the cat on it.

However, after the kids put the cat down, the cat went to the toilet directly on the quilt.

The cat shamelessly pooped on the blanket. Although it wasn't a large amount, it was stinky.

Moreover, it was not over yet. After solving its physiological problem and waiting for Wu Hai to change a soft down quilt, the milk cat began to meow.

Therefore, this was the reason why Wu Hai was squatting in front of the cat. He didn't know what the cat was meowing.

"It's like this. You're still young, so it's fine if you take a dump. I don't want you to wash the blanket, so can you stop moaning?" Wu Hai stroked his small mustaches and said earnestly.

"Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!" The cat opened its eyes wide and started meowing again.

"I don't know cat language, so I don't know what you're talking about." Wu Hai said again.

However, what Wu Hai got in response was still the miserable cries of the milk cat, which were very ear-piercing.

Wu Hai just watched the cat meowing. After quite a while, he said seriously,""Don't worry about the blanket, I still have a lot. It's fine. "

However, the cat didn't stop meowing. Perhaps it had meowed for too long, but the sound became weaker and sounded like a whimper.

The man and the cat just looked at each other. The cat was whimpering while Wu Hai was stroking his small mustaches and thinking about something.

The studio temporarily quieted down. After a while, a growling sound from the stomach broke the silence again.

"I know why you're yelping. You must be hungry." Wu Hai touched his own belly and immediately found the reason for the cat's meowing.

Wu Hai immediately stood up and then walked to the window in two steps, looking at Yuan Zhou's restaurant.

The signboard of master chef Restaurant glittered under the sunlight. However, the door of the restaurant was tightly shut. Yuan Zhou wasn't sculpting at the door.

"It seems that compass isn't home, so he can't freeload a meal." Wu Hai pressed his stomach and then turned his head and said to the cat.

At this time, the clock in the studio only pointed to 3:30. It was only one and a half hours before lunch time. However, Wu Hai was hungry again.

The cat wasn't very afraid of people. Seeing Wu Hai always talking to it, it tilted its head and looked at Wu Hai with its big eyes.

If Yuan Zhou was here, he would have been able to see Wu Hai's figure reflected in the big, bright, and brownish-yellow eyes of the cat.

"What do you want to eat? That devilish brat also didn't say anything. " Wu Hai stroked his own mustaches and looked at the cat with a frown.

"I forgot that you can't speak. But cats eat fish. You eat fish, right?" Wu Hai instantly thought of the saying that cats eat fish and dogs eat meat and immediately said.

Wu Hai was a man of action. As he said that, he went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, which was full of ingredients.

With a sound of "Hua la Hua la," Wu Hai even opened the freezing chamber at the bottom. All of them were opened wide.

He rummaged through the refrigerator one by one. After quite a while, Wu Hai turned the whole refrigerator over and then frowned and gave up.

"Why aren't there any fish?" Wu Hai muttered.

That's right, the preservation room on the upper level of the refrigerator was filled with vegetables, melons, and fruits. They were very rich in the basic aspects of eating after washing.

These were naturally prepared by Zheng Jiawei, as he knew that Wu Hai would be hungry soon after the meal. Therefore, these things would be replaced every two days to ensure their freshness.

The meat in the freezing chamber was for Wu Hai to learn how to cook. There was no fish in it.

After all, the five-colored beef brisket was already very scary. It was better not to waste the burnt fish.

That was why there was only normal pork in the freezing chamber.

"There's no fish at home, so I'll go out to buy some. " Wu Hai closed all the refrigerators and then said to the cat.

"Meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow." The cat meowed twice in a tender manner and then looked at Wu Hai with its head tilted.

"You want to go together?" Wu Hai frowned.

"It's too sunny, you'd better not go out. " Wu Hai refused him immediately.

After refusing him, Wu Hai closed the window and the door, which was a rare occurrence, and then went out.

"What kind of fish do cats eat? what kind of fish do cats eat?" While walking, Wu Hai muttered to himself. At the same time, he walked to the place where Yuan Zhou usually bought vegetables.

Wu Hai had been to the vegetable market with Yuan Zhou before, so he naturally knew the way there.

On the other side, master Cheng drove Yuan Zhou back to Taoxi road. On the way, the two of them were silent for a while before master Cheng said,""Master, can you let me do such a thing for you next time?"

Yuan Zhou turned his head and looked at master Cheng. Although master Cheng had a serious look on his face, he was actually in a daze and didn't pay attention to what master Cheng had said.

"I'll work hard so that you won't lose face, master. " Seeing Yuan Zhou remain silent, master Cheng hurriedly promised.

"Yes, after you pass the fourth Test." Yuan Zhou reacted quite quickly. From master Cheng's next sentence, he could guess the content of the previous sentence. After thinking for a while, he said earnestly.

"Alright, master. I'll definitely work hard." Master Cheng was overjoyed and said hurriedly.

"Yes." Yuan Zhou nodded his head and answered with a relaxed expression.


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