Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1186 - New shoes and cat

Chapter 1186: New shoes and cat

As soon as the door opened, the person outside was revealed. It was also a little boy. He had a neat pot lid and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He looked like a good student.

"Li Feng, you're so late." The devilish brat immediately said.

"I had no choice. When I was going upstairs, your parents asked me what I was doing here." Li Feng shrugged.

"What do you say?" The devilish brat immediately looked outside the door nervously to see if anyone closed the door this time.

"Of course I'm here to study." Li Feng pointed at his bag and said naturally.

"That's good. " The devilish brat heaved a sigh of relief and then said.

"Let me see that cat." Li Feng looked around the kid's room with interest.

"Be quiet and not loud, or you'll scare him." Even though the devilish brat was chubby, he still spoke in a very gentle manner.

"I know, I know. Have you thought of who to give it to?" Li Feng waved his hand to show that he understood, and then waited for the brat to show him the cat.

"There's already a candidate. It's not far from here," The devilish brat squatted down and carefully pulled out the kitten's box, then whispered.

"You're sending it today?" Li Feng's eyes lit up and he immediately squatted down to look at the cat.

"When the rain gets lighter and boss Yuan's breakfast time is over, we will go out." The devilish brat said in a well-planned manner.

"Why do we have to wait for the boss 'breakfast time to pass?" Li Feng stretched out his hand and tried to touch the cat, but he still asked curiously.

After a week, the kitten had grown a lot. The black and white colors on its chubby body were more obvious, and a pinch of black cat had grown out of the two pointed cat ears on the kitten's head. With the kitten's big amber eyes, it looked especially cute.

Li Feng couldn't resist the urge to pet the kitten, but the kitten didn't cooperate. It meowed softly and shrank back into the box.

"Because that person is a customer of that shop." When the brat saw this, he immediately slapped Li Feng's hand away and said angrily.

"Oh, alright." Li Feng put down his hand that had been slapped away, took down his backpack, and began to take things out of it.

"Did you bring the fish?" The brat immediately looked into Li Feng's bag.

"Definitely. Fortunately, this is the last meal. My parents almost found out." Li Feng said as he took out a well-wrapped plastic bag. There were slight traces of water in it, and it was full of frozen fish.

"In 15 minutes, my dad will go play cards and my mom will be worried. So, we can make fish soup for the cat later." The devilish brat looked at the time and then said.

"You can take it out after you finish eating. Otherwise, it'll be over if your parents find out." Li Feng nodded.

"Yes." The devilish brat nodded.

Just when the two of them were discussing the problem of the kittens in all seriousness, the breakfast time of Yuan Zhou's restaurant started.

Although the rain was still not light, the customers were no different from usual. In a short while, the door of the small shop was full of people.

There were still people passing by under the canopy from time to time. Yes, when it rained, diners would carefully leave a path for pedestrians to pass through.

As Yuan Zhou's restaurant was open for business, the number of people queuing outside became fewer and fewer while the number of passers-by increased.

One of them, a young man with a dark complexion and a slight sunburn on his arm, walked past. He was wearing a black T-shirt with letters, a pair of denim shorts, and a pair of brightly colored matching shoes. He looked fashionable, trendy, and full of energy.

It was just that this young man habitually walked with his back straight. He looked full of energy and his eyes were full of spirit.

The only thing that was out of place was that he would stop to look at his shoes after a few steps before continuing. He was also very careful not to step on the wet ground.

"What's wrong with Qing Qing? why did she insist on me wearing this pair of shoes in this weather?" The young man mumbled, but his face showed a sweet and troubled smile.

However, she was even more careful when she walked, afraid that her shoes would get wet.

"Fortunately, there's a canopy here. Otherwise, my shoes would be ruined if they got wet." The young man had to look at the shoes as he walked, and from time to time, he had to look at the intersection of Taoxi road. He was very busy.

"Ta ta ta." The young man didn't walk fast. When he passed by the hardware store, boss Wang happened to see him and the two even greeted each other.

"Officer Feng, you're on leave today, but you're here?" Boss Wang greeted him with a smile.

"Don't call me officer, I'm just a traffic police officer. You can call me Feng Chun. I'm here to wait for someone." The young man called officer Feng immediately corrected him.

Yes, this young man was the traffic policeman who was often on duty at this intersection. Because boss Wang's shop was also at the intersection, the two people would greet each other when they saw it.

"Alright then, who are you waiting for? you're all dressed up." Boss Wang nodded and then teased.

"My girlfriend." Feng Chun said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I'm waiting for my girlfriend. Do you want to come in and have a seat?" Boss Wang said with a smile.

"No, she'll be here soon." Feng Chun waved his hand and refused.

"Alright, I won't get in the way of you young people." Boss Wang didn't mind. He waved his hand and walked in.

Feng Chun was looking at the stairs at the intersection expectantly, waiting for someone to come down.

Feng Chun's girlfriend lived in Taoxi road, and she lived upstairs at the intersection, so he was waiting here.

"Hu hu" the wind was strong on the rainy day. There were not many pedestrians on the road, but there were still many people walking back and forth. As they walked here, more people started to hold umbrellas. After all, there was a canopy here, but there was no one outside.

"How did this car get turned upside down?" Someone muttered as he walked out with an umbrella.

Feng Chun's hearing was good, so he turned around subconsciously.

Sure enough, at the bicycle parking lot on Taoxi road, there was a pile of shared bicycles, some of which were even lying outside the street.

Feng Chun frowned and took a step out without thinking, but he immediately stepped back. He looked up at the heavy rain, and then looked down at his shoes.

"It's a rare break. " Feng Chun sighed in her heart, then walked out of the canopy and toward the bicycle that was lying upside down.

No matter how careful Feng Chun was, his new shoes were still wet, but he still quickened his steps and started to lift the car.

Of course, Feng Chun was the first to pick up the car that had collapsed on the street. It was too dangerous for cars to come and go.

Because there were many overturned cars, Feng Chun did not help them quickly, but soon, someone with an umbrella came to help.

They were two young men in white shirts. Without saying a word, they quickly helped to lift the car.

The three of them were much faster, and the cars were arranged in a short while. The three of them looked at each other, and Feng Chun was the first to react.

"Damn, it's so wet. Oh no, my new shoes." Feng Chun hurriedly ran under the canopy. He ignored his wet clothes and went to look at his shoes.


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